When to Celebrate a December Birthday

Updated on December 29, 2009
S.S. asks from Plano, TX
36 answers

My daughter's birthday is on December 21. With her birthday so close to Christmas, I just don't think many people would be able to come to a party in December. So, I have been debating whether we should have her party in January or celebrate her "half birthday" in June with an explanation on the invitations about why we are doing so. I would actually prefer to do the "half birthday" so we could have the party in our backyard and save the expense of a venue but I am just not sure what others would think of that. What do you think, Mamas? Thanks for your input!

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answers from Dallas on

S., as a fellow December birthday, I would not wait until June. Either have the birthday the first or second weekend in December or right after the holiday in January. I understand December is a hard month, but you should make it as close as possible for her. My daughter's birthday is around Thanksgiving so I always have a party before her birthday and then on her birthday we have a family party for my husband, son and I. This is what I did as a child as well! It makes them feel special.

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answers from Dallas on

Lots of parents do the 1/2 birthday in June for the December babies. It is more common than you think! Go ahead and do it, and then have something small and intimate in December for the child's real birthday! Sounds really fun...

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answers from Dallas on

I think that if you have a party in December everyone will still come. Maybe consider having it a little earlier than the 21st, say the 5th or 12th. This way it is still close to your child's b-day and they still have a party. On her Day you would still celebrate with her as a family. We do this with our children. Three of their birthdays fall within weeks of each other starting Oct 20th and ending Nov 30th. We celebrated their birthday party on Nov 7th. They still get to celebrate their day with the family witha choice of what they want to do. They seem to like this arrangement becaus ethey get to celebrate their birthday twice.

By the way, if you need any entertainment for your celebration my husband and I are professional Clowns. We offer facepainting, balloon sculptures, comedy magic shows, Glitter Art Tattoos (these are great because the last 5-7 days), friendship bracelets, along with fun interaction and games. We've entertained at birthday parties and large events like the Plano Balloon Festival.

Our prices are very reasonable (we have four great kids of our own so we know how expensive things can get)and we do our best to work within a person's budget.

Please feel free to take a look at our website at www.freewebs.com/bubblesandwowza for samples of our work along with video testimonials from satified customers regarding our performance.

Give us a call at ###-###-#### if you have any questions at all.

Hope you have a great party whatever you decide to do.

Hope to hear from you,
K. Schmidt
Bubbles the Clown
Bubbles and Wowza, LLC

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answers from Dallas on

I think that you are couting the winter out for the wrong reasons. Think craft party, the kids can make Christmas ornaments or decorate stockings.

I agree with a previous poster, my daughter has a summer birthday and when they become school age it is hard to get guests to come.

I think your child is still young (assuming that this is the two year old's party since you havent had mant bdays before) and that whatever you pick can be changed. I would wait until she is of age to pick herself. And if she does pick a summer bday, that you still have a family celebration with dinner and cake on her birthday.

I own a company called Sno-To-Go and we have found a lot of interest in our Sno-man parties during the winter months. We bring lots of snow out for the kids to build a sno-man and have a sno-ball fight. Inexpensive too! Parties start at just $75.

GL with whatever you decide! I would encourage you to let this be your child's decision someday. As a mom of an eleven year old and eight year old, we have seen lots of birthdays, the smallest ones were always the best! They dont even remember the big birthdays were there were lots of guests.

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answers from Dallas on

My daughter's bd is 12/27. This year she will turn 15.

We have ALWAYS had her party on HER day. It has never failed as far as having a crowd, even from day 1.

We have had simple parties at home, small parties with sleepovers, limo parties with sleepover at hotels, and huge blowout parties with DJ and dancing.

This year we are still undecided as far as how big the party will be. We are considering a quick beach trip for her. When we go on trips, she always takes a friend along (our expense). I know Sweet 16 next year will be a biggie!

Have fun

EDIT: One note to add. I NEVER use holiday wrap with dd's gifts. I set aside a separate area for birthday. Most family members have not sent bday gifts in holiday paper. If I do get one in and it is wrapped in holiday paper, I re-wrap it with bday paper.

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answers from Dallas on

I would do the either the first two weekends in Dec. or after school returns in Jan. Either one would be fine and I think most kids will come no matter what date. We all love a party :).



answers from Dallas on

I would go with sometime during December or early January. I have one child with a January birthday and one in June. The one in June is hardest because school is out, people are on vacation, sports are going on, etc. (When my son was in first grade, we actually did a half-birthday for him in December and brought cupcakes to school, since he couldn't do it on his actual birthday.)

With the holidays, most adult parties are in the evening, so if you schedule a party during the day, you probably won't have many conflicts. We've done sleepovers, one year we had a snowman theme and made fleece scarves for the goodie bags. We did build-a-bear once and the last one was a swim party at the Keller Pointe. That one was great. The staff was very attentive and the kids loved the novelty of swimming in the winter.



answers from Wichita Falls on

My daughter's birthday is in January and she has always wanted to have a swim party. So, this year we are having a half birthday party for her. On her birthday we will have a cake and her favorite meal, but she will celebrate in June or July with her friends. Just make sure your daughter knows your aren't skipping the celebration, just postponing it.



answers from Dallas on

How about a cookie decorating party, invite kids to come over to decorate Christmas cookies or build Gingerbread houses. Serve hot chocolate and cider. You could even invite the moms to bring a few dozen cookies or homemade candies to exchange with each other.
Or a trip as a group to the mall to see Santa, have lunch and cake in the food court.

I would embrace the holiday aspect as long as she is willing. If she balks later then follow her wishes.

I have a Valentine's baby and we've had pink and red hearts every year. and a spring baby who has had several Easter birthday parties.

We'll change when they're ready.



answers from Dallas on

My birthday is the 12/29 , but in my family we have dec 10, 17,18,22, 2 on the 29th and the 30th coverd. So I know the problem!It's tough to have even 1 birthday in dec let alone 6!
You can do it either way. I would check with your daughter to see what she would prefer. One thing I would make sure you do. Have a small family celebration on or near her day. That way it has some sort of acknowledgement.



answers from Dallas on

Hi, my birthday is Dec 23. I would at least have her party in the winter months no later than January. Either between the 1st two weeks in Dec. or between the 2nd and 3rd week in Jan. Then her birthday won't get blended with the holidays. As a child I always had sleep overs because I grew up in snowy winters. But the sleep over parties are the best to little girls from what I remember.So a party around her real date seems more festive and will give her the great memories of having a birthday party despite the holidays. So when she is asked the famous question " did you get shafted and have your birthday and christmas all together" she can actually say no lol. Good luck



answers from Dallas on

You don't mention if this is for the 5 or 2 yr old, however I think a party at home whether indoors or out, December or June is a great idea. To me BD parties are getting totally out of control with parents spending up to $1,000 for a toddler BD party!?! My fondest memories of my own parties were of home made cakes, eaten at home and home made fun.



answers from Dallas on

My birthday is December 8th and growing up I never had a problem with other kids coming to my party because it was early in the month and school was still in session. However, my 9 year old son has a summer birthday and it is my experience that it is VERY difficult to get people to come to a summer birthday as a birthday party because people are on vacation and once the kids are out of school it's hard to get in touch. We usually have a birthday party for him about 2 weeks into the school year. You don't mention which child this is for--the 5 year old or the 2 year old, but I wouldn't establish the June party tradition because as she gets older and into school it will be really hard to do. All of my son's friends who have summer birthdays have their parties during the school year. My advice is to have her birthday in the first week of December--kids are still in school and the holiday whirlwind is not in full gear.



answers from Atlanta on

Hi,my lil girl's b-day is dec. 11th and we are doing her party on the 5th cuz its also her father's b-day. He says that u have to make her b-day special cuz he doesn't remember havin a party until i gave him one and he was a grown man, he always got a gift but no parties. So we decided to always give her a party even if its small. If the child is in school then have a party with the class jus so they will feel special on that day, that's what we plan to do!


answers from Norfolk on

I've often thought about moving my birthday celebration (Dec 26). But I haven't so far for 48 yrs. All my family s birthdays are close to holidays. My husband is Feb 13 (1 day before Valentines), my son is Oct 27 (4 days before Halloween). We've just gotten use to low key birthdays.



answers from Dallas on

Do it now, or what until January. We have numerous friends/family with birthdays on or right around Christmas. Most of them do the birthday party in the October/November timeframe. I think the June thing is cute, but too long to make a child wait.



answers from Dallas on

My birthday is December 21 and it was always hard to get people to come to my party because they were typically Christmas shopping the weekend before my birthday. However, we always did it then and they were nice small parties. I liked it close to my actual birthday. However, one year I did have a half birthday party and we sent out half an invitation that said that they didn't "half" to bring a gift and we had half a cake but I also had my regular birthday party near my birthday. Most of my birthdays as I got older were something like I could bring one friend and we would stay in a hotel with an indoor swimming pool and eat out wherever I wanted or something like that.
Good luck! Just make sure you do something on her actual birthday with the family if you do move it around!
Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

I think It would be Awesome to have her party in June. my birthday is January 3 and when I was little I remember always dreaming of a swimming party or picnic but instead we had the flu several times on my birthday!!!!
Another problem was i got all my presents almost at the same time and nothing the rest of the year!!!
3rd problem was lots of people would jsut give me something and say this is for your birthday too!!!
Just some thoughts I always wished someone would change my b day!!



answers from Dallas on

who cares what other people think????

I say do the half birthday...what a GREAT idea and different!
She deserves extra special fun w/ her mommy/family on her actual birthday, then have the party w/ all her friends in June!

1/2 birthday....GREAT IDEA!!!!!!!



answers from Dallas on

My son's birthday is December 15, so I know the dilemma. I have never done the half birthday party, but I like the idea. My problem is that I have a hard enough time getting my in-laws to want to acknowledge his December birthday (after all, it's hard to go to you're grandson's party when high school football playoffs of schools you didn't go to nor know a sole involved anywhere in the game are going on, but I digress *sarcastic* :) that I think they would totally ignore a June one. So, I have always done one on the mid-weekend in December. He hasn't had a friend party yet, so I'm not sure how that would go, but I would go to a friend's party no matter when the date if I was available. This year, we're having his party at Chuck E. Cheese on December 22. We took him there one year, just my husband and I, and had the place to ourselves! I'm hoping for the same luck this time. I will invite his friends, but I realize many won't be able to being so close to the holiday. But for me, that is a long week with all the kids home before Christmas, so I'd welcome anything to do!



answers from Dallas on

Stick with a party around her birthday. My son's birthday is December 14th and we've always done a party and have never had anyone not able to come. I have cousins with birthdays on the 19th and 25th (yes Christmas day). And, it's always been very important to our family to have a separate birthday celebration for their birthdays. We always have a birthday cake on Christmas Eve to celebrate the Christmas day birthday - even with all the other cookies and Christmas goodies. Gifts were always kept separate not combined unless it was a special request from one of them, no one would ever consider combining a birthday and Christmas gift for anyone else that didn't have a December birthday why should it be different for those who just happen to be born in December?



answers from Dallas on

my youngest was born on 12/27. we've always had his party on the first weekend of december. then we go out to eat as a small family unit on his bday. it's worked out wonderfully! this year we'll be going to Country Critters Farm and having a blast OUTside, with no fear. if it's chilly, the kids can wear coats.



answers from Dallas on

I recommend planning the celebration in December; maybe a week or so early. As she gets older, ask HER what would be her preference.

My birthday is December 31st, as is my mom's. I'm now a mom to a terrific 3 year old and am thankful her birthday is in August! She'll probably grow up feeling "jipped" that her birthday does not take place during the school year!

I always felt "jipped" on the celebrating and gifting end while growing up. As a teen, my mom and I opted to celebrate with each other in June and that has informally continued into my late forties. I appreciate the "special-ness" if you will of our gift exchange and mutual celebration, but it's just between us.

That being said, I believe if you/the family make your daughter's actual birthday the special occassion that it IS, then the quantity of participants will not really matter. It's being an "afterthought" or inconvenience that carries the sting. DO NOT wrap birthday gifts in Holiday paper! Dissuade others from giving a "birthday / Christmas" "combined" gift. Even buy her some "summer stuff" and put away for her December birthday to differentiate the gifts from the "standard" winter gifting. Give her party a beach theme or something that others will enjoy as "different" from the standard holiday festivities.

Just my two cents, for what they're worth... Happy Celebrating, however you dedide!



answers from Dallas on

Hi there! My newphew's birthday is on the December 21st also and my sister has tried to keep it close to the date unless they have some kind of sports event to go to. She said she's never had a problem with it and he's now 13 at the awkward stage and doesn't know if a party for him is "cool" anymore. My birthday is December 9th and when I was a child my mom had my party'sd around the 9th and almost everyone invitesd showed up. Good Luck!



answers from Dallas on

My girls birthday is December 20. We've been celebrating on the weekend before when we are with family. As they are turning 4 this year, we are doing it on the 12th. Last year, we did it on the weekend before Christmas and had a great turn-out.



answers from Dallas on

I have done this for several years...each year becoming more successful. I just put 6 1/2 year birthday...I didn't think it was necessary to explain myself. And the best part is that the kids LOVED it, parents too. We rented bounce houses, water slides, stuff for the smaller kids-like little pool with floating ducks, sand,...

I even rented a tent, table and chairs...mistakes learned from the first 'party'. I say do it and have a blast!!



answers from Dallas on

I think a half birthday party is a great idea and it is a great tradition to start. Good thinking!



answers from St. Cloud on

Hi S.! I can answer this with a measure of authority because my birthday is on Dec 14th, my daughter is Dec. 7th, my sisters' birthdays are on Dec 20th and 31st.
All my life, people have come to my birthdays and my sisters birthdays. It was all so much fun!

Our daughter is only 3 this year but I remember doing things like, making your own pizza party, decorating cookies, doing fun crafts and having games, sledding parties, and dress up parties.
This year we are having 30 people over for my daughter's party, adults and kids alike.

I never wanted a summer birthday when I was growing up. My parents didn't have much money but they made it so special for each of us girls. I STILL look forward to my birthday! :)
Good luck on your decision!



answers from Dallas on

Hi S.,

What about having her birthday party a week or so prior to the 21st in December and planning it for a Sunday afternoon instead of Saturday? Something like 2-4 or 3-5 so it would not interfere with church.



answers from Dallas on

i have dealt with this as a child with a holiday b-day and as a mother with two kids with holiday b-days. my b-day is 11/25, and my mom usually did my party the weekend before thanksgiving - always had a decent turnout. now, my sons birthdays are 12/26 and 1/5. we have always done their parties in early december or mid january. it's too much for me/my sons/guests to do a party b/n xmas and new year's. too much stress for ALL involved! we always go to chuck e cheese as a family and have a cake of their choosing on their actual birthdate, which is when they get their gifts from us.



answers from Dallas on

We have a similar issue. My twin girls' birthday usually falls at Thanksgiving so on the years they get to have a party, we have it in early December after their birthday. I'd go for January.



answers from Dallas on

It's her birthday, do whatever you want. There is always going to be a reason kids don't come, do what is easiest for you. My friend had her son on Christmas Day, her "fix" is to let him choose which day he'd like to celebrate . . . sometimes it is in the summer, sometimes it is in the winter. Don't feel like you need to justify your reason to anyone. Good Luck!!



answers from Dallas on

My son's birthday is also on December 21st and we struggle with the same issues.
We have three avenues when dealing with birthdays in our household that is a little different.
First, we don't always have a birthday party in which friends are invited and have the whole party thing. We do a family birthday. My husband and I, with all three of our boys take a family trip. Someplace that is expensive but fun. Like laser tag, Sea World, Meideval Times, Hurricane Harbor, Six Flags etc. Then we can take trips when things are open etc. We live in Stephenville, so these trips even to Six Flags are a big deal. And expensive for a family of 5 to boot. Sometimes, I let them invite one friend.
Second, if they really want a friend birthday party, we don't take the family trip. We put them on a budget and do a friend party. We have had pool parties, lake parties, park parties, jumping house parties, bowling parties, well....you get the picture.
And for the December birthday, we have had friend parties in April for him. He also wanted a pool party and we have had one in the summer for him also. I have put it on the invitations, and just told the moms. I have always had good feedback. Christmas is a bad time for people to try to remember birthdays and to part with extra money for birthday gifts.
I will tell you that no matter what my children decide, we always celebrate with a cake, and take them out to dinner on their actual birthday and give them their presents. They also go to their granparents house for basically the same treatment.
Then whatever type of party they decide to have, we schedule accordingly. Sometimes school interferes and we have to have it on the weekend for one kid or a different time of the year for another.
My kids have always been very understanding and we have had some great times as a family celebrating birthdays with just the 5 of us on a trip.
Good luck,



answers from Dallas on


My daughter's b-day is Dec 20. We do a party for her friends the first weekend of Dec, and it's always been well-attended. Then on the actual b-day we have a family dinner and give our present to her. Do what works for your family - I bet if you experiment a bit you'll find a good fit. :-)



answers from Tyler on

That sounds like a great idea... especially with the economy... that way people won't feel obligated to purchase birthday presents at a time when they are saving to buy presents for their own kids.

another idea would be to have a caroling party... get the kids together, for hot chocolate and then go to a nursing home or a few houses in your neighborhood and sing christmas carols (most kids this age know we wish you a Merry Christmas and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer)... then you can go back to your house for cake and then the kids go home.

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