Events: Baby Einstein

Results 1-10 from 57 articles

Is a Little TV Really That Bad?

R.B. asks from Washington DC

My 10 month old son watches TV when Daddy gets home from work, and not for very long periods of time. Sometimes they watch the evening news, but sometimes it's MTV. ...


Bad Dreams

T.G. asks from Chicago

My three year old had a very high fever yesterday and last night and woke up screaming. Of course I went into her room and she was shaking, I asked what was wrong an...


Nightmares or Night Terrors? at 15 Months?!?!

B.B. asks from Indianapolis

For the last 4 weeks or so, my 15 month old daughter has woken up suddenly screaming and crying within the first two hours of sleep. It's like she's having a bad drea...


How Can I Stimulate My 6 Month Old?

R.S. asks from Los Angeles

Hello Ladies, I am a SAHM of a 6 month old little boy. He is a sweet baby and a good boy too- not much of a crier and a good sleeper. My problem is that I have run o...


Will My 18Month Old Benefit More from Daycare than a SAHM?

A.A. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms, I am a stay at home mom to my 18 month old son, as a result of job loss in Nov 2008. I haven't been able to find a job since, so I am home all day taking ...


5 Year Old Needs Sleep!

D.P. asks from Pittsburgh

I have a 5 year old son who is UP with the chickens every day! He is in bed by 8 or 8:30 every night. By that time at night he is TIRED and definitely is not going ...


1St Birthday Party Ideas for Twin Girls

N.M. asks from Dallas

I have 8 month old twin girls who will be turning 1 in Nov. I am trying to come up with some ideas for a party for them that will not be too overwhelming for them (o...


Creative Moms!! I Need Fun, Educational Ideas for My Toddler & Preschooler!

G.E. asks from Dallas

My boys are a year and half and 3 and I wanted to get some simple, easy clean-up ideas on keeping them not only entertained (together), but active in something that w...


Toddler Curriculum

H.N. asks from Dallas

My son goes to an at home daycare part time where he is the oldest child. All the other children are 5mo-14mo. I wanted to start teaching him education at home and wo...


Need Suggestions for Gifts for One Year Old Twins

S.M. asks from Philadelphia

My twin girls are turning one soon. We are having a big party at the house. Many people are asking what would be a good gift to get the girls. I need suggestions on s...