Bringing Baby Home: Da Vinci

24 answers

Catholics and Miracles?? I Don't Understand?

Hello all, I hope you can share some personal explanations with me about my friends with hopefully more than "It is written in the bible" or "that's what the church teaches me". I seem to need more than that at this difficult time. The past two weeks have proven to be quite tough for me. The first situation involved a great friend that suddenly passed away from liver cancer leaving a wife, ten year old son and three month old daughter. With the exception of my friend that passed away, the rest of the family is very Catholic. ...

Preparing Siblings

See all 7 articles
18 answers

Seeking Help W/beginning Nutritionally Addressing Asperger's

we're in the midst of getting our asperger's dx for our 5-y-o son. i've of course been doing a lot of reading/research and am feeling quite overwhelmed. i know i need to do my own research, and i am, but i'm getting a bit confused as to where to start. my son barely eats, so i know i need to work on boosting his calories first. next is balancing his gut flora and i strongly suspect yeast. has someone gone down this road and help me figure out where to start? probiotics and natural/herbal anti-fungal remedies to start? digestive...


Seeking Advice ADHD

Hello moms, I am here for your advice! My nephew is 5 years old and recently...