Need New Pediatrician

Updated on May 29, 2008
M.W. asks from Plainfield, IL
5 answers

My kids doctor has gone from Provena Family Health to a private practice. I like her but the customer service of her office has declined. Each visit is as frustrating as the last. Can anyone reccommend a good pediatrician in the Plainfield area? Thanks in advance!

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answers from Chicago on

We use Pediatric Health Associates in Plainfield. Very nice doctors who give good explanations and information (verbal and written). Office staff is good too.



answers from Chicago on

Dr. Raulie Lo with DuPage Medical Group is great. They have an office at the new RollingRidge building in Naperville, but right on the Plainfield border.

Here is his profile and contact info.

I just read the previous post, and Dr. Wigder is great, too! She and Dr. Lo are in the same practice at the RollingRidge location.



answers from Chicago on

We use Dr. Reicherts on 103rd and Rt. 59. He has two other peds in his office, as well as some STELLAR PA/NP. The nurses and office staff are really great as well. He's very good about listening to your concerns/questions/etc and believes that parents instinct means a lot and will always try and work with you!

The number is ###-###-####



answers from Chicago on

Dr. Joesph Russel, he is out of the Dupage Medical Group, excellent, excellent Dr.!



answers from Chicago on

Hi M.,

I really love our pediatrician. Of course, the offie isn't always stellar, but at this point I have more good experiences than bad. There is really only one nurse I don't care for, but she's not our doctors nurse so i've only seen her when I needed a same day appt and seen another doctor in the practice.

We see Dr. Catherine Wigder at the Rolling Ridge office on 59 just north of 103rd. EDIT: it's DuPage Medical Group

Before switching though, I have found that if you can find a tactful way to tell the doctor the problems you've been having with her staff, they are more receptive than you would think, and really, they need this feedback. She can't change it if you don't bring it up. Tell her 'I don't want to switch, but.....'

I did this with my OB, my complaint was with another doctor in the practice, and his nurses. The way they handled a particularly sensitive subject with not an ounce of empathy, and almost complete disregard for the emotions of a very pregnant woman getting the news they were giving. ugh! He was grateful for me bringing it up and I found they were working on getting him out of the group, and this feedback was needed to 'build their case' if you will.

Good luck to you! :)

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