One Year Old Baby Weight......( Brestfeeding Moms)

Updated on May 29, 2012
K.I. asks from Norman, OK
26 answers

Hi , I have this question because my ped is worry about my baby is not gaining weight, she's turning 14 months in June , and she wight 22 pounds, I'm 5'7 and husband is 6 ft. So we are not small, my baby look big, not chubby but I think she's well proportioned.
So please can some mamas out there share your baby weight with me please , just to have an idea..
And about only brestfeeding moms is just because I am still nursing a lot! But anyone is welcome to share .

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So What Happened?

Thank you for all your great answers, Well she had her 12 month check up in april and she was almost 19.20 lbs, and Friday was recheck and was 21,99 so she's gaining weight , yes I am not going to worry that much , they call and told me she need to get 3 full meals, 2 snacks and water in between :). Right now I am working on changing the breast for the bottle.

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answers from Minneapolis on

I would be thrilled if my baby was 22lbs. She is 19lbs at 15months old, she's just barley hanging on to the 3rd percentile.

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answers from Houston on

"After a baby's first birthday, the rate of growth begins to slow down. The baby is now a toddler and is very active. While all children may grow at a different rate, the following indicates the average for 1-year-old boys and girls:

Weight: average gain of about 8 ounces each month, birthweight has tripled by the end of the first year
Height: average growth of about 1/4 to 1/2 inch each month"

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answers from Seattle on

My son was 20 pounds at 6 months (10lb & 23.5 inches at birth). Don't remember 1yo weight/height... But at 2yo he was 37.5 inches & 35lbs... So somewhere between the two!!

1yos have wacky weights, because they start walking/running around then, and switching to tavle food, both of which drops a lot of weight! When you shift from breast to solids, expect weight loss.

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answers from Tallahassee on

My son just turned 2 last month and he weighs 22lbs. He's been small since birth. His pediatrician says he is ok as long as he is growing and adding some weight even though he is at the 5th percentile.

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answers from San Francisco on

I just looked it up, and my older daughter (now 9 years old and 5'1" already!) weighed 21 pounds at her 1-year checkup, and my younger daughter (who is almost 7 and has always been in the 15% or lower for height) was 19 pounds at 1 year. So 22 pounds sounds like a good-sized baby to me! (My husband and I are both 6' tall, by the way, so you would expect our kids to be giants.)

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answers from Rochester on

Both my son and daughter were under 20 pounds when they turned one. They were breastfed as well and started eating purees at 6 months and table food at 9 or 10.
As long as the baby is healthy and thriving, altert, etc. I think she is ok. If your ped is worried, then ask your ped what you should be doing or if you should be giving your baby any kind of supplement.

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answers from New York on

At 1 year my daughter was 19 lbs 13oz and 28 1/4" long...
At 15 months she was 21 lbs 10 ozs and 30 inches

I would ask your ped to clarify... my daughter was in 25 - 50 percentile for her 1st 2 years, my ped was not concerned because even though she was smaller thatn average she did increase from check-up to check-up...

AT 4 she is a perfectly healthy slightly above average height and normal weight..

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answers from Raleigh on

My 20 mo old just hit 22 1/2 lbs. She is right on track for her growth curve, so no worries on that end from the pediatrician. I am small framed myself, and if she is like me, she'll never know what the phrase "going on a diet" means! :)

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answers from New York on

At my son's 9 month appt he had slipped from his usual 50th percentile for weight down to 25th. He was not crawling yet but was more active and less interested in eating. I nursed him with no formula supplementation. I don't remember his weight but looking back at pictures, I can definetly see he is thinner. What I did was when he ate his food, I would add butter to make it more fattening. It is important for a baby to have some fat because they lose weight when sick and also fat is important for brain development. You can also give her some whole milk or even half and half at this point if she will take it. My son would never drink any other milk than mine. Good luck!

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answers from Houston on

My baby weighed just under 20 pounds at his 15mo check-up. He is NOT exclusively breastfed, but he is still nursing a lot and LOOOOOVVVVES (breast) milk. Some days it's all he wants. When his teeth are bothering him, he doesn't want anything but milk, sometimes a little formula. Also, he is extremely active and sweats easily. He is constantly burning up calories from all angles. He eats enough to satisfy him in the moment and then is off to drag a heavy box across the floor or do laps around the island in the kitchen. He is healthy and happy, so I don't worry.

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answers from Seattle on

My DD didn't hit 20 lbs until she was 18 months old - and she was not underweight either - I think it was the 15% or something. I remember it clearly because the doc proceeded to tell us it was ok to turn her car seat around... Breastfed babies tend to be leaner so it is good if you have a ped who in knowledgeable about breastfeeding.
My DD was always lighter and taller for age. Not off the charts, but anywhere between 10% and 25% Weight and 60% for height - the only think our ped ever said about it: "if she's lucky she'll keep that figure into adulthood".
These days they are more worried about infants being too chubby... maybe your ped isn't quite in the loop or his view are a bit old-timey.

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answers from Chicago on

I wouldn't worry too much about it. Ask your dr why he is concerned, so that way you have the whole picture from his point of view. Although my baby was not great fed, she was over 18 months old before she even hit 20 lbs. She was 6 months and barely 10 lbs and was in kindergartens and still able to wear 2T and 3T clothes because she was so skinny but she was always long and tall. She was completey healthy She is now 10 and 80 lbs. She is just really long and lean...and eats like a garbage disposal. My youngest is 4 1/2 and only 35 lbs. She is a tiny thing but healthy as a horse. My husband and I are not tiny either. My son was a CHUNK! He was a solid tank. But now he has kind of stopped gaining weight and is not long and lean.

Again, unless he gives another reason why he is worried...she is really not far off at all in terms of age and weight. So many people are overweight and so many kids are also overweight, that I think it is starting to be uncommon when babies and kids are where they are supposed to be.

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answers from Louisville on

From our experience, one with a child who was labelled "failure to thrive" and others who are just small, the biggest indicator of a problem was inconsistency in the child's own growth chart. In other words, if the child started life in the 25th to 50th percentile, they will typically stay in that percentile, although they may drop a little (or gain a little) and can still be fine. For instance, our youngest two began in the 25th percentile and dipped to the 20th around the time they became physically active. But on the whole, they have maintained a steady growth chart. The child who had problems, on the other hand, began in the 25th percentile and over the first year of life dropped to less than the 3rd. It didn't happen immediately and he wasn't physically losing weight, he just wasn't gaining adequately (due to undiagnosed reflux). But you could see him drop from 25th to 20th to 10th etc. as he got older. When he was finally diagnosed and treated, he jumped back up on the chart pretty quickly and since has maintained a steady growth line. (For the record, all of ours were exclusively nursed and typically nursed till around a year of age.)

A final thought: although children will typically fall within the range of their parents' height, it's not a given that your daughter will. My parents are respectively 6'1 and 5'5, and my sister (fully healthy in every way from birth to present) was lucky to hit 5 feet. My best friend's family is the same way. They are all tall except her oldest who is tiny compared to everyone, including her little sister (who has just outgrown her by a good four inches). Some people are just small.

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answers from Little Rock on

I nursed both of my kids. I nursed my daughter until she was 14 months (had to wean her b/c she still would nursing today) and my son until he was 9 months. I would suggest that you try to supplement as much "real" food as you can now with your milk and then just gradually add to it. I wouldn't worry about the baby's weight yet as long she is eating at regular meal times. Hope this helps.

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answers from Atlanta on

Our son was born tiny (4 lbs 11 ozs) and has continued to be light--his ped cheered when he broke the 10th percentile for weight a few years ago, at age 8, and I don't think he's even at the 15th percentile yet at age 10. So we have plenty of experience with small kids. He was partly breast-fed, but because he didn't take to nursing until 3 months, I never produced much and he always needed formula supplement. I think his doctor never worried about his weight because we're physically small (5'2" me, husband maybe 5'7") and because he grew at a rate consistent with the typical growth chart. He was always way below the chart, however his curve followed the curve of the typical chart, so he was growing at the same rate as an average child.

I think the key question is whether your child's rate of growth has dropped noticeably, not what number of pounds she weighs (or even how much she weighs compared to other kids her age). If she was following the curve of the chart, however has recently has dropped off, she isn't growing at the same pace and that's probably what worries the ped.

That's a long way of saying that the weight of other people's babies won't really help you figure out if there is a problem. I can tell you that our son didn't weigh even 20 pounds until he was 15 months old, if that reassures you--but it shouldn't necessarily. Ask your doc for more specifics on why he or she is concerned. Good luck.

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answers from Victoria on

I kept account of the weight and amounts by the clothing and medication size. Both of my kids since birth have been in the 90% for weight and usually around 80% for height. Just giant kids. I would imagine that your also giving your daughter solids by now. Perhaps she just needs a bit more or she might just be on the slim side. Let her have some milk shakes and a few more cookies. Fatten her up.

While saying that we try to slim our kids down and I am even skipping snack time now. They eat everything! And are huge kids. While my Chineese sil lived with us she observed them for six weeks and said she did not feel they ate a lot they were just big kids. Perhaps your daughter is just processing foods quickly and is a smaller kid. BTW my son was born at 9lbs 1 oz daughter 8 lbs 12 oz and they are now 4years old and 60 lbs and two yrs old 40 lbs. She is bigger than her three year old cousin (taller and bigger) and most people think our son is at least five yrs old. I at 5'3" was one of the tallest and solid kids till jr. high. I am a shorty and still solid!



answers from Pittsburgh on

I did not read the rest of the responses but I can let you know that my daughter who turned 5 in Feb. finally hit 40lbs at her 5 year check up she was only 38 lbs. She was breastfed for a couple weeks but I had issues that caused me to stop so she technically is not a breastfed baby. As long as she is gaining weight I would not worry.
I also have a nephew that just turned 4 and only weighs 25lbs while his little brother who will turn 1 June 2nd is already 20lbs.
I think society is just too focused on weight and what should be an "ideal" weight. Everyone is different and genes that havent showed in a family for 2-3 generations may even come to surface now no matter what weight and size the parents are.



answers from San Francisco on

She seems good! My second son was 16 lbs at 19 months. Yes, the pediatrician was concerned but he is just a skinny yet healthy kid (other than his food allergies.) He is 16 years now and barely 105. Just a skinny guy. Wish I was that lucky.



answers from Detroit on

my daughter was 7 pounds at birht and 17 pounds at a year.. she was very thin. she did not eat well.. (she didnt nurse well, she hated baby food.. she sort of liked formula)

she is now 6 and 39 pounds.. still light weight.. she is normal but thin.

your baby sounds normal.



answers from Denver on

All 4 of my breast babies were about 30 lbs by age 1.



answers from Los Angeles on

My 1st 17lbs, my 2nd 25lbs---as long as she's on her own curve I really wouldn't worry about it! Each baby is different. Your doing great!


answers from Norfolk on

What was her birth weight?
The rule of thumb I always heard was they typically double their birth weight by 5 months and just about triple it by 1 year.
My son was 9 lbs 1 1/2 oz at birth, 18 lbs at 5 months and 24 lbs at 1 year.
A 5 lbs baby at birth you'd expect to be roughly 15 lbs at 1 year.
The rate of weight gain really slows down once they start crawling/walking.
Your girl sounds fine to me.



answers from Tulsa on

My first born daughter was breastfed until she was 13 months old. She didn't hit 20 pounds until she was two years old. At 8 1/2 years she still only weighs about 43 pounds. At 12 months she fell off the bottom of the weight chards and all her records just say less than 3%. We did all of the tests associated with failure to thrive. She tested just fine. We finally decided that she was just going to be small and grow slowly. She always gained--never lost, she just gained very slowly. Developmentally she hit all of her milestones at the correct time. Her eyes were always shiny. Her skin color was good (malnourished children will have yellow skin and their eyes will be dull). She always looked healthy and she walked and talked and did everything else like she should.
Babies do tend to get longer and leaner as they start to walk (and get more excercise). And they also tend to slow down in their growth as they get closer to two years old. I would say that if your daughter looks healthy and is hitting her developmental milestones on time then you shouldn't worry. It doesn't hurt to run a few tests just to be sure, but go with your instincts. Mom's usually can sense when there is something wrong.



answers from Portland on

My granddaughter weighed 20lbs at 12 months and the dr. wasn't concerned. 22lbs. sounds reasonable to me. However, her length would make a difference. I'm guessing your baby is longer than my granddaughter who is chubby. That would make a difference.

I recommend that you call the doctor and ask why he thinks that this is not heavy enough. Perhaps it is because of her height. Also he could be concerned because she hasn't gained weight in awhile. How long has she weighed 22 lbs?

Here is a height and weight chart. She's above the 50th percentile which is a good weight. She weighs more than 1/2 (50th percentile) the children at that age.

Again, I'd call the doctor and ask for more info. Did he tell you what to do to help her gain weight?

Is it possible you misunderstood him. Could he have been encouraging you to feed her solid food so that she would continue to grow?



answers from Los Angeles on

my daughter weighed 22 lbs at her 18 month check up earlier this month. i really don't think you need to worry. She was breastfed till 16 months - never had formula and rarely drinks cow's milk (because she hates it).



answers from Chicago on

My youngest son is 16 months old and just shy of 20 lbs. I think at this age, my daughter was still only 18 lbs. My older son was about the same. They were all born fairly large (youngest was 9 lbs 6 oz). They were all breast fed and have a relatively healthy diet. They're just small. I'm petite at 5'2" and my husband is about six feet tall.

Your daughter sounds fine to me :-)

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