Job Hunting: Alimentum

Working at home

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8 answers

6 Week Old Infant. Reflux with Possible Milk Protein Intollerance, on Alimentum

At 3 weeks old my daughter started showing signs of reflux. She would arch her back at feeding, cry, want more and more formula to sooth the pain and would spit up and then cry. Our oldest had reflux as an infant with the same symtoms so we took our daughter the the ped where he prescribed Zantac. The Zantac didnt seem to work so we were then switched to Prevacid and put on Enfamil A.R.(which was what our son was on and worked wonders). She seemed to do a little better but was up a lot during the night and didnt sleep well during the day....


Working from Home

I am interested in working from home doing data entry or other computer...