Need Advice on Preparing for College

Updated on April 25, 2007
D.H. asks from Grapevine, TX
8 answers

Hi Moms and Teachers. I need some advice on preparing for College for my Nephew. He is finishing 9th grade. He takes all AP classes and make all A's. What should he be doing to make sure he gets a scholarship? He took the SAT in 7th grade I can't remember his grade but he did fantastic. Should he take it again? Should he be taking any classes in the summer? He loves school and wants to do what ever he can to get into a good College. I will be calling his counselors at school this week to see if they can give us some advice.

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So What Happened?

Thank you all for the advice. I am so afaid my nephew is going to fall threw the cracks because my brother and sister-in-law have not been able to save any money for College. He is a super student loves school and is very involved with his youth group at church. I appreciate all the advice it was very helpful.

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answers from Dallas on

Many scholarships focus solely on community service or membership in a specific organization. You may want to register at to see the range of scholarships available.

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answers from Dallas on

I can't believe no one has mentioned this that is why I have to comment. I've heard this from a number of different families/relatives that are going through the admissions process right now....colleges and universities (state ones..not just private universities) seem to be putting heavy attention on the rank of each student in their class. Top 5% or Top 10%, etc. obviously, the best top percentage is favored....more than their SAT score. One friend's child is ranked in the top 12% of her a highly competitive High School in west plano....had EXCELLENT SAT scores...but UT Austin turned her down for admission because she wasn't in the TOP 10% of her class.
obviously AP classes help in getting the student a leg up in the rankings....but at highly competitive schools...where everyone takes AP classes and gets's hard to get in the top 10%.

I would also ditto...that participation and proven leadership in school/church/community organizations is a big plus on college applications. Especially leadership roles....editor of the school newspaper, yearbook, president of the Green Club, president of yada yada.... shows leadership skills and ambition.



answers from Dallas on

Become close friends with the counselors at his school.. they'll be able to help a lot! Be sure he starts applying for scholarships at the beginning of his senior year, if not during his Jr. year (doing some kind of volunteer work, usually helps get scholarships). Many of them require essays and things that may take some time.

As for the SAT... yes, he should take it again... even if his score was good. You can take the SAT any number of times that you want to, but you can always give them your highest score, so it never hurts you to do that.

I didn't know this and I realized AFTER starting college, that I could have doubled my academic scholarship by simply making 30 points higher on the SAT. Had I known that, I'd have taken it again.

It's very important for him to focus on his grades in school. If he passes his AP exams, then they will give him college credit. If not, he can take a CLEP exam (I think they cost $60).. if you pass this test, then you can get credit for certain basic courses. This would definitely give him a head start.

Anyway.. don't let him stress about it too much, it's still 3 years away at least. Enjoy high school, and take advantage of extra-cirriculars (they're a great way to get scholarships, as well).



answers from Dallas on

He probably will need to take the SAT again but not until his junior year. He'll want the scores before his senior year so that he can fill out his applications for early admission. I remember my high school having a college fair for juniors and seniors, there were colleges from all over the place represented there. You were able to speak with admissions counselors and get information on any school you wanted. After he has an idea of a few places he is interested in call the schools to schedule tours. Most places will have certain tour days that are specifically for juniors and seniors. As for scholarships his school counselors will certainly be able to help with that. Make sure you explore all scholarships avenues though, not just ones directly from the college. Many companies have a limited # of scholarships that they award to employees children, speak to HR dept about that. Search the internet or buy a book about them also. You'd be surprised at all the different scholarships out there for students to apply to.
One other thing, talk to his counselors about any of his high school classes that can earn him college credit. My senior English class was a college level course so I earned 6 hours of credit before even stepping foot on the campus.



answers from Dallas on

Does he know where he wants to attend college? Maybe he/you could contact the university of his choice. Getting in touch with his school counselor is also a great idea. My daughter received a scholarship by browsing her University's Financial Aid website. They had a link to privately funded scholarship applications. Good luck and it definitely sounds like your nephew is on the right track to a good college :)



answers from Dallas on

Hi D.~
I have put two kiddos through HS then college. The first, lots of AP classes, straight As, great SAT scores, no scholarships. The second, some AP classes, straight A's, okay SATs, great ACT scores, officer in Student Council, Beta Club, Class Officer, member in lots of clubs, lots of volunteering to community organizations, almost a full scholarship to OU...a leadership scholarship. I have one in HS now and my advice, keep up the AP classes, join some school organizations, and then lots of volunteering with community organizations. Keep a notebook from Day 1 of volunteering to track who, what, when, and where. It will help you keep track when the time comes to fill out the numerous applications. Good Luck!



answers from Dallas on

Actually, if he took the test in the 7th grade, he'll have to re-take it...those scores only hold for 5 years.

And about the scholarships, I would say have him check out the scholarships that the school has posted, as ALOT of those don't even get checked out. When I was a senior, only about two people applied for them, since they were ones you have to write a short essay for and everyone else was too lazy, and they each got an equal number.



answers from Dallas on

If he doesn't mind taking the SAT and ACT, have him take it as many times as he can...the highest score is the only one he has to report and the more he takes it the better he will be. Also, it isn't just about grades...but A's are definatly best. Make sure he is involved in both school activities and outside school activities. Volunteer work is liked very much by colleges. Also, once it gets a little closer, have him make a list of where he might like to go and visit the campuses. Talk to the admittance counselors and get there opinion. Also, universities are not the only ones to offer HS school district's child nutrition department offered one...and apply for them all, even if it is only $50...every little bit helps! The school couselors are a great place to get lists of available scholarships and check with the libraries...they have the government books that list all the scholarhsips and federal funds. Good luck, and remember, he needs to enjoy HS a little too!!!

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