Pacifiers & Thumbsucking: Toddler, Nuby

Results 1-10 from 175 articles

Underweight 13 Month Old, I Did Have IUGR During Pregnancy.

S.D. asks from Los Angeles

I have a beautiful 13 month old baby girl. The only concern that I have is that she is very small in size for her age. She's only 13 and a half pounds. Height wise ...


Weaning 14 Month Old from the Bottle

D.D. asks from Dallas

This is my first time to ask for advise... I have a 14 month old baby who I am trying to wean from the bottle. She will drink her water from a sippy cup and will dri...


My 13 Month Old Won't Eat & Still Prefers a Bottle!!

D.M. asks from Atlanta

My 13month old daughter eats like a bird! We offer her many variations of foods and she is either very picky or just gets really bored with what she eats. She also h...


My 13 Month Old Boy Has No Interest in Eating

M.W. asks from Chicago

Not sure what to very active 13 month old boy has no interest in eating. He is little (18.5 pounds) so I want to make sure he eats. He freaks out when I conta...


1 Year Old - Eating Habits/Schedule

L.L. asks from New York

I think some of you misinterpreted my request to mean that my son is not eating table food. He is eating all kinds of table food. The only reason that I am still gi...


Advice on Weaning 1 Year Old off the Bottle to Sippy Cup

K.C. asks from Honolulu

Does anyone have advice on HOW and WHEN to wean a baby off the bottle to a sippy cup???? My son just made 1 yr last week. We took him in for his 1 year well baby che...


I Am Flying for the 1St Time with My 9 Month Old Daughter Who Wont Take a Bottle

A.J. asks from New York

Hello! I am flying for the first time with my 9 month old daughter. I am concerned about her ears. Mostly Ive read to feed the baby during take off and landing, howev...


How Do I Get My 12 Month Old off the Bottle?

D.M. asks from Tampa

Hi. My daughter is 11 months old as of today and I am trying to figure out how in the world I'll get her to let go of not only the bottle but the formula entirely. I ...


How Do I Get My 21 Month Old off the Bottle?

J.C. asks from Honolulu

My daughter will be turning 2 in June and I would like to get her off the bottle. We do offer her a drinking cup (regular one’s with the spout and even the ones wi...


15 Month Old Baby Doesn't like to Eat, Requesting for Help !

D.K. asks from Philadelphia

I am very concerned about my 15 month baby. She doesn't like to eat or even drink millk. I have to play dvd and do different things to make her eat. She doesn't want ...