Skin Problems: Lotrimin

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13 answers

Yeast Infection on Skin - Not Going Away

My daughter (3) has a spot on the inside of her arm right before it becomes her armpit. It's about the size of a pepperoni (that's actually what we call it lol). Anyways, after two trips to the ped they took a scraping and determined it's a yeast infection. I was instructed to apply lotramin 3x daily and she's on difulcan 1x per day. She's had this spot for a few months now (I thought it was a dry skin spot at first, as did the 1st dr we saw). The ped told me that if after being on the difulcan for a week it wasn't gone to call, so I did...


Horrible Dry Feet

Hi ladies1I have really really dry skin on my feet.They are so bad that they...


Sick of My Skin!

Anyone has any ideas or products that work well for acne? I had a lot of...


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22 answers

Help Baby Acne !!

My newborn has baby acne on her cheeks her pediatrician suggested Eucrin Cream. Has anyonelse had this problem with their baby? What did you use? Thanks for your support.

Dry Skin

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10 answers

Dry, Cracked Feet - HELP!

I don't know what's going on. The bottom of ONE foot is so dry, cracked and ocassionally gets "cut". It started last summer when I was pregnant. I bought better shoes after researching that sometimes with age we lose the fat on the bottom of our feet and that flip flops and unsupportive shoes may contribute to the problem since feet smash down and flatten causing the cracks. I have used a pumice stone, and all the pedicure things I can. I can't END this dry, cracked skin. I apply Vit E, Aloe, etc. It provides much needed moisture,...


Extremely Dry Feet

My feet,(mostly heels & toes), are very dry & lotion at night doesn't seem...

Eczema & Hives

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13 answers

Yeast Infection on Skin - Not Going Away

My daughter (3) has a spot on the inside of her arm right before it becomes her armpit. It's about the size of a pepperoni (that's actually what we call it lol). Anyways, after two trips to the ped they took a scraping and determined it's a yeast infection. I was instructed to apply lotramin 3x daily and she's on difulcan 1x per day. She's had this spot for a few months now (I thought it was a dry skin spot at first, as did the 1st dr we saw). The ped told me that if after being on the difulcan for a week it wasn't gone to call, so I did...


Odd Rash on Nipple

I have a question about a rash my 2 year old son has developed. He has had...


Rash with Swim Diaper

My son has been getting red spots in the diaper area, the spots are the size...


Rash on Breast

Hi quick question moms - I have a rash on one breast it is itchy and a...


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13 answers

Diaper Rash or Something Else?

My son has developed a few spots/sores on his bottom. They look like red pimples about a half inch in diameter with white heads. It started out as one and we thought it may have been a spider bite but he has developed more. I've applied Lotrimin for a couple of days thinking it could be a yeast infection but it's not clearing up. Any other suggestions? I'm certainly open to calling out ped but thought I would get all your great mama responses first! Thank you!


Help with Impetigo

my 18 month keeps getting impetigo around his mouth. I don't understand why...

Sensitive Skin

See all 16 articles
4 answers

Seeking Pediatric Dermatologist or Advice in Lower Merion

My 6 1/2 yo daughter has recurrent vaginal irritation and I need some advice. There is redness and itching. Her pediatricians just tell us to use a 'lotrimin' cream every day...but the irritation remains or comes back and I am concerned. Should I go to a dermatologist/nutritionist/someone else? Any advice is appreciated. If you do recommend going to a pediatric dermatologist, can you please provide a name?


Horrible Dry Feet

Hi ladies1I have really really dry skin on my feet.They are so bad that they...


Nasty Diaper Rash

My two year old son has a dipaer rash for about a week now. It started out...