Eating Solid Foods & Weaning: Infant, Born free

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16 answers

Help!! Breastfeeding Weaning Advice?

I want to thank you all for the great advice you've given! I have one more question I could desperately use some help on. My DS is 10.5 months old and has been breast fed since the time he was born. He took a bottle for the first two months, but then stopped and has never had once since. He'll take a sip or two out of a sippy cup and does pretty well with a cup, but really seems to have no interest in drinking fluids unless it's from the boob. I'd always thought I'd wean him by the time he was a year old and that year mark is...


Infant with Reflux

I have a almost 5 month old baby boy with reflux. He was born 13 weeks early...

Dishes & Utensils

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18 answers

Transition from Breast to Bottle Feeding Infant

I am going back to work in 3 weeks and am planning on breast feeding my baby before and after work and weekends. However, she will need to take a bottle during the 5 days she is being cared for by a friend and I am having a very difficult time getting her to take one. She is almost ten weeks old. My husband is usually the one trying to give her the bottle while I am out of the room or the house. We have tried multiple bottles in the past month + including, Adiri, Avent, Born Free, Evenflow, etc. There were 4 times out of a dozen that she...