Behavior: Toddler, Arms Reach

Results 1-10 from 45 articles

1 Year Old Likes to Slap

S.M. asks from Houston

My little one is starting to slap. She is almost 1, and if I am holding her, she'll wack me in the face sometimes. Every time I try to say "no" or "that hurts", she...


5 Month Old Has Teeth and Wants to Bite While Feeding

T.A. asks from Portland

Hello ladies, My lil guy is 5 1/2 months old, and within the last couple months hes been teething really bad. He already has his two bottom teeth and lately anything...


How to Teach an 8 Month Old "Gentle Hands"???

J.P. asks from Phoenix 8 month old daughter has discovered that it's delightful fun (for her) to rake her nails across our faces and laugh when we're up close and ouch does it ...


Biting 2-Year Old

M.T. asks from Providence

I have a 2 year old toddler, and during the week I watch my friend's 6-year old daughter. My 2-year old has taken to biting and severe hair pulling of the 6-year old....


Toddler Discipiline

B.K. asks from Salt Lake City

I have an 18 month old little boy who has been hitting people and throwing objects at people lately, and I can't seem to get any control over his behavior. I'm lookin...


I Have a Gross 2 Year Old -HELP!!!!

J.J. asks from Chicago

My just two year old has started pulling his diaper off during his naps, bedtime and sometimes during the day. Yesterday he put his hand in his diaper(while it was on...


Seeking Advice About Disciplining My 2 Year Old Who Likes to Push Brothers

N.H. asks from Harrisburg

I'm at my rope's end!! Ever since my 9 month old twin boys have started pulling up on all the furniture, my 28 month old son has started pushing them over all the tim...


Help! Son Biting Others, Having Never Done This Before!

D.M. asks from Dallas

Hi moms! I really need your expert advice on this one. Our son just turned 2. I stay home with him most of the time, however he is enrolled in the Mother's Day Out...


My Son Was Bitten in Day Care!!

L.G. asks from Kansas City

My 2-yr-old son was bitten in day care and I don't feel that the Creative World on 40 hwy in Blue Springs is doing everything they can since he has gotten bitten twic...



A.G. asks from Dallas

Anyone have experience in this area? Tell me it'll stop soon! We start summer pre school for the first time this June and I really want this behavior curbed before ...