Sleeping Habits: Toddler, Water Toys

Results 1-10 from 12 articles

Three Year Old Will Not Sleep!!

J.H. asks from Burlington

My three year old daughter has never been a good sleeper. She did go thru a phase when she was in the early part of her second year where she slept well but other tha...


So We'll Be Taking Our First Big Family Camping Trip

L.M. asks from New York

Hi all! This summer we're taking our first big camping trip with the kids to Acadia National park in Maine. We're going in August. The girls will be 5 and 6 and the b...



J.S. asks from Philadelphia

Hi Mamas! We are taking our 2 year old camping next week and I was just wondering what toys I should bring to keep him entertained. The campground has a pool and a...


Accident Report?

A.B. asks from Dallas

Sunday night I took my 4 1/2 yr old daughter and our dog to a slashground at an outdoor mall. I'm diligent about watching my child, but some parents drop their kids ...


Going to Hawaii

B.L. asks from Seattle

I am leaving for Maui in a week! My mother-in-law will fly with me and Reeves to San Francisco to meet my husband and then we will all fly together to Maui. My son wi...


Advise for 1St Time Campers

M.R. asks from Chicago

So my daughter has been asking to go camping so we've decided we will give it a try for one night at a KOA. Our kids are 5 and 2. What kinds of things do you brin...


Goody Bags

S.S. asks from Chicago

When do you stop with the goody bags after a birthday party?? My daughter is having her 10th birthday party at a pizza place and is inviting 12 girls (yikes!) and I ...


Piggy Back on Bathing with Kids...

B.B. asks from Dallas

Am I the only one who DOESNT bath with their kids, and think that they shouldnt? I think maybe once, I was taking a shower and my daughter wanted to "shower" instead...


Bathing a Baby in the Shower Without a Tub

P.M. asks from San Francisco

This is a question I have for down the road a bit, but I thought I'd gather ideas now... Currently, my husband and I bathe our baby once a week in a baby tub on the k...


Advise for 7 Year Old B-day Party!!

M.M. asks from Dallas

I am having my daughters B-day party at the house this year. We've always done them at places so this is the first time at the house! I thought we would set up "stat...