Big Baby and Front Carriers

Updated on November 12, 2009
S.M. asks from Chicago, IL
33 answers

My daughter is 27 pounds at 6 months. I think we have at least 5 more months of carrying her, if not more. Can someone help me with what kind of carrier to use? Sling maybe? The Bjorn is really hard on my back and shoulders at this weight. Any thoughts - and please don't comment negatively on her size, we know she is big - she is 100% breastfed until we started solids, shes just big.

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So What Happened?

Thank you mamas. I was so glad to hear from you all - big, small, medium.... babies are just right. I nearly cried with this support! I love Be By Baby and will check it out, armed with the info you have given me here. Thank you! Thank you!

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answers from Chicago on

I moved from the Baby Bjorn when my daughter was an infant, and now, at the age of 2 and 28 pounds, we've got the Ergo. Goodbye back pain and hello flexibility. It cost more that what I wanted to spend but I am so happy with it!

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answers from Chicago on

I highly recommend the Moby Wrap. Its versatile-many different ways to use it. I carry my 2.5 year old and mt 8 month old in it. There are a few videos of people using and wrapping them if you google Moby Wrap.

Good luck!



answers from Chicago on

One more vote for the Ergo. It has been an absolute life saver for me. They sell them at Be Bye Baby at Armitage and Lincoln in the city. They will let you try on a ton of carriers and help you pick the best for you.

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answers from Chicago on

S. - my experience is that a sling is WONDERFUL to wear your baby on your hip, and a mei tai is wonderful for front or rear carry - up to like 45ish pounds (my 2 1/2 yr old dd is 38lbs and I still wear her.). I use both every day still.
I also want to congratulate you on your healthy breastfed baby! All three of my kids were that size or larger at that age (private message me & I'll share their growth charts with you & photos) and all were 100% breastfed til at least 6 months (my middle was exclusively nursed for 12 months - his choice) and were nursed afterward anywhere from 24 months to my dd who is still nursing. :>) , J.



answers from Chicago on

I would definitely recommend the Ergo. Can be used in multiple positions and up to high weights. I still use it on my hip or back with my three year old who is 35 pounds.

Congratulations on your healthy, breastfed daughter. I get comments on how tiny my 16 month old is all the time. She too was exclusively breastfed and is still breastfed. I just tell all those with the comments that kids come in all sizes and she is quite healthy.



answers from Chicago on

One more recommendation for the Ergo! With baby #1 I used Bjorn and it was so uncomfortable, but with #2 I did Ergo from about 4 months and I'm still happily using it (baby is now 16 months). It's wonderful and distributes weight much more evenly than other carriers.
Good luck!



answers from Chicago on

Try the ergo. It does not hurt your back at all. Wow, I thought my 21 pound 6 monther was a big boy. Chubby babies are the cutest!



answers from Chicago on

I definitely recommend getting an Ergo or Pikkolo! They both can be used to carry the baby until 40 pounds. With both, you can carry the baby in front (facing you), on the hip, or on your back. Here are what I view as the pros/cons of the two:

Ergo - Has good support to where the weight of the baby is spread evenly and to your hips. A very popular carrier, so there is a good secondhand market if you want to buy used.

Pikkolo - You can also carry the baby facing out, which my son loves. A con is that it's harder to get the weight spread to your hips (at least for me), but a support belt can be bought for around $20 which solves that. The carrier is also made in Chicago and comes in a variety of patterns.

I personally don't think a Moby is ideal when you get into heavier weights because it stretches out. If you like that style of carrying, then I recommend getting a woven wrap of some sort (we have a Zara wrap).

If you live in the city, then I highly suggest going to Be By Baby to get advice and shop carriers. They have the Ergo, Pikkolo, Moby, and woven wraps there and can give you some in-person advice! We do a lot of babywearing, so feel free to send me a message if you have any more questions on the topic.



answers from Chicago on

Hi S.,

I would hands-down recommend the Ergo baby carrier ( and available at Be By Baby at Roscoe & Lincoln -- Paulina stop on the Brown Line). It has been a life saver. It's a front, back, and hip carrier, and all the weight is distributed on your hips. If your daughter can sit up, you can wear her on your back (even better than on the front), but if it's comfortable for you, you can wear her on your hip, too.

Best of luck!



answers from Chicago on

I would look into the Sleepy Wrap as well - similar to the cloth you wrap around yourself. I found it doesn't get hot in the summertime and my baby is large as well (17 lbs. at 4 mos. and exclusively breastfed - must be Grade A stuff we have, LOL!). Good luck and congrats on your little girl!



answers from Chicago on

i have the hipster but its not very comfy



answers from Chicago on

I use a Moby Wrap. I like it but in the summer, it gets quite hot for both of us. It is very versatile and my son (9 months about 22 pounds) is able to be carried without any discomfort.

Good luck! Congrats on the exclusive breastfeeding!



answers from Chicago on

the ergobaby is the best. Our baby is 20 lbs at 6 months and this is an amazing carrier. youcan get it at



answers from Chicago on

The ergo carrier is a complete back-saver. I was concerned because my daughter couldn't face forward in it, but she loves it regardless.



answers from Chicago on

The Ergo Carrier is the way to go..for big or small babes.



answers from Chicago on

Hi S.,
I had big babies too! I had a friend who introduced me to the website On there I bought my "Kozy" mai tai. For this wrap I recomend practicing with a baby doll/stuffed animal first. I really liked this one because you can have your baby in the front or back. I've heard the ergonomic(name is something like that maybe Ergo) is easier to use, but the baby goes on the back. All these wraps on this site places the babies weight on your hips like in backpacking. Thus, the back and shoulder pain go away. Be careful when looking at mai tai's because some are not made for larger babies. I hope this helps.



answers from Chicago on

Hi S.
Have you tried the Ergo carrier? It's super comfy, and you can use it as a front carrier and a back carrier. Your baby needs to be looking in though, not out. My son is 3 months, but friends with older and bigger kids were the ones who initially recommended it, saying it was the best for their backs. I use an infant insert right now for his size, but as he grows bigger I will just use the carrier.
If you live in the city, you could also try visiting Be Bye Baby, in Roscoe Village (at Lincoln and Roscoe). I just attended their 'City Slingers" event on a Tuesday morning where you could try different samples of slings and carriers, and moms shared their tips on babywearing. This is a free event, you could call them and find out when next they're having it. They also have a class where you try different carriers. This costs 15 dollars I believe, but you can apply the 15 dollars to a sling or carrier at the end, if you purchase one from their store.
The Moby Wrap is also cool, but as one woman already mentioned it's pretty hot in the summer, AND it can get a little saggy I think. So for a wrap, I prefer the Ellaroo. It's made of non-stretchy cotton, and is cooler and more taut. I feel safer with the baby in that. The Ellaroo is more expensive than the Moby, but I believe it's a fair trade type product, providing sustainable income for people in India. But money can still be an object, so you never know if you could find one on Craigslist!
Best of luck to you!



answers from Chicago on

We use the Ergo too. It puts part of the weight on your hips. It's also (relatively) fairly easy to use them with baby on your back, which I think is more comforatable as our gets bigger. Be Bye Baby on Roscoe/Lincoln in Chicago has them and you can try them on, with baby, before you purchase.



answers from Chicago on

There is also the Beco Baby carrier, it's like the Ergo.



answers from Chicago on

S.- I would try to Moby Carrier. It's a giant piece of cloth that you wrap around yourself to carry the baby...either in front or on your back. It comes with a guide to show you how to use it. I like it because it distributes the weight evenly across your shoulders and low back...much more comfortable than the Bjorn. (I have both.) And no negative comments about your daughter's size...our first son was huge too and my second is well on his way...close to 20 and he's 4 months!! Good luck!



answers from Chicago on

Look up ERGO and BABYHAWK also there are baby wearing groups where you can try these things on and people will help teach you how to do it. If you live near grayslake, lombard, or the city there are several groups. Please email me if you would like more info and i have known several 100% breastfed babues that were that weight! Do not worry! Every single one of them slimmed out after their first year with toddler hood! Enjoy those cheeks and thighs while you can!!!!



answers from Chicago on

my daughter was big too (not that big, but still a superchunk). They're really a load when they can't walk! I highly recommend an ergo baby carrier for a heavier child. At 6 months you can start to put her on your back instead of your front, and this is oh so much more comfortable. You'll need some help getting her on/off of your back (front is a snap to do yourself) but it will make you a lot happier I think.



answers from Chicago on

We happily use the Ergo, and it goes on your back safely and securely as well.
The key to it feeling so so so much better than the Bjorn? It has a waist strap so the weight is carried by your pelvis instead of stressing you shoulders (weaker joints, especially in women).
My suggestion? Go to Be By Baby on Lincoln and Roscoe (worth a drive if you're not in the city--baby carriers are expensive!). They have several different types and you and your husband can try them all on with your kid! Very helpful (note they do not have a return policy except to exchange. So you could always purchase it online elsewhere if there is an issue). They helped us out and we took the class too. Not a requirement for help!

Good luck. I'm impressed by her growth--my BF'd baby girl is still only 20 lbs at 18 months! Not for lack of eating, like your daughter but opposite: she's just wee :)



answers from Chicago on

the ergo baby carrier worked great for my big babies and my back, technically it goes up to 65 lbs!



answers from Chicago on

Let me start with I have know idea on what carrier would work. My son who is now almost 21 was big like your daughter and now he is 6'1" and 174 so he is tall and lean. I brought the stroller in the house and rolled him around because he was just too big to carry around and he loved it. I don't know if you are able to do that, but it worked for me.



answers from Chicago on

Ergo is the best carrier ever. I can still carry my 29 lb 20 month old in it no problem. It distributes the weight perfectly and you can wear it lots of different ways. They are kind of expensive though. Check on ebay for a used one, well worth it.



answers from Chicago on

Yes ignore the people that tell you she's too big - that's crazy, she's healthy and that's all that anyone should worry about. Tune that stuff out.

Try the Ergo, think you'll love it. Do you want to sell your bjorn? We've lost ours (I still have a tiny one at home) and I would buy it from you if you don't want to keep it. I just don't want to buy a brand new one because this is probably our last baby.



answers from Chicago on

Yep, the Ergo! Still carrying my almost 2 year old 30+ lb toddler comfortably!



answers from Chicago on

Congratulations on your wonderful daughter! I found that Bjorn was not a good fit for my son, either, due to his size. We found an Ergo carrier that is perfect! Not only is the size right, but this carrier also cradles his bum, as opposed to suspending him from his crotch! Here is the website of a woman who sells them It provides some good demo videos. We made our purchase from Gepettos Toy Store, on Lake Street in Oak Park. Eric and Issac were great; they helped us adjust the carrier and let us try it out before we bought it. FYI: when it came time to purchase a convertible car seat, our son's size also entered into the picture, and we found that the Britax Boulevard was a great fit for him. Good luck!



answers from Champaign on

I was never really able to wear the bjorn for long, even with smaller babies. Around 6-7 months I start using the Playtex Hip Hammock and LOVE it. It holds the baby to the side a bit and close to you. My son was 20 lbs at 6 months and I still use it (this one lasts for a LONG time).

As for a sling, I think that works better with younger babies who don't want to sit up.

Good luck!!



answers from Chicago on

A friend of mine also has a big baby. At 4 months he looked like he was close to a year. I think he weighs 30 pounds at 10 months. She bought a sling from and swears that it is so comfortable and easy to use. The one she told me about is almost like a long piece of cloth that you wrap around the way you want to wear it.



answers from Chicago on

Ergo is the way to go! I had one big baby (EBF) and I also have a peanut (EBF). They come in all shapes and sizes :)



answers from Chicago on

You may find the Ergo more comfortable. They're built a bit better and are designed with yours and your baby's health in mind. A sling might be good, but could really throw your back off if you carry her on your hip.
Good luck!

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