What to Pack for Hospital

Updated on April 25, 2009
R.S. asks from Framingham, MA
23 answers

I'm not sure about what to pack for myself and baby for the hospital stay.

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answers from Boston on

A suggestion was made to me to bring not pj's and robes, but some comfortable workout type of clothing. I did that and it was the best advice! This way when visitors come in and the hospital staff, you feel pretty comfy! Try it! Best wishes!



answers from Hartford on

Congrats and good luck! You got a lot of great ideas..one thing I brought and used was a premie outfit to take my daughter home in. My daughter wasn't early, but they are just so small going home from the hospital that all of her other "newborn" clothes seemed huge on her. The premie outfit was a perfect fit.

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answers from Springfield on

Well for the baby they should have everything you need right there except the clothes you want to bring her home in. I have to say you couldn't have picked a lovelier name for your little girl. As for you you childbirth and after can be messy so I wouldn't pack anything except for things you need to relax while in labor, a birth and baby book if you have one, use the johnies and robes they have at the hospital, pads, comfortable clothing to wear home, nursing bra and pads if you plan on nursing, a list of numbers that you plan on calling to tell of your arrival. Good luck I hope all goes well for you and Rachel.



answers from Boston on


Congrats first of all on your little bundle of joy! Make sure you bring what your little angel will wear home. For you...well I would make sure comfortable clothes for your way home, 2 pairs of undies, pads for sure, the pads they give you sometimes slide, sweat pants to go home in, shirt, a bra for nursing with the pads if you nurse, if your not going to nurse.....bring the nursing pads because your going to leak, socks of course. You may or may not wear make-up, but if you do wear it and want to look good, bring it, and a brush. Don't forget your camera...make sure its charged, money so your husband can get a soda or coffee. That all I can think of at the moment. Good luck!




answers from Boston on

pack comfy PJ's/sweats BUT know they may get dirty - after you deliver you will be wearing large sanitary napkins for days up to a week. (with my 2nd child i wore the hospital jonnies the whole time!)
socks/bring extra because you may wear them to the bathroom etc.
notebook - to take any info from doctors/nurses/or just to journal your feelings

bring nice stationary/card stock and ask the nurses for an extra set of foot prints! too cute.

for the baby: going home outfit/carseat with blankets/"bundle me" - something to keep Rachel extra warm! it is New England after all!

best of luck! have fun, relax as much as you can!



answers from Boston on

I found this on a baby web site and i liked it. I hope it works for you. I may not pack every thing but it is a help, Good luck.

Hospital Packing List

Print out this list and secure it to the bag you'll be taking to the hospital. This way, you can see at-a-glance what last-minute items you'll need to add.
For Mom For Dad For Baby For Siblings
Packing for the Hospital – For Mom

* Labor kit containing massage oil (recommended in most childbirth classes)
* Robe
* Warm socks (to wear in the delivery room)
* Maternity underwear (for the trip home)
* Slippers
* Nightgown (one that opens in the front if you're planning on breastfeeding)
* Nursing bra (if you’re planning on breastfeeding)
* Clothing for trip home (consider bringing 1st or 2nd trimester maternity clothes, which will be roomy and comfortable)
* Two pillows with pillowcases from home
* Cosmetics, hairbrush, hair dryer
* Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss
* Prescription medications from home (use only as advised by your doctor)
* Mints or breath strips (helpful if medications or anesthesia cause vomiting during labor)
* Lollipops (for a dry mouth)
* Lip balm
* Deodorant
* Body lotion
* Eyeglasses (contact lenses may need to be removed prior to a C-section)
* Contact lenses and accessories
* A nightlight (for soft light in the room during night feedings)
* A pad of paper and pen to track Baby's feedings and diaper changes
* A large envelope to bring home documents (discharge papers, Baby's first photo, etc.)
* The START HEALTHY, STAY HEALTHY™ Resource Center BACKPACK gift certificate (click here for more details)
Hospital Packing List

Print out this list and secure it to the bag you'll be taking to the hospital. This way, you can see at-a-glance what last-minute items you'll need to add.
For Mom For Dad For Baby For Siblings
Packing for the Hospital – For Mom

* Labor kit containing massage oil (recommended in most childbirth classes)
* Robe
* Warm socks (to wear in the delivery room)
* Maternity underwear (for the trip home)
* Slippers
* Nightgown (one that opens in the front if you're planning on breastfeeding)
* Nursing bra (if you’re planning on breastfeeding)
* Clothing for trip home (consider bringing 1st or 2nd trimester maternity clothes, which will be roomy and comfortable)
* Two pillows with pillowcases from home
* Cosmetics, hairbrush, hair dryer
* Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss
* Prescription medications from home (use only as advised by your doctor)
* Mints or breath strips (helpful if medications or anesthesia cause vomiting during labor)
* Lollipops (for a dry mouth)
* Lip balm
* Deodorant
* Body lotion
* Eyeglasses (contact lenses may need to be removed prior to a C-section)
* Contact lenses and accessories
* A nightlight (for soft light in the room during night feedings)
* A pad of paper and pen to track Baby's feedings and diaper changes
* A large envelope to bring home documents (discharge papers, Baby's first photo, etc.)
* The START HEALTHY, STAY HEALTHY™ Resource Center BACKPACK gift certificate (click here for more details)


answers from Boston on

You should bring something to wear other than johnny's during labor and birth. Wearing a johnny gives some moms the feeling of a sick patient and you are not sick being pregnant is not an illness. After the birth you can stay in pajamas for the entire time until you leave or bring comfortable clothes to wear for your stay and for the trip home. A comfortable bra will be helpful. You will need an outfit for the baby to come home in as well as the carseat.
Happy Birthing Day.



answers from New London on

Hi R.!

I certainly hope your labor and delivery goes well! Don't forget the baby fingernail clippers! Hospitals don't have them, and babies can be born with long fingernails and scratch themselves on the first day.

Good luck sweetie, you'll do great!!



answers from Boston on

Everyone else has good suggestions so far, but don't forget the baby book! Also, your own toiletries, especially lotion, shampoo/cond., body wash, razor, etc. Both times I've been in the hospital I've brought a book to read but never got around to actually reading it. Also, see what your hospital may have ready for new moms... at Monadnock Comm. Hospital they have a kitchen stocked with cookies, crackers, yogurt, jello, ice cream, cereal, milk, and juice so I didn't have to worry about bringing snacks.



answers from Boston on

First of all, congrats R. - what an exciting time!
I brought my sons baby book and when they did his footprints for his birth certificate, I had his footprints done directly in his baby book, as well - too cute!
Don't forget the charger for your cell phone!
Definitely bring your own nice smelling toiletries - that first shower after labor, you feel sub-human, so a nice shower helps!!
Your own pillow is mandatory, as is a boppy pillow if you plan on nursing it helps!
The best thing to do is to have a checklist, next to the packed bags so you don't forget anything that you have to wait to pack (like cell phone charger).



answers from Boston on

Hi congrats!
I do recall after giving the birth that the clothes that fit me at 9 months pregnant didn't fit me the day after my son was born beause I was so swollen from all the fluids I got (I was a C-section) so don't bring skinny clothes quite yet-bring comfy roomy clothes. BVest of luck!



answers from Boston on

A few other things that might help you in labor --

a tennis ball -- this is for someone to rub your back with, rolling it between their hand and your back -- or to provide counterpressure with if you end up with back labor. It's much easier on the hands than rubbing or doing counterpressure with your fists for hours and hours (I once did that for 15 hours -- could barely open my hands afterwards)

a rice sock -- this is a clean sock filled with rice and sealed. You put it in the microwave for about a minute and then use it to apply heat wherever you might need it.

something very meaningful to you to focus on -- sometimes having a visual point of focus which is meaningful in a positive way helps women cope with the sensations of labor. Perhaps even something that is linked to your baby in your mind/heart.

Music -- try to pick something that you find relaxing and something that you find energizing. If you have an ipod and can bring your whole collection, that's great.

Snacks for your partner -- yes, you can sometimes get light snacks during labor, but your partner might want something a little more substantial. Consider energy bars or something like that. Make sure that they're not to smelly -- you might be very sensitive to that in labor.

Your toothbrush and minty toothpaste(and your partners) -- nothing can energize you quite as easily as brushing your teeth with something minty.

If you like them, essential oils -- lavender in particular is very relaxing. Mint is energizing. Just putting a drop or two in a bowl of hot water will scent the room.

There's more in my birth bag, but my baby is fussing and I need to go and snuggle him. Feel free to email me for more suggestions

birth doula and childbirth educator



answers from Boston on

You've gotten a ton of great advice. Let me just add that you want to bring lots of changes of underwear unless you want to be stuck in the hospital underwear. Bring very soft comfortable shirts, because your breasts might be really sore from nursing and your bras might not fit well. I recommend your own towel (just a small one) for this reason too. Drying off I thought I was going to cry from the roughness of the hospital towels. Oh, lansinoh creme (you can get it at CVS). You can get it in the hospital too, but it costs 3 times as much. Finally, bring slippers that you can wear outside if you have to - my feet were so swollen from delivery that two days later I didn't even fit into my clogs!



answers from Boston on

Congratulations! You will need:
~ one of your own bed pillows (it just makes it nicer for you)
~lip balm - labor will dehydrate you!
~pajamas for you (ones that are comfortable and you don't mind friends seeing you in)
~if you are going to breast feed get a pajama top for that (motherhood maternity can help you out with that)
~a going home outfit for baby
~your going home outfit - something comfortable!
*The hospital will provide diapers, etc. for baby
*Don't forget the car seat! Make sure you install it before hand so you aren't there trying to figure that out




answers from Bangor on

Hi R..
Congrats! In this age of digital cameras, maybe this won't matter, but I had people give me those disposable 35mm cameras as a shower gift, so I brought them instead of my good camera and one of the disposables developed nothing! Very disappointing, as I had some of the nurses pose with my new daughter and no record of it...so bring your good camera and extra batteries. And as people have said, comfy clothes for you, a 'going home' outfit for the baby, your hairbrush and toothbrush (hospital ones leave alot to be desired). The pad of paper and your babybook are definites too. A phone card, in case your cell phones aren't allowed. The hospital will give you pads, diapers, plastic bags, etc. and check with your hospital about snacks availability, because where I was they had soups, crackers, soda, water, juices, etc readily available 24/7.
No need to pack what they will provide for you!!!
Blessings to you all and baby Rachel. W. Huff



answers from Boston on


Congrat's in advance. As for the labor anything that you want to relax you. Music, etc. And SOCKS. Other than that you are basically naked under the gown. For afterwards, if you are nursing and already have your bra's you can bring them, if you want to wear your own pj's bring them, underwear, socks, slippers, a robe, a going home outfit for the baby. Basically anything that will make you comfortable bring. The hospital provides anything you need for the baby except the going home outfit and the carseat.

L. M



answers from Boston on

My baby came so early that we had no time to pack a bag at all. After I was settled into the hospital, I sent my husband home to get the necessities. The ONE thing the nurse advised him to bring me? A pair of socks that I would be willing to throw away when labor is over. They'll be too gross even to wash. Good luck and congratulations!



answers from Portland on

Lots of great ideas here from other moms...I would simply add: bring your OWN pillow. Hospital pillows are flat, small and not comfortable at all...bring a nice big pillow that you'll be comfortable with, and only use the ones they give you to help prop yourself up with. I used mine right through labor and delivery, then changed the pillowcase and used it in my room. I was soooo glad I brought it for comfort/support and for a "home-like" feel in the hospital.

Pack for comfort (both for you and your baby) with easy on and off clothing and softness. Make sure you have some little snacks, mints etc. that you can have in the room after you have the baby (you'll be very hungry). Make sure you have plenty of batteries for your camera, and have EVERYTHING you pack labeled with your name on it (in case things get lost in the shuffle).

Finally, PRACTICE using the baby carseat. Have it all properly installed BEFORE the baby arrives. If you're using a travel seat, practice clicking the seat in and out, so that you're able to get baby home without carseat stress, ha-ha!

Congrats!!! Have fun with your new little one!!



answers from Boston on

Hi R.,

Don't over-pack. With my first labor I brought everything under the sun and didn't use most of what I brought. Remember, everything you bring to the hospital, you also have to lug home!

The two things I couldn't live without during labor were lip balm and mouthwash -- toothbrush is great but once you get an epidural (which I HIGHLY recommend!!!) you can't really walk around so the mouthwash was a lifesaver since you can just spit it out into a cup. Made me feel like a new woman, and helped a little with nausea during and after labor.

Also, bring the manual for your carseat. When my first daughter was born, we had practiced installing the car seat, but we hadn't practiced adjusting the straps to fit such a tiny baby. The nurses didn't know how to do it either. After a lot of frustration, my husband finally had to run home to get the instructions. Imagine being all ready to leave the hospital and having to sit around waiting to put the baby in the darn carseat!

Best of luck to you and baby Rachel!!



answers from Boston on

I'm sure you'll get lots of advice, so I'll keep mine as short as possible! If you plan to breastfeed bring plenty of snacks for you (dried fruit, granola bars etc). I was STARVING at weird hours and just dug around in my bag for food. Have a blank notepad, your brain and emotions are on overload, so write things down if they are important (follow ups, to do's, thank you reminders for gifts rec'd). My saving grace were my yoga pants and roomy shirts, i'm not a nightgown girl but had a few in case of c-section (i went natural whew). Make sure you have a call list with #s so that your significant other/friend can do your calls for you. If you have a lot of people who need to know, just set up a phone chain in advance. Bring any important paperwork that your pedi/OB said to bring (baby papers).

It is a VERY VERY special and emotional time, enjoy meeting your baby!



answers from Boston on

Just a few thing I wish I had known before having my daughter......bring your own underwear so you don't have to wear the horrible hospital ones..they are terrible!! Unless you love nightgowns don't bother with one. I wish I had just brought some super comfy pj pants with a drawstring waist and a big t-shirt and nursing bra. I am not a nightgown person but bought one because everyone said i needed one and I hated it!! Just be comfy in what you like to wear.

good luck!!



answers from Boston on

definately bring your favorite pillow, nursing nightgown (if you are going to nurse, if not just a cozy nightgown), robe, slippers, your own shampoo and toiletries (first shower feels great, you need your own stuff)outfit and blankets for the baby, and your cell phone and phone numbers! My biggest piece of advice is to let th ebaby sleep in th enursery at night. You will get much better sleep. Good luck and have fun!



answers from Boston on

Hi R.-- I gave birth to my first child back in Feb. What I threw into the bag for the hospital was simple: pjs with a button down front (helpful for nursing); a comfy bathrobe for the hallways; favorite lip balm; comfy socks/slippers; thick/long maxi pads; my favorite snacks for post; a camera; cell phone; a notebook w/contraction notes; a change of clothes for my husband; an outfit for the baby to go home in. I made sure I liked what I wore going into the hospital, b/c to make it easy, I wore the same thing home. Things I packed and DID NOT use: sudoku puzzle book; cd walkman; cds; make-up; a book to read - I thought I'd have "down-time" to relax. When I did I just wanted to sleep! GOOD LUCK to YOU!

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