Health & Safety: Adult Child

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41 answers

Opinions Regarding Older Pregnancy

I'm curious about how other mothers feel about a healthy forty-four year old attempting a second pregnancy. I gave birth to my only daughter at the age of forty-one. She is beautiful and healthy. My pregnancy was unassisted in any way and otherwise a "piece of cake." I gained twenty-four pounds, didn't get so much as a stretch mark and ran a 5 k at eight months of pregnancy. I'm really feeling a pressing longing for a second child. My, partner, however, is older. He has an adult son and recently had a vasectomy.


18 Year Old Daughter

My daughter just turned 18 (4 days ago) and she wants to move out of state ...


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32 answers

18 Year Old Daughter

Hi, My 18 year old daughter is sleeping overnight with a boyfriend. I have told her that this is not acceptable to me and that it is definetly not ladylike. She told me she would not do it again. Then she turns around and says shes going for a little whild and I call at 4:45 am and she answers the phone(which she did not do before) sleepy like and tells me she is on her way. I tell her what is the point at this time of the morning and that she should have taken her clothes with her. I told her she could not be a tramp around me and...