
Updated on February 22, 2012
S.E. asks from Caldwell, NJ
10 answers

at what point during you pregnancy did u start a registry? did u wait til the very end? or once u found out the sex of the baby?

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answers from Rochester on

I think after you find out the sex of the baby. then you know what kind of things you would need. I did one, but no body got the stuff that I needed. Oh, one thing--when you find the sex of the baby, go to 2nd hand stores and get the clothing there. It'll save you on cash. And start getting the things you need now instead of waiting till the last second. Good luck!

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answers from Dallas on

It depends on if you plan to find out the sex of the baby. I waited till after I found out what I was having then went and did it. Don't wait too late in case something comes up. Like with my first they put me on bed rest a month before my due date so it would have been too hard to do it then.

Good luck and God Bless!

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answers from New York on

I'm guesssing you're registering for a shower. Then I would start 4 to 6 weeks before the shower.

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answers from Dallas on

I registered early because there was a chance, and it did happen, that I would be on bedrest. I registered at about 18 weeks. I only registered to try to win contest or get the 10% off coupons that they offer, since it was my second pregnancy. With my first pregnancy, I think I was about 30 weeks. I waited until people started asking me where I was registered.

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answers from Kansas City on

I did it about a month or so before the shower. I didn't find out the sex of either of our babies either and I will add that I got TONS of stuff of my registry that I feel I might not have gotten otherwise! Congrats!

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answers from Denver on

If I remember right, we registered at about 28-30 weeks. We had my shower when I was 34 weeks pregnant.


answers from Chicago on

We didn't find out the gender of either child so that didn't play a part in the registry. When I found out some were planning a shower for me I registered - I was around 5-6 months along.



answers from Detroit on

Do you know what you would like? Then go and register.

If you are a shopper like me, anticipate needing to go multiple times. Picking all of this new equipment that you are unfamiliar with is time consuming. I did research on the best car seat, etc. Plus, you need to find out if it fits your car! This all takes time. Much more time than to register for a wedding.

See? Sometimes you go and you add ONE THING to the list!

Plus, being pregnant, you get tired. This isn't done in one session.

Best wishes!



answers from New York on

Hi Sam,
There really weren't baby registries when I was having my first, 17 years ago, and I was not expecting a shower. I didn't announce the sex of my first and didn't know the sex of my 2nd. I would say to start one in the second trimester, before you have a shower, whether you are expecting one or not. The idea is for you to get the bedding, pack and play, high chair, stroller, breast pump, etc that you would want, and for your shower guests to know what you would like.



answers from Boston on

I did one when I knew that some friends were throwing a shower and made sure it was completed before the invites went out. It was probably 2 months before I was due.

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