My Kids Lips Are a Mess!

Updated on January 25, 2011
K.M. asks from Joppa, MD
30 answers

My daughter (5yrs) licks her lips and the area above and below her lips are a hot mess! I smear all kinds of things on but she wipes it off! Anyone have any sugestions??

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So What Happened?

thanks so much for all the suggestions...combo of plain vasoline and the aquaphor is doing the trick!. I tried the prize idea and she was not interested. That doesnt surprise me though..... :)

Featured Answers


answers from New York on

I put vaseline on my lips then give him a quick kiss, he doesnt notice I've put something on his lips and doesnt wipe it off.

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answers from Kansas City on

Neosporin Lip Treatment works well.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) is something you can try in the probably already have some on hand. My son and I use it all the time!

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answers from Wichita on

I just asked this question the other day! What worked for my daughter was the neosporin lip treatment, and I did sneak in while she was sleeping and smear it on.

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answers from Philadelphia on

My son is 2.5 and is getting almost as bad. I pile on a bunch of Aquaphor after teeth brushing. It seems too keep the worst of it away, but if I didn't do it I shudder to think of what it would look like! :)

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answers from Little Rock on

Wait until she is asleep and put something on her lips. Medicated lip balm sting if your lips are raw, I would avoid them. My son will wipe any medicated lip balm off of his lips and complain of it burning. I would use Vaseline, Aquaphor, or even the Lanolin cream for breastfeeding moms (although it is difficult to spread and would probably wake her). You would also want to avoid flavored lip balms as well because they encourage licking. I have always avoided Hydrocortisone close to the mouth on all of my children. We suffer from eczema and use Hydrocortisone a lot, but it is not meant for consumption. If she is licking her lips, then she will be consuming Hydrocortisone. Not a good idea.

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answers from Dallas on

I second Aquifor! I use it at night and the next morning it is all cleared up...lifesaver!!

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answers from Washington DC on

Can you liberally apply vaseline after she goes to sleep at night? The lip balm we use has minimal taste and really sinks in; we shop with a wellness company. Have you tried any natural lip balms? I know some people really like Bert's Bees. Good luck!

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answers from New York on

I second the Aquaphor. Just the other day above my son's lip was super red. I put some on him at night and it was back to normal by morning. Great stuff for chapped lips or even red noses. Good luck!

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answers from Columbus on

My daughter does the same thing. I've been putting Vaseline on her at bedtime (on her lips, above and below her lips, and even on the underside of her nose if it's looking red). It works wonders. It moisturizes it through the night so it doesn't bother her the next day... hence, no licking! If I notice it start to get red, I do the Vaseline again. I never do it during the day because it would drive her crazy to have that goop all over her face, but it's a miracle at night.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

I agree with putting it on through the night, whatever you use. Aquaphor is a good choice for that, and you will see vast improvement in the morning. After a few nights of sneaking it on, she'll be nicely healed up. And just keep doing it every night so they don't get all chapped up again. Vaseline works too, but Aquaphor is thicker and in my experience, stays on better.

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answers from Washington DC on

Mine too. I sneak in while she's asleep and apply Vaseline.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Sneak in her room after she's asleep and slather on some Aquaphor. It will be cleared up by the morning. Generally, I loathe Aquaphor, but for the chapped lip/red nose from a cold thing--it's awesome!

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answers from Dallas on

offer her a prize if she can clear it up in a week. Buy something healthy to put on lips that looks like a lipstick and act like grown up women use it.

my nephew has this issue. Last winter was some nightmare. He looked like he had some affliction from a bible story. This year still some problem, but much better. Hopefully maturing will help.

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answers from Columbus on

Give her her own lip balm to carry around, and remind her to use it. Let her pick the own flavor(s).

Also, have her put it on at night right before bedtime (literally before she lays down to go to sleep).

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answers from Pittsburgh on

I recently asked our pediatrician about this and this is what worked for us. Use some hydrocortisone around her lips. If she wipes if off then wait until she is asleep and put it on. I was concerned about my son licking that off and the doctor said that small of an amount won't hurt. It really does the trick.



answers from Milwaukee on

Neosporin overnight lip treatment.



answers from Washington DC on

My son used to do this. His fourth grade picture looks like he was drinking Hawaiian Punch, but EW it's because his face is chapped.
I used to sneak in while he was sleeping and put either Eucerin or Neosporin on it and usually he'd sleep through that. At least that way it had some time to sink into his skin while he slept. It took a few days but it worked. Only problem is because he continued to lick his lips, I had to put cream on his lip, while he slept, until spring!
Good luck!



answers from Johnstown on

Mary Kay Satin Lips set &/or the Extra Emolient Night Cream.


answers from Appleton on

Aquaphor!!! My son had the same problem. The Dr recommended hydrocortisone creme, but when I went to the pharmacy the pharmacist suggested Aquaphor instead. She said she would put it on her girls at night after they fell asleep. I tried it and have been using it for the last few years and live by it! Great Product!!

Good Luck!



answers from Washington DC on

I use plain vaseline on both kids (3 yrs and 7 mos) - works very well and my son asks for it now. Rite Aide sells it as a lip treatment - but there are no meds to sting and no fragrance (which is why I started using it b/c of my own allergies). Whatever you use - they will want to use - "monkey see, monkey do"! LOL



answers from Washington DC on

my daughter does the same thing. I have found that A&D ointment works like a charm. I smear it on before she goes to bed and then sometimes in the middle of the night and it does a marvelous job of healing. then in the morning I put on chapstick to help prevent any other irritation.



answers from Norfolk on

I wait until my son goes to sleep then I sneak in there and put chap stick on this lips. hehehehe



answers from Boise on

IS she doing this because they are really dry, chapped, cracking? If so, she could have high sodium levels. Reducing her salt intake might help, and then increasing potassium, like bananas, potatoes.



answers from Cleveland on

see if SHE will be willing to put on her OWN chapstick.



answers from Houston on

My son does the same thing! He also refuses to allow me to put anything around his lips during the day. He just wipes it on his sleeve or throws a tantrum. So, I also sneak in at night when he is fully asleep and smear some Vaseline or sometimes pure lanolin around his lips. It seems to help and when he wakes up they look better until the afternoon after he has been licking again all day!



answers from San Francisco on

I agree with the recommendations for Aquaphor at night. I'd put it on before and after school too but saw the best improvmenet overnight. My daughter did this at that age and I felt night was the only time it healed at all. It was not completely cured, just kept a little under control. She would just suck on her upper lips and also not wipe her mouth (spaghetti sauce would make it worse) so I had to really keep on it.



answers from Los Angeles on

i use carmex and burt bees on my 3 year old lips that are like that. i put it on at night. durring the day i just out lotion on them



answers from Washington DC on

The one thing we use for everyone in the house is Blistex Medicated in a tube, not a stick. Put it on often and it's ok if they wipe it off later. Sit with them for a bit so it'll soak in a bit and let them go. Instead of putting on one thick layer, put it on several times a day with thinner layers. After bath, when they wake, after meals and so on.

K. B
mom to 5 including triplets


answers from Washington DC on

I use the Mary Kay Extra Emollient cream on my boys before they go to bed every morning the redness is GONE!!!

I TRY to let them keep chapstick on them every day in their pants pocket too....doesn't always work



answers from Washington DC on

She needs a barrier cream. She's probably licking them because they're dry, which makes it worse of course! Try vaseline during the day, or Aveeno baby eczema cream (that one soaks in fast). At night, I actually use diaper cream on my baby (Triple Paste)- cleared up the rash from drool right away and noticeable improvement in redness and bumps by morning.
Good luck!

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