Labor & Delivery: Epi

Results 1-10 from 271 articles

How to Deal with Labor and Delivery

C.W. asks from Minneapolis

I am do very soon and i was hoping to get some advice on what to expect and or ways to deal with labor and delivery. I'm afraid that i will be in the middle of pushi...


Is It Common to Be Induced and Go Without a Epi?

R.S. asks from Boston

I really wanted to go all natural. My due date was the 26th and iam scheduled to be induced this monday. I'm wondering if I should pass or take epi or tell them I wan...


Labor AGAIN??

N.H. asks from Omaha

This may sound absolutely crazy...or not...But I am scared to death of giving birth again. My first preg. was kinda rough and didn't enjoy being a member of preggy la...


Seekign Labor and Delivery Advice

C.F. asks from Ocala

Just want some support and advice. Should I bring my breast pump with me? would love to hear some amazing birth stories. Nervous and excited. Hoping to have a N...


Future Mom Terrified of Labor and Delivery

D.V. asks from Appleton

I am wondering if anyone out there can calm my strong fear of going through childbirth. I am 36 weeks this week with my first (and probably only child... read on......


My First Delivery

K.F. asks from Richmond

Would you rather have an epidural during delivery? I have heard so many contradicting things, I can't decide if I would just rather grin and bare it. Also, my doctor...


How Did Your Labor Start?

E.D. asks from Seattle

TOTALLY out of curiosity: How did your labor start? For example, did you begin to dilate and then X amount of time later go into labor? Did your water break befo...


How Did You Feel the Day of Labor or Before Labor?

E.B. asks from Miami

My c section is due next week on Thursday. But this entire weekend since Friday morning at 3 am I've been feeling very different. In the last 48 hours I think I've sl...


About Delivery...

L.S. asks from Orlando

Hi everyone, I am 33 weeks and getting ready for labor. Since this is my first pregnancy I have so many questions :). Do you recommend childbirth classes? what d...


Inducing Labor

M.M. asks from Dallas

I'm now in my last trimester of pregnancy and about to take off for maternity leave at the end of the month. I've heard that doctor's will induce labor early if you a...