Cracked and Bleeding Mouth

Updated on March 22, 2008
A.D. asks from Broomfield, CO
110 answers

My dd/5 is licking her lips constantly and has VERY dry lips and the area all around her mouth is so dry that it is cracked and bleeding. I've tried so many different things to get it to heal, but she complains about everything stinging when I apply it. Vaseline is the only thing she doesn't complain about...but it doesn't seem to be healing her, and I don't like using petrol. on my baby girl, ya know? Does anyone have any recommendations? Preferably something more natural and less flamable? ;)
Thank you!
p.s. I already have an Arbonne consultant, Mary Kay consultant, etc, etc, that I am a faithful customer to....Thanks anyway!

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So What Happened?

Wow. Thanks everyone for your great ideas. DD does drink tons of water, as that is about the only thing I will allow right now... I'll keep trying to get her to drink more, though! She also suffers from eczema and has sensitivities to dairy and too much sugar...
I've tried Arbonne's night creme (that I use!) and it works WONDERS! But...she complains about it stinging... Anyway, I'm going to have a ton to try out now! Thank you! Most of you recommended OLIVE OIL, Burt's Bees, udder butter, or Lanolin... I'm starting with the olive oil, because I have some in the house. It feels great on my lips! I'll start there and see if it works!
Thanks so much! All of you!!

Featured Answers



answers from Colorado Springs on

I didn't read the other responses but we're having that prob too. What seems to work best is being consistent using Vasiline at nite. When my son is asleep, I put another coat on his lips & since he's asleep, he doesn't lick it off. Good luck, M.



answers from Santa Fe on

Hi A.,
My suggestion would be to use lanolin and have her drink more water. My daughter was getting severe cracked lips. I thought it was the cold dry weather but she was dehydrated. She was drinking too much juice and not enough water.



answers from Phoenix on

Use Lansinoh, better known for its use as a nipple cream for breastfeeding Moms, it is the best and is 100% Lanolin so it doesn't need to be washed off. ALso great for any dry skin like heels & elbows.

More Answers



answers from Denver on

It sounds like you are a homeschooling mom! Me too! My almost five year old son is doing the exact same thing. It's this DRY Colorado air! We never had this problem in San Diego! We are going to use pure coconut oil. I was waiting for mine to come (I order it, but you can get it at the health food store). I always sneak in his room at night and put it on after he falls asleep (I've been using vaseline without much success) and follow him around all day with it, which is hard to do with 5 other kiddo's that need me! :) I'm hoping that now that I have the coconut oil it will heal fast. I have seen it do wonders with skin irritations and I use it on my face.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Colorado Springs on

Looks like you got LOTS of different answers. WATER is number one-dry means dehydrated. Number 2 that worked with my kids and me: Original golden/brown striped Tube-Vitamin A & D Ointment at the crackings WORSE (yes, the ointment used for diaper rash-you may even already have some-DO NOT USE the MEDICATED in the white Tube!) and when the cracking hasn't gotten bad yet-Vitamin E ointment (or oil). I get the ointment very cheaply at GNC-$1.99 per tube that lasts MONTHS and MONTHS! Can't see spending lots of $$ on speciality items when the basics will do the trick. You probably already solved the problem, but figured I'd try and save you some money.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Denver on

Try cocoa butter have to open the top and 'breathe' on it to warm several times ( try rubbing on your lips first till it softens...)the stick then apply directly to lips.....C.



answers from Denver on

I have had this similar problem in the past and I started using Mint Intention lip balm from Bubble Goddess Bath Company, which I sell, and it has cured the problem! It wont sting, or get goopy, and it tastes great. Its all natural so you can use it on any age lips, and all 100% vegan. So if your interested I will send you one, on me, to have her try before you buy one. just shoot me an email and I will send you one asap.



answers from Denver on

Contact your Arbonne consultant about the Skin Conditioning oil. That is the only thing that works for my girls when they do also helps prevent the licking as they don't care for the taste.



answers from Phoenix on

Hi A.,

My son who is 4 has the same problem. Our doctor recommended Eucerin Plus Intensive Repair Body Creme. It is a very thick lotion. I put it on his face every time I can think of it. Because it is a lotion, it can be rubbed into the skin pretty well so they won't be able to wipe it all off. A small 5.2 oz tube costs about $8, but it is worth it, it works! You can pick it up at any CVS, Walgreens, Walmart or Target. Good luck!




answers from Denver on

I have used Burt's Honey Balm on my own and my son's lips often (he just turned 5). It has been very soothing and does not sting extra-cracked lips, unlike the beeswax balm does. It stays on well and heals the lips. Burt's products are now available at Target as well, so it's easy to find (in makeup section). I hope it helps your daughter as well!




answers from Grand Junction on

have you tried shae butter. 100% shae butter? I use it for everything. It is difficult to find Occitane in Aspen sometimes carries it. I would call first since they are sometimes out of stock



answers from Denver on

My daughter ,now 14 had this problem and I always find that when whe is dry is because her immune system is low and she is dehydrated! So she has been drinking more water. And we have found that it really works! I find that Vitamin Cottage has some great lip stuff. The one we have right now is "Organic Hemp Balm, spearmint" and it is great! Lori



answers from Phoenix on

If you have Lansinoh (used for nipples/nursing) it works so well at healing really anything super fast. And its all natural. If you don't have that, maybe aquaphor? Not sure what is in that though. Good Luck



answers from Colorado Springs on

Hello A.,
I know you've already gotten lots of ideas, but something else you might want to try is Aquaphor, it's a lotion but you can use it on your lips. My son was taking the very strong drug accutane which caused him to have severe dryness on his lips, the doctor recomended Aquaphor. So thought you might want to give it a try!! The pharmacist did tell me the best thing to use was vaseline, and to coat lips at night before bed time. This did seem to help my son. Good luck hope something works good for you.



answers from Phoenix on

Hi A.-

Have to been into see the doc yet? They may recommend something that is Rx strenth to help. Especially since it is her lips and around the mouth. Don't want her ingesting anything. Also, she is getting enough fluids during the day. Helps with keeping the skin hydrated. Go for the water though, not a lot of juice. Poor little thing. I hope you find something soon. Take Care.



answers from Denver on

I know of a product line that offers Natural products.
Their lip balm is amazing.. If you would like to know just let me know.




answers from Denver on

My sister in Laws son had that same issue and I have the PERFECT product for it!
Bubble Goddess Bath Company is a local Colorado company that makes natural and organic bath products! Our Oh Baby Butter is amazing for so many things but I know it will help her poor little mouth! There is no petroleum or mineral oil in any of our products and they are all made to heal. She started the company when her son was little because she couldnt find anything she approved of to use on his skin!
Anyway check it out!
I would be happy to send you a sample if you want!

T. B.
Team Leader
Bubble Goddess Bath Company
"Natural Bath Products For Your Inner Goddess"



answers from Grand Junction on

I have two boys, 14yrs and 5yrs old. I have found that the best thing for my boys is Aquaphor made by Eucerin, it's a healing ointment for dry,cracked or irritated skin. It comes in a tube you should be able to find at your local grocery store or Wal-mart for sure. I find that the best time to apply it is at night when they have already gone to sleep. I sneek in their rooms after they've gone to sleep. That way they wont wipe it off and it has a chance to work over night. Give it at least two or three nights before you'll see a difference but it does work wonders. I hope this will help you out, good luck!!! K. in Colorado



answers from Phoenix on

I know this sounds odd, but breastfeeding nipple cream might be your best bet. (I have not read the other responses, so if someone already said this, then I second it.)

Lansinoh or PureLan are made if 100% pure lanolin. Safe for ingestion and they don't sting. Those would be good for protecting against more dryness. Use a lot, it'll be shiny, but OK. I'd actually recommend Motherlove Herbals Nipple Cream. It is made without Lanolin (which is derived from sheeps wool.) It's base is cold pressed olive oil, but it has a few other organic herbal things to help HEAL the dry tissues.

Ones nipples, and ones lips are of very similar tissues, and respond much the same to treatment!

Good Luck, I hope she feels better soon!



answers from Tucson on

Have you tried cocoa butter? Maybe give it a try. It's worked for us for about the past 4 years or so! My daughter was the exact same and I did the same, tried everything, tried the doctor's office, dermatologist, and he told us to try cocoa butter, and it worked! my daughter is now 8 going on 9. Just passing along some info.



answers from Phoenix on

A. --

You need to change to non-toxic and hypo-allergenic products beyond what needs to be done for your baby's mouth. Her mouth could very well be a reaction to something else -- possibly the laundry soap you are using or her body wash.

There is a line of products that are better for families -- completely non-toxic, hypo-allergenic, biodegradable -- completely green and very sensitively priced. One of the products, called Renew, would be perfect for your baby's mouth -- it will clear up the problem -- and the balance of the line would back it up.

Look at my web-site or and you can send me an email by filling out the questionnaire and I then can call you or email you with more information. If you like you can call me at ###-###-#### or if you are out of the area 1-888-869-3236.



answers from Flagstaff on

Try using lansinoh, you normally use it for cracked/sore nipples from breastfeeding, but it works for everything from diaper rash to dry lips, I have even used it for my lips when I couldn't find my chapstick. It should work and it shouldn't sting because it is supposed to relieve pain from cracking and drying. So good luck.



answers from Phoenix on

To A. D
Have you tried Vitamin E liquid. Comes in different I.U.s.
My great-grand daughter had the same problem and the vitamin healed it. It does sting the first time it is used but only last a second or two.
The I.U.s come in l,000, 2,800 and 3,000 I.U.s. I would suggest the l,000 as it is not as strong and maybe won't sting.
I had the 3,000 when my great-grand daughter needed it and it did sting for a second.



answers from Denver on

Have you tried Aquafor - it practically works overnight!



answers from Colorado Springs on


my son does the same thing (He's 4 1/2). The only thing we have found is from Arbonne. I use there lipsaver chapstick and he doesn't mind it. I have a great arbonne lady if you want to try it out!



answers from Phoenix on

My 10 year old has the same problem ! Tried all kinds of things. We have him drink loads of water & gaterade. We treat it with Blistex!(lip Fussion) It burns but helps clear it up quickly! The lip fussion does not burn as bad ! My Son likes that kind! Medicated he didnt!
Drs say it has something to do with his glands! The cream they prescribed for him didnt work so we just started trying different chap sticks!
Good Luck Maybe it might help!



answers from Las Vegas on

Melaleuca has a lotion called Renew that is awesome. It's very healing. The trick though would be to get her to quit licking it. Have her drink more and see if that stops her from licking her lips. I know I lick my lips when they are dry, which only makes them worse. But if you give her more to drink, maybe they won't be dry.

If you can find a Mela rep and get some of that lotion it is great for everything having to do with dry skin. Especially Eczema. It's natural and has Tea Tree oil in it that is very healing.



answers from Denver on

Hi A.,
My daughter had the same thing going on w/dry lips and the area around her lips being so chapped that it looked terrible... I tried avons lip conditioner out of desperation. It did not burn and it took a few days to see results, but I keep it in the house all the time now. I hope this is helpful.
Good luck,



answers from Denver on

My 7 year-old step son had a similar, though not quite as severe, problem. I found that having him drink considerably more water has helped alleviate (though not fully eradicate) the problem. He too was licking his lips because they were dry, and I found that helping him learn to re-hydrate himself from the inside out helped a lot. I have to admit that his condition was not as severe, but this might help at least a little.



answers from Phoenix on

Try aquaphor. It works on dry and cracked hands, but it also has no taste and does not sting. My friend in Idaho's Dr told her to use that on the face in the winter because it not only heals the cracked skin but it prevents it from happening again. The trick is to get her to not do it anymore... That one they haven't figured out yet!



answers from Las Vegas on

Lansinoh, commonly used for cracked nipples during breast feeding, works wonders on hands and lips as well.



answers from Boston on

My son is in the same situation. He will finally accept chapstick. For the longest time, though he had problems with lotions/creams/ointments any time I applied them to any part of his face. He would scream & cry in pain. One mom suggested I use Burt's Bees face lotion, which has been a fabulous solution! Now that I think of it, I should see if they have some chapstick too. Anyway, the key for my son was pressure. Whether I applied it fast or slow, light pressure or deep, he was always in agony. Now, I apply it and then "wipe it off". He thinks I'm wiping it off but all I'm doing is putting firm, whole-hand pressure on the area where I just applied lotion or ointment. The actual product or ingredients haven't changed, nor has my method of application. I just have to add pressure once I'm done.

Maybe some combination of natural ingredients and applying pressure will help in your daughter's case as well?

Good luck!



answers from Grand Junction on

aquafor heals my lips amazingly!



answers from Tucson on

My son had the same problem when he was small. I put some blistex or carmex on it. It will sting at first but it will improve it significantly. Hope this helps.



answers from Denver on

I am not sure this will meet your requirements but have you tried aquafor.. this is awesome stuff and has a lot of great uses and I think it better than vaseline. Otherwise you might check out Whole Foods and Wild Oats for alternative natural suggestions.. burts bees?



answers from Phoenix on

Try A&D ointment. Especially at night.



answers from Phoenix on

my son had a similar problem recently from sucking on his blankee my doc told me to use A=D Diaper rash ointment because its only vitamins A and D or he also told me I could use aquaphor which is for dry cracked or irritated skin



answers from Tucson on

I've used Neosporin and that seems to work for my daughter. Good luck!



answers from Phoenix on

Arbonne has several products to help her- you are right about not wanting to use vaseline.
I was not aware that mineral oil(vaseline) is illegal in european hospitals. Says something about the U.S.??
My friend has children and can relate first hand- her number is ###-###-####.
Best of luck,
there are safer alternatives, and I admire you for searching for them:)



answers from Colorado Springs on

There is a lip balm called Baby Kisses, made by the same people who make butt paste. My kids use it, and LOVE it! It seems to be our best bet.



answers from Phoenix on

My daughter does the same thing (5) and I use Burt's Bees.



answers from Las Vegas on

ZTry Bag Balm-its what they use on cow udders when milking. 100% non toxic but has a bit more staying power than Vaseline. You can get it any drug store. Good Luck!



answers from Reno on

Have you tried using the lanolin based cream that breastfeeding Mom's can use on their nipples? I've used that on my daughter's lips before. I can't remember the name of it but it's in a yellow/white tube.
Good luck!



answers from Santa Fe on

You mentioned allergies. You may want to use caution with the lanolin based products if your child has allergies to wool. My son had similar problem last summer, as we had been eating more strawberries, and nothing worked, except the ointment from pharmacy. He had actually developed an infection. I try to avoid the unnatural, but as I said with lanolin, it is natural, but can be an allergen. So I now avoid lanolin products with him, as well as strawberries. So perhaps an elimination diet may help.



answers from Denver on

I absolutely love Smith's Rosebud Salve! I got it at Sephora in Park Meadows. It comes in a tin & is around $6. It does not sting, at least my kids don't complain. I use it on cheeks, dry elbows, even for diaper rash. A little goes a long way. I hope it works well for you too!



answers from Albuquerque on

My kids do the same thing. What I have found to work is the lanolin I brought home from the hospital, used for cracked, dry nipples when breastfeeding. It is slightly waterproof and works wonders. I put it on at night before bed and a huge difference in the morning. You can buy it at walmart, target, etc. probably even your grocery store. You just need a pea size amount on your finger then dab it on the problem area and rub it in. good luck! also works on the lip if they're lips are cracked too or just around their mouth where they lick the most.



answers from Denver on

My daughter had the same issue. I used Aquaphor which most women use for cracked nipples when breast feeding. It worked well and healed pretty quickly. It has no taste or smell so she had no urge to lick her lips while that is on there. Now she knows when she starts her habit to apply the Aquaphor and then it heals quickly and she stops licking her lips.



answers from Denver on

A. -

My 5 year old son does the same thing. I use a cream called Egyptian Magic that I think you have to order over the Internet (that's how I get it), but it's basically olive oil and honey. It doesn't sting and heals his lips overnight. Then of course, he starts licking them again, so I have to put it on every night, but it does work and it doesn't sting. I use this stuff for everything - scrapes, bruises, dry skin - I love it.

Good luck -



answers from Denver on

Hi A.,
My 11 year old son does the same thing. I use Mediterranean Olive sage and Almond Wonderbalm. It does have a petroleum base but with all the other natural oils in it, it is incredibly healing. It only take a very small amount, it doesn't sting, and the bonus is that it smells really good. Also when I'm not using it on my son it is great on my dry hands or elbows. The down side is you can't use it if you have a nut allergy since it contains Almond oil. I bought mine at Target quite a will ago in the cosmetic area but they also have a website
Good Luck



answers from Albuquerque on

Hi! I would have suggested vaseline as well...the only thing that doesn't sting. I think it is pretty safe...perhaps check with a pharmacist? My son has the same problem...good luck...Burt Bees has some good products but may sting.



answers from Phoenix on

My daughtor has had eczema and I made her take flaxseed oil everyday. She was a teenager and could swallow the pills but it did the trick. It does take a while to work, She took it for a few months. My daughtors case was mild and since you did not say how bad the eczema was just figure that it could be a lifetime thing.

One more thought My Mother as allergic reactions if she has her hands in water for long periods of time. She will break out in eczema. Flaxseed oil helps her also. Mostly she wears gloves when cleaning and washing dishes etc. Maybe make sure that her baths are short, only there long enough to get clean. Then try Bag Balm (costco has it) or any good moisturizer.



answers from Denver on

You might want to try Lansinoh nipple cream -- it was the only thing that kept me sane the first week I was nursing until my nipples toughened up. Now I use it on my 10-month-old son's cheeks when they get chapped -- it's so moisturizing that it clears up the dry skin right away. It's a bit sticky, but it doesn't taste bad and it's definitely natural and edible.



answers from Phoenix on

please check out some of the burts bees products...if you go to their site you can find a list of friendly ingredients that they use and a list of ingredients they will never use. good luck.



answers from Denver on

My son always complained about Aquaphor and Eucerin burning. We started using Gentle Naturals Eczema Cream. It is Vasiline based, but it worked very quickly for most any dry skin or rash we tried, so there wasn't very many applications. You can find it in the baby isle. I would apply to my son's lips when I kissed him good night before I went to bed, so he was already asleep. I did find, though, that not only did it not burn, but it soothed, so even if I put it on during the day, he didn't lick it off. Depending on how bad his lips were cracked we usually only used one or two applications. GL It's hard to see your kids in pain!



answers from Denver on

My pediatrician recommended using aquaphor on my baby's lips. The instructions say not to ingest, but he said a little on the lips should be OK.



answers from Anchorage on

Hi A. -

There are good herbal lip balms - especially those with Calendula - available at Desert Sage Herbs or Whole Foods.

M. M. Ernsberger
Certified Herbalist



answers from Albuquerque on

Hi A.: I have three little boys that seem to get cracked and bleeding lips every winter. My husband used to be the same way when he was younger. His grandfather used to have him eat Dates and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. I have done the same with my boys and it works. As you can guess it is hard to get little boys to put anything on their lips. The dates really work. I hope this might help!



answers from Denver on


Have you tried water? (Drinking it.) When we are dry on the outside, it usually means that we are dehydrated from within. Have her drink lots of water and be her role model in joining her.

Hope that helps!

Many Blessings,




answers from Phoenix on

try burts bees products. they seem to work well



answers from Phoenix on

This sounds like a condition that could be treated naturally with homeopathy. I have a great doctor, Laurinda Kwan, ND. She treats all kinds of conditions with homeopathy, which is safe and effective. She has been a blessing when I have needed help with my daughter. Her office number is:###-###-####.



answers from Denver on

Hi A.. Have you tried something called "bag balm"? It's what they use or used to use on cows' utters. I used it on my daughter when she was a baby. It doesn't sting at all, and really stays on so it has time to heal. I'm not sure if it's entirely natural, but I can tell you it worked on my daughter, and I think her doc recommended it.



answers from Grand Junction on

Have you considered testing for parisites? Most child hood illness is made worse by parasites and the majority of doctors out there are too stupid to do a test just to find out if that may be the problem, you know, an easy fix without mass doses of big pharmacy drugs equal no inecentive money.... You may have to go to a naturalpath or someone with that kind of knowlege, regular doctors just do what they are told and most don't have a clue what to do if the pharmacies don't tell them.



answers from Flagstaff on

My 4 year old daughter has struggled with this too. It becomes a habit and we just have to gently remind them not to lick their lips. For quick healing that is safe and effective; take a vitamin e capsule and break puncture it with a needle. Squeeze a little out onto your finger and rub it on the irritated area. It won't burn or taste bad and helps heal the lips fast while getting vitamins. Vitamin E is also very helpful for sunburns as well. You can mix it in with a coco butter lotion to help soothe and heal a sunburn quickly.



answers from Phoenix on

Try bag balm. It was originally used to put on cows utters that were cracked from the device that extracts the milk. It can be purchased at Wlagreens for sure I know. Look for it were the lotions are and not the lip glosses and chap stick. It comes in a green square tin. It's cheap and works really very well for chaped skin, lips and or etc. Let me know if that helps. It won't hurt when you apply it. Its way thicker then vaseline. As far as I know it is all naatural....
A mother too :)



answers from Colorado Springs on


Go to your health food store and check out some of the Omega 3 type supplements. Sometimes symptoms such as those you describe can be caused by a lack of good fats in the diet. The health food store can also point you towards natural lip balms. Goos luck!



answers from Reno on

Try Aquaphora, you can get it at walmart and it is safe. I had the same problem with my daughter and it was nerves for her. Try to keep her calm and feed things that calm them like turkey and milk.



answers from Albuquerque on

Burt's Bees seems to work really well. We even apply some on my daughter's cheeks when they are chapped from the cold and they heal instantly and there is no pain. It does have a smell that you would think would sting but it doesn't. Good luck.



answers from Albuquerque on

Hi A.! You are right that it's not wise to use Vaseline (Petrol) on your children. It's just not good for them. Did you know that vaseline is only a 7-step process from crude oil? Yuck! Besides that, vaseline doesn't moisturize, it actually coats the surface of the skin and doesn't allow it to breathe. My 3.5 year old son does the same thing...licking his lips which become chapped. I use Arbonne's Baby Care Lotion on his lips and face and it seriously clears it up overnight! I love Arbonne's products because they are all herbal and botanical with no mineral oil, chemical dyes or fragrances. If you'd like to try a free sample or order some products online, please feel free to visit my website at: Thanks and good luck! Take care,
M. O.
Executive Area Manager, Independent Consultant
Arbonne International



answers from Santa Fe on

Try some kind of salve or cream with calendula, aloe, chamomile, things like that, soothing, cooling and healing. Weleda makes a really nice all purpose baby cream with calendula. You may also find a local herbalist that makes their own salves, local is best!!!



answers from Flagstaff on

Bee's wax makes a healing type ointment that you can buy at most drug stores. I've found it at Walgreen's or Rite aid and it works really well for dried out lips. It is all natural bee's wax and you can buy it in a small kit with other things they make. Give it a try!



answers from Colorado Springs on

you might try eucerin cream. it's a hypoallergenic lotion i use for my kids excema. it is really thick and works great and usually doesn't sting. i usually buy the generic brand from walmart and it works just as well and the eucerin brand. good luck, winter in colorado is so hard on kids skin!



answers from Tucson on

First of all her dry lips are a sign that she is dehydrated. She needs to be drinking a lot more water. Make sure she has some at every meal and every hour or so during the rest of the day. The lips are a warning sign that she needs that. It does not matter what we put on the lips if our body is not hydrated from within. Don't let that aspect of it go. I recommend getting her some big girl lip balm, Mary Kay hydrating lip I think it is called, or Dermatologica I think it is called Lip Renewal or something like that. It's a little pricey but it works and it won't sting. For Mary Kay call Lynn Stevenson at ###-###-####. The Dermatologica is found in most high end beauty supply stores. You could also check to see if Aveda has a product. They have a salon in Casas Adobes Plaza.



answers from Denver on

My three-year old does the same thing. We use chapstick during the day (she has her own tube which she really likes), but coat her lips and surrounding face liberally with lanolin at night. I have just been using the left-over stuff I had from breastfeeding.



answers from Denver on

I would recommend either Vitamin E (which you can buy in some places in a lipstick or chap-stick style tube) or Beeswax.



answers from Reno on

Hi, A....

I've posted before that Lanisoh is great for breastfeeding moms... miraculous with cracked and bleeding nipples. Well, it's also incredible for chapped, cracked and sore mouths/lips. It's all natural, and nearly no taste and safe to ingest. My own little ones have used it. Be sure to put a decent amount on when your little one goes to bed so it can do it's magic at night. Lanisoh is the brand name, but it's actually lanolin and comes from the oil of lambs. Longs Drugs near my house sells it, but I'm sure it's at other places as well.

Note: Lanolin is also great for cracked elbows, knuckles and heels!




answers from Albuquerque on

I use Lanolin for Breastfeeding mothers. It comes in a purple tube. I've used it as a lip balm for over 10 years and now use it on my own daughter. It protects and treats. Good luck!



answers from Reno on

My oldest daughter has the same problem. The best thing that I have found is mixing a little Aquaphor and a few drops of Lavender essential oil. Mix it well it will have a whipped look. Put a light layer on during the day and at night after she is asleep carefully put a thick layer on. It not only healed in two days but she only has to put it on one time during the day to keep her lips healthy. I also use this secret on her hands when the eczema kicks up. Also you might want to add avocado's to her diet.
Hope it helps



answers from Phoenix on

I have a son who has asthma and exzema and always tends to get the chapped lips. When he gets the cracking it is my sign that he needs to be drink more WATER...I know that sounds like it is a long route, but I have found that most of the outer symptoms are usaully starting from inside of us. Maybe this will help her too, and it's good for her , unlike the vaseline.



answers from Phoenix on

Try lansinoh soothe & heal ointment. it's a natural product and works great at healing cracked skin.



answers from Phoenix on

Both my children have the same problems during the beginning of winter.

FIRST - have her drink more water, starting w/ a full glass in the morning and a full glass before each meal (preferable at least 20 min prior, as not to disrupt digestion).
SECOND - dry Vitamin E -- it will at least keep her from licking.
THIRD - try a lip balm like "Burt's Bees". Personally, I prefer "Sun Shades" from Melaleuca, as it is the only lip balm I've ever been able to get my kids to use.

Good luck! :)



answers from Grand Junction on

Hi A., I am a registered nurse and work at the local hospital in town and have problems with patients who have really chapped lips and can't use petrolium jelly (vasaline) because they are on oxygen and P.J. is flammable. We use lanoline for their lips because it's all natural and non-flammable. I have even used lanolin for my lips and it works really well because it heals the skin without making your body dependant on it (like other chapsticks do). It is safe for your little one because it's all natural - she could eat it and be okay (although I wouldn't recommend it!). Lanosh is the brand we use at the hospital - a little purple tube. YOu could give it a whirl and see how it goes!

Good Luck



answers from Albuquerque on

My son is 5 and has the same problem sometimes. I use Carmex on his lips and it heals them the fastest. It comes in a stick like Chapstick. FYI, we tried chapstick, but that didn't work. Carmex has proved to be the best solution for my son. Good luck.



answers from Reno on

I would first want to know how much water this child is drinking. Could it be something as simple as dehydration? Most people don't drink near enough water. Juices and milk and soda-pop don't count as required liquids!! WATER is what is needed to clear up a host of physical problems that many folks, young and old, "suffer" from.



answers from Albuquerque on

try finding some Shea-butter type products--often sold as/alongside creams for pregnant bellies/stretch marks. Look at Wild Oats or 'Pharmaca'(near Trader Joe's) for this..and ask their people for advice too. I find them very helpful when looking for 'natural approaches' to problems!
Good luck!



answers from Phoenix on

Try using Aquaphor or Dr Dan's chapstick. You can find the Aquaphor anywear and the Dr Dan's you usually have to ask a pharmacist for from behind the counter. Not all pharmacies order it. I work at a dermatologist office and this is what they reccomend for children with "the licking Problem"! Good luck.



answers from Phoenix on

my little boy LOVES LOVES LOVES the lip balms from burts bees and from badger balm.
usually, though, cracked and bleeding mouths and habitual licking is a sign of something else going on - either in the environment or physically.
have you talked to your pediatrician? or a dentist?
either might have something prescription you could use that would be safe and get the job done more quickly.
you could try the lip balms that come in the flat tin instead of the stick -it's the same stuff, but she might like it better.
best of luck.
hopefully it's just a phase.
is she getting enough water?



answers from Denver on

Try Aquaphor - a bit expensive - but great for everything from dry/ bleeding nose (use inside nose at night), to diaper rash - we also use it sometimes in replacement of neosporin....
Just thought about Lanolin...its ok if ingested - fairly expensive - but easy to access if you buy Lansinoh ("breast feeding" cream)



answers from Flagstaff on

Hi i am the owner of a baby store and an rn. If you want to hydrate dry lips do not use anything with mineral oil in it. Use a product with plant oils such as arbonne's version of chapstick. Mineral oil is a barrier oil that does not retain moisture. Also make sure your child is drinking plenty of water. Sincerely J.



answers from Reno on

Hi from Spanish Springs,
My darling 7 year old daughter is a mouth-breather with same problem. She's not fond of it, but Carmex works for her. Other than, the only thing I can think of is keep her really hydrated during the day.




answers from Eugene on

I use Beaudreaux's (sp?) Butt Paste on my son's while he is sleeping. Works great! During the day, I use my homemade lip balm... you can find a recipe at



answers from Colorado Springs on

Burt's Bees lip balm in the stick available at Hole in the Wall nest to City Market. Humidifier also helps.



answers from Denver on

Poor thing. Sounds as if your child is very dehydarated, typical in winter, and that is causing the dry skin on her lips and around her mouth. First offer her lots of water and put a humidifier in your home. Also try Vitamin E Oil to hydrate and heal her skin....natural and petroleum free. Good luck and kudos to you on adopting children and offering them a better life!



answers from Denver on

Aquaphor is an amazing healing ointment! I discovered it when my 3 1/2 year old son was 10 days old, the pediatrician suggested it for a nasty diaper rash. It literally cleared up overnight. Since then, the whole family (including our 3 month old daughter) uses it for chapped skin, minor abrasions, really any skin irritations. It is petroleum based also, but it really works. Good luck!



answers from Phoenix on

have you lansolin? its most common use is for breast feeding mothers, but it can also be used for diapers rash and chapped areas. It has no sting..a little sticky i'll admit but it does the job and it wipes off easy, and its not harmful if swallowed..obviously since its safe for babies to eat.a little pricey? maybe? but i think you'll like it.



answers from Denver on

My husband and I use Lanolin on our lips. Yes, the same stuff they sell you to help with sore & cracked nipples when you are breastfeeding. It is really thick and stays on your lips for hours at a time. I often put it on before bed and my lips feel soft in the morning. Good luck, hope this helps.



answers from Denver on

Hi A. - I use Aquaphor on my kiddos. Try slathering it on her lips after she's gone to sleep. Then she has less chance of licking or rubbing it off. Good Luck!



answers from Fort Collins on

My 3 year old is always licking her lips and around her lips. I've used vaseline and lanolin (the stuff I used when I was breastfeeding). They both seem to work well for her and I haven't heard any complaints about it stinging.



answers from Reno on

I work at a hospital. Get her in,to see the doctor right away. Don't put it off anylonger.



answers from Denver on

Hi A.!

Your poor baby! I work for a local company called Bubble Goddess Bath Co. that makes a 100% natural, veagan lip balm. I think it would really help your daughter! Please contact me right away!

A. Schell
Team Leader
Bubble Goddess Bath Co.
"Natural Bath Products for Your Inner Goddess"



answers from Flagstaff on

have you tried just regular olive oil, it is very soothng and healing.



answers from Phoenix on

sounds weird, but dermatologists have use crisco as a lubricant/moisuriser for years. it is not petrol based and provides a moisture barrier!



answers from Tucson on

Topical dry skin occurs when humidity is low, and when a body is not sufficiently hydrated. To make matters worse, in winter when it's usually dry outside, we tend to drink less water, since the weather is cooler.

I suggest offering as much water as possible all day long. Plain old water is best, as opposed to juice, soda, tea, etc. Second best is Propel, a flavored water, which is recommended by many Pediatricians for dehydration caused by illness, and contains a very small fraction of the amount of sugar found in juices, etc. Along with your attempt to drastically increase water intake, it's important to avoid food and drink containing dehydrating ingredients: caffeine, salt, etc. Ever wonder why you're thirsty for hours after eating pizza? Each SLICE contains over 900mg of sodium!!! Compare the sodium content of healthy low fat pretzels to that of greasy potato chips - surprise! Check sodium content of packaged and precooked foods - flavored oatmeal, cereals, etc. Stay away from fast food - all very salty!

As for topical solutions, definitely discourage the lip-licking. Don't use tasty lip balms. A good slathering of Vaseline at bedtime, although petroleum based, won't add moisture, but will instead form a barrier against moisture loss. A cool type humidifier is a good idea, day and night, to replace household moisture robbed by heating systems. Good for your wooden furniture, too!

To help remove the dry, flaky, peeling skin from lips: make a paste from baking soda and water, rub onto lips, then scrub very gently with a clean, soft terry washcloth. Follow up with Vaseline or a moisturizer that lists glycerine, cocoa butter, or olive oil as it's first or second ingredient. They're always listed in order of content amount, most prevalant to least. After your daughter is asleep, it might be a good idea to apply additional protection just before you turn in for the night, in case the initial application has been absorbed or rubbed off.

Hope this helps. Good luck!



answers from Phoenix on

Have you tried lanolin? The same stuff you use when you are nursing. You can buy the lansinoh(?) brand in the breastfeeding section at the store. It might not taste the best but it shouldn't sting and not tasting good might keep her from licking her lips.



answers from Reno on

Two of my four kids did this! She's right, it stings to put anything on it, but anything that heals will undoubtedly sting. My kids hated having me slather stuff on them so much that it helped them kick the constant licking habit (and it is a habit.) Use Carmex or something else medicated. When the rawness has healed, give her a Chapstick or other (unflavored, uncolored!) lip balm and let her use it as often as she wants, even if that's every couple of minutes at first. Explain that this is how big girls and grownups treat dry lips. Take it away if she starts licking again.



answers from Phoenix on

A + D is the only thing that works on my son. Depending on how much he has licked depends on how fast it works. Nothing else even touches the problem.



answers from Denver on

I do not know if any one else suggested this but aquaphor, should clear your daughter's lips up. It does not burn it is similar to Vaseline but it really works and quickly. I use it for everything diaper rash, dry skin, lip balm, and whatever else. You can purchase it anywhere. But just use a small amount. A little bit goes a long distance.



answers from Denver on

I put Aquaphor on my kids right before bed where they will hopefully not completely wipe it off or lick it off, typically by morning it is a lot better. This is so normal for this time of year, the wind and cold just make it worse.
Even trying plain chapstick, the kind in the black wrapper without flavor, that should sting and aquaphor doesnt sting. Carmex, and the flavored chapsticks I have found are the bad ones that sting.



answers from Denver on

Giving your daughter oils internally is the best way to heal her dry skin. Topical applications work fine, but as you have already learned, they often taste bad and don't stay on long, requiriung frequent applications. Adding oils like, Flax seed or Borage seed oil to her foods (in soups, salads, pasta, smoothies ANYTHING!). Two tablespoons daily should produce a change within one week. The fish oil capsules are quite large and most children have a hard time swallowing them, but that is another great way to get essential fatty acids into the body. 1-2 capsules daily.
You are correct, Vasaline will NOT heal her skin. It basically provides a layer of plastic over her skin, so nothing can get in or out! You can easily make a lip balm with Cocoa butter, Shea butter, Sweet almond oil, and bees wax. If that is too much, just applying Shea butter to her lips will do so much more than Vasaline.
But again, internal support is needed. Good luck! L. Golub



answers from Denver on

Hi A.--

You need to treat the problem from the inside out. She needs more omega 3 fatty acids in her diet. You can try things like salmon, flax seed, and edamame (soy beans), or omega three eggs if she'll eat them. Or you can get a supplement at most vitamin and health food stores. I give my three year old one called Coromega--it's taste like orange chocolate. No matter what you put on her lips it won't help if her skin doesn't have the natural fatty acids to repair itself from the inside out. It also sounds like she could use some more water.

As for things to ease the pain--vaseline, aquaphor, or anything else with mineral oil is not good for her--like you said, you don't like putting petrol products on your little girl. Burt's bees has lanolin in it. Not sure what you know about lanolin. When they sheer sheep they take the oil off of the wool---that's lanolin. Not sure if you want to put sheep sweat on your baby girl either?? Also, lanolin is a common allergen and may make matters worse. You can try something as simple as olive oil. This may sound weird, but you can also try getting one of the nipple butters women use for breastfeeding--I've found they work great for dry lips. Vitamin cottage has one by motherlove and one by earth momma angel baby--I recommend the second.

Hope this helps!!



answers from Grand Junction on

Hi A.,
When my daughters lips get dry and cracky in a similar way I put Lansinoh Brand Lanolin For Breastfeeding Mothers, on her lips. Other products seem to "burn" also but she never complains of this. It is pure lanolin and should be avoided if there is an allergy to wool. I am a nursing Mom and always have this around the house. I use it on my lips all the time. I like it because it is thick and harder to "lick off"or rub off while tossing and turning on her pillow, and at the same time if she does lick it off it's perfectly safe to do so. You can find it at Walmart, or Target in the same area where you would find nursing pads. It is around $8.oo but it will last you for years because you need soooooooo little at each application. Good Luck!!

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