Major Purchases: Infant, Aquaphor

Results 1-10 from 170 articles

Baby Eczema

J. asks from Philadelphia

Hi, Everyone My name is J. and I have a 9 week old and has baby eczema on face and ears a skin is a little discolored. The doctor told me to use baby oil only be u...


Baby Eczema

K.F. asks from Dallas

My five week-old has turned into an alligator! His face started breaking out last week, and I assumed it was baby acne. However, the rash on his face has made the ski...


Taking Baby to the Beach!

K. asks from Dallas

We are taking our 10 mos old to Sanibel Island next month for not only his first beach trip, but his first trip of any kind. We will be flying and I wonder if anyone ...


Help with Baby Registry

T.C. asks from Chicago

Hi moms, I'm ready to start creating and registering for items on my baby registry. This is our first child, and I really have no idea where to start. There is so ...


What Baby Items Can You Not Live Without?

S.J. asks from St. Louis

I am getting ready to register for my baby shower, and I want to hear from recent new moms as to what you have found to be extrememly helpful and things you couldn't ...


Remedies for Horrible Baby Eczema?

A.H. asks from Richmond

my 3 month old has the worst eczema, we put mittens on his hands, but he still scratches his face until his cheeks have puss leaking out. the ped told us he's too yo...


What to Add/leave off Baby Registry?

S.J. asks from Wausau

Hi - I am wondering what items other Moms have put on their Baby Registry, and what items you would leave off? Obviously, leave off clothes, but is there anything you...


Plz Share Your Baby Eczema Story...

K.A. asks from Seattle

I am battling my daughters eczema since 2 months, it's a huge struggle and breaks my heart. Please, if you had a baby with eczema, share your story so I can gain str...


Expecting Our First Baby, Need ALL Sorts of Help!

K.L. asks from San Diego

My husband and I are expecting our first baby at the end of January. I just feel at lost for what to expect about anything and everything. We are so exciting about ...


My Baby Girl Has Very Dry Skin, and She Has Scratches and Red Bumps All Over.

C.M. asks from Dallas

Can someone help me? I have tried everything and nothing takes away her dry skin... she has scratches all over from her scratching herself. She has open sores on her ...