Playgroups Around Salem, NH

Updated on August 04, 2008
H.C. asks from Derry, NH
4 answers

I am a first time mom and currently a SAHM to a 5 month old little boy. I am looking for a playgroup that meets weekly (would be best). Let me know if there is anything out there or if anyone wants to form a group. Thanks!

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answers from Boston on

I have a 5 month old son too!! Alexander was born 9-23-07. I also have a 9 year old son. My Husband and I were from Salem until we moved to Manchester 2 years ago. Both our families live in Salem! We live on the border of Londonderry by the Yard Restaurant.

If you are interesting in talking further...let me know!!

I am currently staying home with Alex. I LOVE to stamp and craft.

If there is anything else, feel free to email me!!




answers from Boston on

Hi H.

I just saw your posting about playgroups for your son.
I thought I'd give you some info on my business, BABYSTEPS Early Childhood Movement Center. We have an awesome parent support group and our kids all have great social skills and interactions with one another starting at only a few months old.

We are located in North Andover and have a lot of classes to offer you and your son that include dance, music, gym, storytime and athletic classes to kids ages 6 months-4 years old. We also have Playgroup & Parents' Group that meet each day.

We have a new class starting in September, Mamma Mambo, a high energy dance and workout class targeted toward you but taken by both you and your son. The best part about our whole Babysteps program is that it is drop-in so you aren't stuck with a specific day and time once you sign up. You can come and go as you please for $10 a day (2 hours of classes) or $50/ month for unlimited classes (We are open 5 days/ week).

We are open Tues-Sat 9-12pm and our fall session begins Saturday September 6th
(Open House Mon-Fri, August 4-22nd 9-12pm). Please call us ###-###-#### or visit our website for more info and then click Babysteps under programs.

Look forward to hearing from you and hopefully meeting you and your little boy soon!
Director of Babysteps



answers from Boston on

Hi H.,
I don't know of any playgroups in Salem but I think there is a website called meetups that lists playgroups in different areas. It's You could check that out. Also there might be some type of moms group that meets at the Rockingham mall to walk in the morning. I think I've seen moms doing that. You could call the mall and find out.
Good luck.



answers from Boston on

My son is a year older than yours but I'm definitely interested in some kind of social interaction for him. He's pretty good with littler kids.

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