Needing Advice on Traveling with an Infant

Updated on May 01, 2008
L.C. asks from Pearland, TX
37 answers

my family will be leaving for vacation soon... this includes an 8 hour plave ride and then 7 days away from home. i have never been on an airplane before and am completely lost on how this is going to go for my 10 month old son. i dont know what the rules are for baby formula and what form it needs to be in. i am intimidated by packing for a week for my baby he eats some table food but he has an amended menu. the closer the trip gets the more anxious i get i know no other moms that have traveled on a plane with their children. any advice on making the trip as painless as possible would be greatly apprechiated!

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answers from San Antonio on

I have an 18 mo old who's flown 3 times since the age of 6 months. 1st thing is to expect the unexpected & to stay calm!! :) Wear COMFY clothes to travel in if you can - you'll want the 'breathing' room.

Food & diapers - Pack only what you need for the trip & a few hours afterwards until you can get to a store. Buy your supplies once you get to your destination (less packing). Put what you'll need for the trip in ziploc bags (in case something accidently opens, the inside of the diaper bag won't be covered in whatever spilled) & pack any small scoops you may need. I would include Tylenol (one w/ a dropper) in your diaper bag. I would make at least 2 big bottles (9 oz) right before going thru security. I nursed & bottlefed during take off & landing & it didn't seem to phase my son at all. I also packed almost a gallon-size ziploc bag of Cheerios - snacking buys time & chewing requires swallowing, which can help the ears :) Bring several small, light weight toys for the plane ride. We brought 4 small plastic cups for our son to stack, unstack, sort, etc. You'd be surprised how much time goes by stacking cups! Also bring a blanket to cover eyes & body if baby sleeps during ride. They'll like the familiarity of their blanket (smell) & it's probably softer than the airline's. Be prepared to sing & be silly to entertain baby if he's awake during flight!

Stroller - If he's still using an infant seat, take it & the stroller (best if you have one that connects together). Much easier to push than carry :) You can gate check the seat, stroller & carseat (if taking one). Target has big nylon bags to hold & protect these items for traveling. Leave baby in the infant seat while you 'undress' & get everything thru xray...last thing is to take baby out of infant seat & send it thru xray, but it'll be the 1st thing you'll need at the other end while you get 'redressed'.
If you have further questions, you should be able to contact the airlines just to make sure of the rules. I did buy a big bottle of water right after security even tho I wouldn't need it for a while so that the water wasn't so cold later when we needed it (I tried doing room temp formula as that's what breastmilk usually is).

Really, it's a 'simple' endeavor if you're prepared - just remember that you'll have a little extra stuff traveling this time & things might take a little longer while you gather everything ;) I would pack your purse & wallet in suitcase you check & only take your ID, credit card(s), insurance/prescription card(s) & cash in a small coin purse you can stuff in your diaper bag & easily get to. This decreases the amount you'll have to tote around. Also, take a list of #'s for dr.'s, baby's SS # & copy of shot records. You never know when you might need that info. I put our info in the coin purse on the inside of the diaper bag. And if you need to - ASK FOR HELP!!!

Sorry this is so long - happy travels!!

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Houston on

Well when you come to the airport the best type of liquid water to have is the bottles that say for infants. Or you can have the bottles of baby milk that you buy already mixed. Baby food is allowed as well as baby juice. Just make sure you take it out the bags and run them thru the xray seperated.



answers from Brownsville on

Hi L.,

I am M. and live in Brownsville. I have a 6 months baby and let me tell you, it is a lot of fun traveling with her. If you search the airline's website, they are pretty good on providing information while traveling with infants ie. formula, baby food, and medication that you can take. If you have a connection flight and the waiting time is long, they will let you take you enough baby food.........bottles of water you have to get those once you pass the check point. I just got back from a long weekend get-away, and didn't have any problem. I went thorugh Houston airport and we had to wait for three hours, but it went fast. I took some toys, and the stroller and it was fun. One more thing, make sure that your baby takes his bottle when the plane is ascending, just to make sure that his ears are OK....same thing for you.
I have been traveling all my life, and if you have the opportunity please dont stay behind because of you are nervous...taveling is educational for you and now for your baby.
Taking other people's advice is great, plus in this case everything will go fine becasue your family is going with you. Goodk luck, and have fun in your trip!



answers from Austin on

I packed premeasured Ziplock bags of powdered formula when I traveled. The flight attendents will provide you with water when you board the plane... it has been my experience that they are wonderful to moms! You can also buy bottled water once you pass security (plus bottle feeding helps clear the ears when landing).



answers from San Antonio on

Since babies can't chew gum for the ear popping, give him a bottle or a pacifier to use when taking off and landing. They say that relieves the pressure and they have little trouble.



answers from Houston on


I don't know if my advice will be helpful or not, but I thought that I would share my experiences with you. Plus I have never been on a plane ride longer then 3 hours with my daughter, so I am proud of you. My husband is deployed so I have been traveling a lot with daughter since she was 6 months old. If you are going to have help then you are probably already good. First, thing take a stroller. You can check the carseat; which is considered a bag for you unless you bought the baby a seat on the plane, but I would advice you to attach it to the stroller (if you have a travel system)and use it to carry the baby through the airport. Once you get to the plane you can gate check both the stroller and carseat. This makes it so much easier then having to carry the baby everywhere. Second, carry a backpack. That way you have two free hands because more then likely you are going to need them. Third, I breastfed by baby so I am not sure about formula. But I never fed her in public so I would carry expreesed milk with me. There are bags you can buy for breatmilk storage that have measurments on them. I would fill them to 3 oz (airline requirements). Then when I went though security I would notify them that it was breastmilk and put it in the plastic bend to be x-rayed. They are picky about jarred food for some reason. So if you have it with you just pull it out and be ready for them to search it. I think that there are special requirments for formula on the airline websites. Forth, keep him hungry. The change in pressure can be hard on their ears. So when the plane is about to ascend give him a bottle. If he is really hungry he will down the bottle and help to relieve any pressure. And hopefully the fulliness of the bottle will make him sleepy. Fifth, SNACKS! My daughter lives for the snacks. Sixth, toys. You really will not need that many. Remember it is a small space. I use to bring a whole bag full and she would never use them. Now I bring small ones that dodn't make a lot of noise. Seventh, Get up and walk around with him. People usually don't mind. They will usually talk to them and make conversation with you. People would rather have a happy walking around baby then a screaming one. Last thing I can think of is to check with your airline about oxygen mask. If he is a lap baby then you will have to sit in an row with 3 oxygen mask. If you plan ahead that will save you the hassle of having to get up and move everything. Plus if you are traveling with someone you want to make sure you have seats together. Not, that the person beside you want move. HA HA. I hope that you have a great trip. My daughter has always been a good little travel buddy. I hope the same goes for you. We are traveling again in 2 weeks. This will be first time she has not had a bottle so wish me luck too.



answers from San Antonio on

If at all possible I suggest sitting in the bulk head (the part of the plane where you have no seats in front of you.)This will give you room to play with your baby. My children loved hanging upside down off my lap. Or, I suggest getting an aisle seat so you can get up quickly if needs be or have just a little more room if he falls asleep in your lap. If you have him in his own seat that would be easier. sometime I ask the airline when I check in if there is any available seats still on the plane. If the plane isn't full then I don't check the car seat and take it on the plane with out being charged for another seat.
Take plenty of snacks, and buy some toys your baby hasn't seen before so it will hold his attention more for the flight. I usually give my child a decongestant about 20 minutes before boarding the plane and since you have a long flight I would give it again 20-30 minutes before the plane starts to descend. I do this because sometimes my children have slight congestion that doesn't normally bother them but when the plane takes off or lands it does. Be sure to give a bottle, sippy, binky, or nurse during those times too because then it helps open up the ears. Be sure to take a change of clothes for the baby. Oh, and something I learned on my last flight, take a cup with a lid on it for you, and have the stewardess give you your drinks in that cup that way baby can't spill your drink on you.
As far as formula goes, I've never had a problem taking a bottle on the plane that already had water in it. I just added the formula when I was ready. Happy travels.



answers from Houston on

Don't worry! It won't be as bad as you think. Here are a few tips:

don't put an opend can of formula in your bag - even a checked bag- it will spill. Pack a brand new can. For the actual plane ride, pre-package your formula in your normal carrying containers. You can't take bottled water past security, but you can buy a bottle or two once you get past security.

For clothing- pack 'outfits' in ziplocs - a shirt/shorts, onesie/pants, etc. That way you know you have matching outfits and enough to get you through the week. It will also help it you don't have to rummage through to find something to match in a dark hotel room. Your hubbie or stepdaughters will also be able to easily find an outfit for you.

If you are gone for 7 days, take 3 pairs of jammies, one - two putfits per day, plus a spare or two. For example- for that trip I would pack 10-12 outfits. Put a soft change of clothes in your carry on in case of accidents on the plane.

if you have a portable DVD player, take it. If not, invest in one, or just plan to entertain your baby - there is usually plenty to look at on the plane.

Make sure you board early to get settled before everyone else gets on. They usually offer pre-boarding to those traveling with children, but if you get nervous, ask at desk at the gate.
Make sure you pack enough extra formula and bottle stuff in case your packed bags get lost. Pack a full box of wipes for the week, and diapers (unless you want to buy when you get there). We usually end up packing one small suitcase of baby stuff like this. Take travel sized soap, lotion, dishwashing soap, laundry detergent, etc and put in a clear plastic bag. Don't worry about washcloths, towels, etc.

One last thing- take a 'surprise' bag of new toys/books for your baby to look through on the plane... maybe even for your stepdaughters too! And, take food you know he will eat - to help with the pressure in his ears at take off and landing!

Have fun! Just think, it will be easier than being trapping in a car with all of them for an extended period of time! Good luck!



answers from Killeen on

Hi L.,
I used to travel about 1-2 times a year between Germany and Texas with my husband and daughter. Now rules are different about the liquids but I would suggest call the airport and find out what their rules are on bringing liquid through the gate. When I was taking my husband back from his leave, they made me dump out the water for my new baby's formula. However they said if it was already made, you could bring it through. So with bottles, I would suggest that you pre make them or use ready made formula that you can bring with you. As for food, if he still takes baby food bring some with you and worse case is you can buy some while you are at your destination. We are going to be traveling too very soon, we are moving to Hawaii and my youngest will be almost 18 months and her first time flying too. Also make sure that he has a bottle or pacifier on take off and landing. It will help with his ears. I hope this helps



answers from Houston on

My oldest daughter traveled alot as an infant, both domestic and international. After her first three plane trips, she always had an ear infection. I asked the pediatrician what to do and he suggested giving her infants' decongestant 20-30 minutes before take-off. It keeps the ear canals open and we never had a problem again. On a long flight, such as yours, our girl also had a dose before landing.
Spring for a seat of his own, many airlines give a discount rate for infants, and strap him in his car seat. This frees your arms, keeps him safe and comes in handy when feeding him. It's also something familiar to him.
Take 2-3 extra outfits for him on the plane (jammies are fine) and an extra top for yourself.
Check with the airlines as far as regulations concerning bottles, food, etc.
Request bulkhead seating; you don't have under seat storage but you do have a lot more leg room. Request to be seated first and don't try to be the first off if it's not necessary. Wait for the rest of the passengers to deboard so you and the kids won't be crushed. Try to schedule an evening flight.
Relax, you'll be fine. Bon voyage!



answers from Killeen on

Call TSA, the company who is in charge of security and explain the problem to them and they will tell you how to pack your formula, even if you breast feed. They are the best ones to check with because rules appear to change without notice. That is the best way. Have a good trip. Also take toys to keep the other little ones and gum for then to chew for their ears.



answers from Houston on

make sure you have a sippy cup and a pacifier for take off to help with the pressure or at least something you know he will suck. I took my laptop and movies plus their favorite blanket and small pillow. They slept most of the time. Also take snacks. I also brought a new toy I knew they would like and a coloring book. You should have no problems with powdered formula and they can give you bottled water on the flight. YOu also need to try to calm down about the flight because if you get upset so will the baby, he will feed off of you. So even if your scared to death try to act excited and happy and he will to. Its not as bad as you anticipate. Also children adapt well, so as long as you are comfortable and happy on your trip he will be too. Good luck and have fun!



answers from Austin on

Hello L.,
I am a grandparent that just came back from a vacation with my grandson that just turned 1 year old last week. I flew southwest and he did great. When I made the reservations the agent suggested that I take styrofoam cups with me to put over his ears while ascending and descending. (she said you can also put warm wash cloths inside) and make sure he is sucking on a pacifier, bottle or lollypop. As far as food goes, you can take as many bottles, jars of food, etc. as necessary. Always pack extras (my plane was delayed by 3 hours and I was glad to have them). The problem I had was that my grandson is still on formula - the type you mix with water. I had to make the bottle before I went through the screening and could not take bottled water with me. (you can buy bottled water once you are past the screening)

Another suggestion, although I'm sure I will get some static on this, is giving him a l/2 tsp. of benedryl before you go on the plane and it will relax him and hopefully help him to go to sleep.

I put my grandson in a car seat. Children that young can fly free on your lap and if there is a spare seat, they can be strapped into their car seat. I can't imagine holding an infant for 8 hours.

We had no problems and had so many comments from others about how good he was. They thought we were nuts for wanting to take such a young child with us but we wanted him to meet extended family. We had a great time and would do it all over again.



answers from Odessa on

I recently flew with my little boy, who was about 10 1/2 months at the time. As far as what you can take on the airplane...if you have liquid formula (pre-mixed) you can take it. You can also take powdered formula, but no water, since you can buy it past security. What I did was mixed up some formula right before I went through security, and then bought a big bottle of water in a gift shop. Also, make sure you have a pacifier or bottle ready for your son to suck on during take off and landing for his ears. The transportation website from the government answers questions pretty good about other stuff.
If you need to take baby food, that is allowed...I put it in a ziploc bag just in case. I would also recommend that if you can, just pack a little food for the week and then go to the store when you get there. Because of the weight restrictions on luggage, it is hard to pack alot of food.
One more thing...It sounds like you'll have your hands full with three kids, but I would highly recommend a stroller. You can take it through security (you just have to fold it up to X-ray it). You can leave your son in it until the door of the airplane, and then the airlines will check it for you. Then, they'll have it ready for you at the next gate. You may need to ask the ticket counter about a tag for it. We did not take a stroller on the first part of our trip and we ended up buying one for the return trip. It was worth every penny!!!



answers from Houston on

My 20 month old daughter has been on 5 round trip airline vacations and 4 of these I was by myself with her. It has been relatively easy and many people have been helpful. Bring books and toys and I believe the airlines allow pre-mixed and powder formula through security.
We only had one bad flight when she wanted to get down and walk around. I struggled with her for 15 minutes before she fell asleep. Just stay patient. Most people are understanding of crying babies, and if they aren't - who cares. We were all small once and even the best babies (like mine) have their tough times. Good Luck!
P.S. One of the two different airlines required proof of age, so you might want to check into it.



answers from Austin on

My daughter was 10 months when we went on vacation for 7 days too! We found a house to rent that had a pack and play and high chair which was great. We brought the umbrella stroller which they stow right as you get on the plane, and checked her car seat and base. We had formula and they did make us get rid of it, I believe on the way back. Check the airline's website for those rules - I believe it must be in 4 oz or less quantities for any liquids brought on the plane. The key on the plane was to not let her on the floor no matter what (which was hard b/c she was almost walking) but, it made a big difference. She didn't think she was allowed, just like, they know they have to ride in their carseat in the car. She rode on my lap, and slept or cuddled much of the time. We gave her a bottle during take off and landing for her ears. It went much better than I anticipated, and the airlines are very accomodating. We got great seats with lots of leg room (the one that doesn't have anybody sitting in front of you). I would even call the airline in advance to let them know you'll be traveling with a baby. Good luck!



answers from San Antonio on

i've traveled on planes many times with my daughter who is now 2. the best advice i can give is to give him some infants tylenol about half an hour before you get on the plane. that is what my doc said to do because it can help with the uncomfortable feeling in their ears, and also helps them sleep! also make sure to just bring plenty of little snacks and toys(anything to keep him busy). if he likes to watch t.v. i would invest in a portable dvd player(you can get one super cheap at walmart) and some sesame street dvds(that kept my daughter busy the whole 8 hour plane ride to england, not to mention kept me from loosing it!). as far as formula goes you should be able to bring that on in either the powder or formula form, and you can buy water after the security check point. make sure that you get to the airport in plenty of time, and that you bring your babys birth ceritficate and shot records in case he gets sick while you are on vaction. other than that, just try to relax, it won't be as difficult as you may imagine it will be!!!



answers from Houston on

First off don't stress. My husband works for an airline so we have traveled quite a lot with two kids. They both received their passports at 5 months and we took international trips soon afterwards. Here's a few things to remember:
1) Ask for bulkhead seating. This is the first row behind first class. I'm not sure which airline you are taking but Continental has bassinets that you can put the baby in when they are asleep. These bassinets hook up to the bulkhead wall. You cannot put the baby in them during takeoff and landing but it's great for sleeping or napping and will allow you some freedom especially since you are traveling for such a long time. They are pretty secure. May daughter slept the entire time to London when she was 6 mos. in it.
2)Pack powdered formula that is used with water. Since you are going for a week it's okay to take the whole container. I also like to have those travel packet ones with me. They are the ones that make 4 oz bottles. Everyplace you go will have bottled water so take at least one empty one to fill with water once you get through security but don't take much more than that. I have gone through security with a small filled bottle. They usually let me go through with it but you never know. Just show them the bottle right away.
Also pack a couple of jars of baby food,small ones that are sealed in your carry on. A couple of baggies of Cheerios or goldfish work great as well. And don't forget a few diapers, a small package of wipes to go in your carry on also. You should also take some small toys. Fisher price toy cars, etc, a mini magna doodle, etc. Anything that will hold their attention for 10 minutes and small enough to fit in a carryon diaper bag.
3)The big thing to remember is that you will need to feed the baby when the plane takes off and lands because this abrubt altitude change can really hurt their little ears. The swallowing of liquids or eating helps them to pop their ears so it doesn't hurt so much. I would also advise you to take some bubble gum and chew on it. It will help with your ears.
4)Of course in your large check-in luggage pack their diapers and more wipes and some babyfood (the ones that come in a plastic container so you won't have broken baby food jars in your luggage) and a couple of more bottles. I also usually pack along a bottlewasher to wash out the bottles while away.
5)Take some Benadryl for the baby. Some people don't want to drug the baby but for a trip that long you just might find you really need it. If they won't go to sleep on their own and start crying or whining alot or just get too restless, give it to them. You will feel much calmer once the baby is settled down. Check with your doctor or pharmacist on the correct dosage. In any case, it's always good to carry a little Benadryl anyway especially when you are in a different surroundings. Let your little one be adventurous and try the native cuisine. That's what traveling is about - adventure. Remember whatever you forget, they will most likely have it at your destination because they have babies too.

One more thing, it would be a good idea if you packed a DVD player with some movies and two sets of earphones for the older kids. This will keep them occupied. The airline show movies too but sometimes they are not ones the kids are interested in. Have them also pack books and some travel games, cards, mini checkers set,etc. to play with in their carry on bag.

I almost forgot, take a stroller with you through security. You can gate check it when you are about to enter the plane. Get the ticket from the gate agent. I would recommend a small sturdy one and not those giant travel system ones. If you still use a baby carrier, find one that will allow you to attach it or else you might still have to use the big stroller. I would not recommend an umbrella stroller at 10 months. They are just not sturdy enough. Plus you will want a little storage area. Don't forget that if you plan on renting and driving a car at your destination, you will want to also pack booster seats for your step kids. Also going through security - dress comfortably with shoes that can easily be slipped on and off. They will still make you take your shoes off and the babies! I usually wear mules or sandals when traveling. Easy to slip on and off.



answers from Houston on

I too have travelled alot with my now 3 year old son....overseas,etc. I always packed way too much but never wanted to get caught in a bad situation. Most of your responses have already covered all the basics...
-find out faa rules on formula going thru security...I've even had to drink the stuff in front of them...
--stroller check...the best thing if you can get it checked at the plane once you some cases for international flights, they'll even stow it for you(but you won't find that out until you actually get to the gate). THe worst for us has been travelling to London. Once we get there, you have a long walk from the plane to customs and then you go to baggage claim. We don't get our stroller until baggage claim! You mentioned you have a long flight so I didn't know if you have to deal with international flights. You may bring one of those baby bjorns so you can carry the baby.
---bottle for take off and landing...also very important
---bulkhead is great for additional room...also they'll set up a little bed for you in that area..the baby is right in front of you
---at least 2 sets of clothes for international travel(t-shirt or something extra for you(i too had a sick baby and ran out of clothes)
---flight attendants are lovely...both male and female will go out of their way to make your flight as enjoyable as possible(they want to make sure all passengers are happy campers)they'll warm bottles...get extra milk...snacks etc...
--baby blanket..and a bag of toys...
---easy take off shoes for you going thru security...
good luck...our little one is a seasoned traveler...and we always ask if they have special things for the kids...some airlines(continental has 'wings'...BA has a little passport for traveling that the pilot they have a little gift bag for the kids)
Have fun



answers from Austin on

Hi L.,
we traveled to Italy for 2 weeks when my daughter was 10 months and I was an anxious wreck - but everything turned out great!! she was on mostly table food, but we did buy some baby food once we were there. I brought formula with me - some sticks (pre measured) and then the rest in large plastic ziploc bags. I also brought all diapers with me. We limited our luggage to 2 backpacks and actually fit everything! The plane ride was easier than I thought but she wasn't walking yet so that was a huge help. I bought some new books and small toys and brought some old stuff. Be sure to have her suck on a pacifier or bottle for take off and landing - that will help with ear pressure. She slept some and played. We also decided to get her own ticket which was expensive but well worth it in the comfort factor. You can also request a bulk head seat - some of the bigger planes have a basinet that fastens to the wall so your little one can play in there or sleep ... it is a little small, but my 10 month old fit and loved it. She is now 3 1/2 and has been on 20+plane trips - her brother is almost 2 and has been on 10+. It is always a challenge, but they usually do much better than we expect.



answers from Austin on

I just traveled to FL from TX with a plane change and layover. I had my 4 month old, and it was wonderful. On one flight the people around us did not even notice she was there till we were getting off, she slept the whole flight(2 1/2 hours) and she never naps that long, but there was just enough movement that she slept longer. We were gone for 7 days also, and she had no problems. The main thing about the flight is that in your carryon all items liquid/gel need to be 3oz or less and in a quart ziplock. Formula/breastmilk is an excepion(to the 3oz rule) but you have to tell security about it. They are really understanding about it. Everything has to go thru the x-ray (shoes included) and then you carry the baby thru the metal detector with you (no sling or carrier allowed) Like I said it was wonderful, can't wait to go again....
If you have any other q's feel free to ask.



answers from Austin on

L. - you will do great - what's great about taking a baby is that everyone allows for you - you get to go on the plane first, you get an unlimited amount of carry-ons for baby, etc.

Bring lots of what you need - plenty and extra. As I said, they do not limit you on your carry ons. I would suggest a thermal pack for extra bottles. Bring some baggies if you need to, for food and dirty diapers. You can bring all medicines you need - there is no problem with that either. And, bring a bag or two of toys/books - whatever you feel comfy carrying on with you. We also brought my husbands laptop and some DVD's but that didn't work so well - the baby wanted to play with the laptop keys more than watch the movies. It may work for you though.

Make sure you get to the airport extra early just in case - you'll see why when I mention our trip back to Austin.

We went to Hawaii - the trip out there was no problem. We did bring our stroller and car seat - car seat went with us on board and we put our 14mo old in that seat. The stroller they took, and it was waiting for us when we got off the plane. On the way back - whew! They made us go in a separate line and then proceeded to have us take out EVERYTHING that was liquid/food items and they used dip-sticks to check all of it. They kept all very sanitary. Then we went through a check and they looked through our bags and held us for a bit -we were even frisked if you can believe that. It was their proceedure and we just happened to get picked for it. It took quite some time and given that this was probably the worst possible scenerio to go through on a trip at the airport, they were super nice and accomadating and all went very smoothly.

On our way back from LA to Austin, we did not have an extra seat for babies car seat so he was on our laps and loved that. Again the car seat and stroller were right there waiting for us just off the plane.

Most will help you and those that do, are really helpful and love babies. People traveling also seemed really nice about having a baby on board. One trip there were several babies on board and it was "baby social hour" - quite fun really!!! And, when he got fussy we could just walk him on the plane and take turns with it all. We got through it really well.

Now, we did decide to give ours some triaminic/benedryl - just a very small amount to make him a little sleepy for the ride. The initial day of travel, he slept most of the time and it was very easy on all of us. The day we came back he was awake more but we all did just fine. I would definitely bring something like this(allergy med) incase the baby is uncomfortable in high altitudes or has ear problems, etc... It will help. You can call your doc and ask about this. Better to be prepared on these things!

I hope this helped - Hope you have a terrific time!



answers from Phoenix on

I traveled by plane with my daughter several times before she was 2 and it went better than I expected, so try not to worry so much! I don't know the rules about bringing formula onboard because I breastfed, but is there something you can bring to mix it quickly and easily onboard? Just in case you can't take it in liquid form. I would suggest bringing just the essentials so you're not loaded down--I ended up needing less stuff than I thought. Formula of course, a blanket unless you're ok using one they have on the plane, just a few toys and soft books, and a pacifier or lovey if he uses one. I also recommend changing his diaper before you board the plane, and hopefully you'll have a plane with a changing table in the bathroom--I didn't even know these existed til I had to change my daughter onboard once. :) Good luck and have a great trip!



answers from Houston on

I just recently took a trip with my son and he's 3 1/2 months old. Here are some rules:
Formula: The airport will only allow already mixed formula through security. You can't bring baby bottles filled with water. The only water you can bring through security is the nursery water and it has to be sealed.
Flying: I found that letting my son suck on his pacifier during takeoff and flight helped relieve the air pressure on his ears. I found out the hard way that during landing that he needs to be eating a bottle, the pacifier doesn't help. I ended up having a screaming baby once I landed back in Houston because his ears were hurting him so bad. I thought the pacifier would help during landing but no such luck!




answers from Houston on

I am traveling this weekend with my kids and a lot of the rules have changed. They are very different for domestic and internation so be sure to research depending on where you are going.

~ For domestic, you are now allowed 1 checked bag per ticket and will be charged for any additional checked

~ We were told that you cannot "gate check" anything for free, if you already have your 1 checked bag, they will charge you to gate check something, including a stroller. However, we were told by the airline that you can carry on an umbrella stroller and store it in the over head bin.

~ Do not try to take water through, even baby water, they will take it from you. We took a whole can of powder formula and there were no questions asked. Often times you can purchase water that is kept room temp once you get through security so you don't have to stress about warming it up.

Mainly, I would contact the airline you are traveling to research any questions you might have. Each airline is different with regards to checked baggage and carry on items. The TSA is who you would want to contact regarding baby foods, formula, etc...

Good luck and have fun!



answers from Houston on

Wow!!! I have only taken my daughter as an infant on 1 1/2 hr plane rides. Hopefully you will have another adult with you to help out. When we would travel, our daughter would suck on a bottle or paci at take off and landings. We also packed toys and snacks. The toys were always just bought from the store so she had not seen it kept her involved more than her usual toys. Also, try not to let other passengers make you feel that your baby is too noisy. All babies cry on a plane at some point so don't beat yourself up over it. I always felt that everyone has done it when their kids were young. When you feel nervous or anxious, it may be passed on to your little one also. Have a great vay cay!!!



answers from Houston on

Oh I traveled with a 6 month old on a cruise for 9 days. It was an experience she didn't eat that much table - food baby food yes. I had to count baby food, snack crackers etc serving on a daily base for her to rational it enough for the whole cruise because I can't just feed her just anything it could cause stomach problems. Babies are not ready yet that size for table food. Formula I extimated okay but I was 2 bottles short because I did not extimate for dehidration during the summer she drank more formula. So I ran out of formula - but I remembered that my mom told me that I was raised on Pet Milk condense milk. The cruise had no formula and I did not know what to do. I asked for condense pet milk and they had some I took a table spoon full and 8 0z of water and shaked it up to make her a bottle and she drank it fine. No stomach problems either. She sleep fine she had 2 bottles before we got of the cruise. Her stomach was content no problems at all it worked but I went to the formula right away when I got of the ship. And her formula was the Nutragenmen and that is special for certain infants. So the condense milk was fine. Estimate for dehydration if your out in the sun. Yogarts were good too.



answers from Houston on

Hi L.,

I have traveled a lot with little ones. I don't know your destination, but I would recommmend carrying on what you need, pack a little extra, then purchase what you will need for the week when you get there. With airlines so strick on weight and now charging for an extra bag, it might be more cost effective to purchase what you need when you get there, if possible. Be sure to check with the airline about formula. With such a long flight you want to be sure you can carry on enough formula. You may have to mix it on the plane. Also, be sure to bring one or two extra sets of clothes for your baby, plus one for you. I have experienced my child spitting up after drinking a bottle on himself and on me.Not a pleasant smell for a long trip if you know what I mean. Also check with the airline about carry on luggage. I have been on flights that will not allow anything bigger than a regular size purse and that's it, and it was a fairly large aircraft. Call ahead so you don't have any unwanted suprises. Good luck and relax!



answers from Austin on

We've gone on several plane trip and car rides with our daughter. The best advice I can give you is to buy a seat for your baby. They are safer during take off and landing in their carseats. If you are nursing, nurse the baby while the plane is descending. Babies can get an ear infection if they are not sucking on something during the descent of the plane. If your not nursing, then put the baby in the carseat and give him a pacifier or bottle to suck on to help his ears pop.

I'd check with the airlines website about formula. We never traveled with it before. If you are taking baby food, you have to show it to the security people. Just pack it on top of the diaper bag in a separate case or bag so they can see it easily.

One Step Ahead ( sells some great items to help with travel. The thing we like best is the GoGo Kids Travelmate. It attaches wheels to your carseat so you don't have to haul the stroller through the airport.

We always took our Pack N Play with us so that our daughter would have a familiar place to sleep. Baby Depot sells mattresses for PNP so that the child doesn't have to sleep on the board. Make sure it's wrapped and labeled clearly so that the airline doesn't destroy it.

Hope this helps!



answers from Houston on

Well, lets see if I can help you out. 1st. log onto web site to get the most accurate information for traveling. (bring a copy with you if airport security - says no & the web site says yes- they are not always up todate in all the airports) a 2nd, I assume you are traveling domestic not out of the US. (if out of the US, then the playing rules change some) Domestic travel: You may bring on formula, May I suggest the individual packs sold at Babies r Us. You are limited to liquids going through security, but since you have an infant, that allows you to bring on additional items. 3rd. Make sure you give your self 2 hours at the airport traveling with kids, the stress of getting to your plane on time w/ bags, kids & carseat is a mess. Bring your stroller, a good one. use it to carry your carryon's through the airport. Your daughters will be helpful but if you have a long walk, ask for an electric cart to take you to the gate & baggage claim when you arrive. I am not sure the type of plane you will be on, but most planes have hot water & bottle water to give. Movies & music are offered for free/ or a cost for the head set, bring your own & save the money. Look on your airlines website to find amenities offered. Remember each plane is different so you can call the airline & also reconfirm your departure time & seats assignments a day or two before you leave. Check in on line saves time too. Some airlines offer food to buy, but it is not always the best for children. I recommend, packing pre made meals. No jello, or pudding. For early am flights, I bring dry cereral,(they have milk), just place it in tupperware & bring some extra plastic ware. I make scramble eggs & bacon keep it in tupperware too. You can bring on sandwiches/chips/snacks etc. I also like to bring fruit, Oranges, apples,carrotts& veggies, (buy ranch dip at the airport, It is a liquid) keep your softer fruit in a tupperware, b/c packing items in a bag it is going to get smushed. To take some prep work off of you, You can purchase food at the airport & bring on the airplane, it will just cost more. You can also purchase additional water at the airport which I recommend to keep you & your family hydrated through the flight. If your 10 month old has a seat assignment, not infant/lap bring your car seat, try not to take him out during the flight much, b/c it is safer for him to be in the car seat, then in your lap. A Window is the seat you will need to place the car seat. If you are checking your carseat/stroller at curb side check in, some place charge, or just a tip is suffecient, ask for a large clear plastic to cover your baby's items, you might have rain or snow when you land. At this age children travel extremely well, it is when they are 2/3 & they don't want to sit or they are exhausted & won't sleep from excitement. For older children, stop off at the dollar store, pick up items that it doesn't matter if they lose them. But only give it to them on the plane after the flight has taken off. & remember to save a few items for the trip back home. You can bring game boys, dvd's ipods, laptops ect. make sure you have back up batteries for extra long flights. Count your bags write the the number on your hand, total & carry ons. Tag all your items inside & out. If you lose the bag & the tag comes off, the airline will look inside for ID. Remember where you parked b/c in a week you won't.
****My most important advise is ask you peditrician if your 10 month old can have any benedryl or something for his ears, you never know when a cold might be coming on & his ears could have blockage, which is the worst for anyone, they have childrens chewable too. Give it to him when you board the plane, should be about 30 mins before take off. Also during assent & decent have a bottle ready for pressure relief. If none of that works, pull on the ear gently to try to massage the tube to release the pressure. I have seen grown men in tears b/c of the pain. Not to scare you, just to inform. Planes do have changeing tables in the bathroom. Just remember the small bottle of hand santizer. In advance try to schedule early flights for children, they seem to travel much better when they have had a good night sleep. It is not easy on you, but you will appreciate it when they are more relaxed & you can grab a nap on the plane, - Don't forget your neck pillow & extra blanket. Good luck from a mother of two preschoolers, a flight attendant of 14 years. PS I have traveled many different airlines & have not been charged for checking a stroller or bag at the jetway. Have a wonderful trip!



answers from San Angelo on

You should call the airport to see what the rules on bringing formula on a plane. I am not sure what those rules are, I just know that you can't take the water, you have to buy it past the checkpoint, or you can get it on the plane (free) Your formula can may just need to be closed. I really dont know.
But your toddler may surprise you as to how good he can be on a plane. When we have ever flown with babies, they have always slept the whole way there. Maybe you can just make sure he will be real tired. If you have a portable dvd player, take it!!!!!! Get Baby einstein videos, or anything that may appeal to him. Those are great!
Good luck on your trip.
Oh , and sometimes, having a stroller is more of a hassle to take. If you dont have much to carry on, just check the stroller.



answers from Houston on

What I did when traveling with infants, esp when alone, is to pack the necessities and UPS them to the destination (diapers, extra formula, bottles, toys,etc). Call the airline for ruleson formula. I don't think there are any rules on that now. I flew recently and had no issues with 8 bottles. I have a car seat that snaps into the stroller. Another plus IF you are paying for baby a seat. If you are not paying for baby a seat, the stewardess will stow it for you during travel. You can ask for bulwark seating but make sure first, that there is extra space there. Hope this little bit helps. Call the airline or look online for any particular questions. I liked shipping UPS b/c it saved me a big hassel. Cost a little but worth every penny and everything I needed was there when I arrived. So easy.



answers from Killeen on

being an army brat, my 4 yr old daughter has been on 9 planes (if i'm remembering all of them LOL) xmas '06 i had the joy of traveling with both my daughters alone (then 2 1/2 and 6 mo old). trust me when i say, it's easier than you think and you will pack way more than you need =)
formula is fine going through security, just be sure and take it out and put it in a tray to go through the xray machine. i would suggest taking a whole can of powdered formula just in case you get delayed or something you can be sure you will have plenty with you! then you can buy a bottle of water once you are through security. once on the airplane, the flight attendants are usually really nice about heating the bottle for you if you usually heat it for your son!
what i do as far as entertaining a baby on the plane is have a diaper bag or backpack full of their favorite toys. then bring one out at a time and let him play with it until he's bored of it then bring out something new. you can also let him look at the complimentary magazines they usually have on planes, babies usually love ripping them up and looking at the pictures, since it's something new!
just be sure you have a couple changes of clothes for your son (and maybe an extra set for you too!) just in case he wets through his diaper or gets sick. speaking of which, i bring every OTC medication i think i could possibly need...tylonol, motrin, orajel, gas drops, etc. it also helps to have a couple of plastic bags just in case you need to put dirty clothes in something.
as far as diapers and wipes, i count out what my kids would use on a day when they go through the most diapers (like one every couple hours) then add a few more just in case! it helps to have a little travel changing pad that has pockets for a small wipes container and diapers, then you can roll the whole thing up and take it with you into the bathroom so you don't have to take a huge diaper bag. and don't hesitate to ask the flight attendants for help, they can hold the baby if you need to go to the bathroom yourself and can even help you buckle in if you are holding your son on your lap
oh and make sure and call the airline and ask what their policy is on strollers and car seats. some will let you check one or both for free (doesn't count towards your 2 checked bags) and some will let you gate check your stroller so you can push your son through the airport
sorry this was so long but i'm trying to remember everything! if you have any more questions feel free to message me!



answers from Houston on

Planning can be overwhelming, I know! I traveled with my son when he was 8 months old. The airport security will let you take in formula that is already mixed (you can take as many bottles as you want) I just told them at the security that it was formula for the baby. My doctor also recommened giving him a small dose of decongestant because when we fly (especially with little ones) fluid builds up in our ears and that's what causes the pressure/pain in babies. The decongestant will release some of that as well as help him sleep. Also, give a bottle or paci. Try to request a seat that is right behind first class so you have more leg room/standing room if your little one gets ancy. Good luck and try to have fun!



answers from Houston on

Hello L.,

I have traveled wiith my son several times since he was born. His first plane ride was at 3 months.
Here are some things I have learned.
First of all, check the rules for how many ounces of formula you can carry onto a plane. You should be able to find that somewhere in your online itinerary or look up FAA requirements. It's been a couple years and things are always changing, so I couldn't tell you for sure how much.
I think you can pack several bottles as long as each does not exceed a certain amount.
You can always pack his other food and formula away in a suitcase that will be checked. Or, you can buy what you need when you get to your destination.
One bit of advice: Try to have a bottle ready for take-off and landing. That helped a lot with my son and the pressure on his ears. Sucking on the bottle during those two times kept him from hurting.
Good luck and God bless!!

You are gonna do great.

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