My Son Has Terrible Eczema!!!

Updated on August 14, 2010
L.C. asks from Clovis, NM
84 answers

My son has terrible eczema in the usual places like under his arms and behind his knees.  He scratches constantly all over his body and is now beginning to scar himself.  I have tried all steroid creams, lotions and potions dermatologists and pediatricians have given me.  None seem to help him.  I use free and clear laundry soap and I make my own lotion of hydrophilic lotion with glycerin and distilled water.  All products I use are for sensitive skin or free and clear.  I know eczema is not curable, but I am looking for some advice to help us manage his constant scratching and for a moisturizer that actually moisturizes and doesn't dry over time.

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So What Happened?

Just wanted to tell everyone thank you so much for all of your ideas and support. We're still working on my son's dry skin, but little by little I'm trying all of your ideas to see which one will work the best. Thank you, Thank you!!!!
L. C

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answers from Dallas on

my children have sever eczema and we have used all the creams lotions soaps and everything the dr has given us recently i bought myself some Johnson&Johnsons melt away stress dreamy night cream at walmart because my hands were sooo dry from the winter well one day my little girl was itching bad and i didn't have another lotion with me so i told her to put some of this on it until we got home well she loves it she said it works good and doesn't make her itchy you might want to try it i know the same thing doesn't work for everyone but it is worth a try. if you do not want to buy a big bottle you can get it in the travle size at walmart in the "travel stuff" section for like $1.37 for a 2oz bottle the big one is 6oz and is just under $5. hopes this works.


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answers from Dallas on

Do you have any animals? cats, dogs, or does anyone who comes over often have them? we thought my son was just having really bad skin until we took him to the dr and they determined that his eczema was actually a side effect of an allergy to my mother in law's cat hair that she was transferring when she came over.



answers from Dallas on

All of my girls had this as a young child and were very sensitive (and still are) to anything with perfume or fragrance. The only thing that seemed to help the eczema was jock itch cream believe it or not! I've also switched soap, shampoo, laudry detergent, even make up to Melaleuca (my sister sells it)

~ B.

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answers from Dallas on

My son and I both have psorasis, which I have heard is a lot like eczema. The only thing we can do that actually helps is going to a tanning bed. Depending on your sons age, and this may not be anything you woud want to try, but I too have tried all the creams and lotions. I haven't found any of them to help. Good luck!!

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answers from Dallas on

L., my grandson, now 2, has had eczema since he was just a few weeks old but this summer we went to S. Padre and swimming in the Ocean cleared him up in 2 days. He had it so bad he would scratch until he bled it was all over his little body. So after we came home we went to Wal Mart and got a box of sea salt and for 2 months we bathed him everyday in salt water. Yes sometimes it would burn if he was irritated but just put cortizone creme on for the burning and it would be clear the next day. He hasn't had a flare up in at least 3 months and now he just gets bathed in it once or twice a week. I swear by it. His skin is very fair and now it is beautiful. Please try it. We hadn't found a prescription that would work but this does. It may take awhile but you will see the difference in a couple of days. Just keeping him from drinking it, lol or dunking his face is our only challenge now. Hope it works for you.Good luck and God Bless.

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answers from Dallas on

We had similar issues with my older daughter. We always use products for sensitive skin and used all of the doctors' recommendations (steroids, CeraVe cream, Aquaphor, unscented Dove for sensitive skin, etc.) and yet still we were having problems and were having to apply lotions 2 times per day. So then my husband stumbled across Aveeno eczema care in the anti-itch aisle of the pharmacy section of the store. It was a body wash and body lotion, steroid-free, and my daughter has had ZERO PROBLEMS since we started using it, even so far this winter!!!! Aveeno temporarily discontinued the line (I think the "Eczema Care" name made it too specific and it wasn't selling enough) is now available again but has been repackaged as Aveeno Advanced Care...however, I have both and I can guarantee it is the EXACT SAME PRODUCT. Just try that; you should be able to find it in the grocery store or pharmacy, but not with the lotions/body washes; it's stocked with anti-itch products. Give that a try and you may be able to discontinue steroids; that's been our experience. Good luck! I know how frustrating this is!!!

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answers from Dallas on

L. - I don't know if you are a believer or not, but here is what we did. My 4 year old daughter (3 at the time) had BAD eczema and would maul herself so bad, it looked like she was attached by an animal. We did all that you did and it helped. We saw a great doctor and it helped. BUT the one and only thing that CURED it completely was laying hands on her, praying, and claiming healing in the name of JESUS! And sure enough, her legs completely cleared up that week and has not had a breakout since!

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answers from Dallas on

My daughter had horrible eczema all over her body and scalp. It was very, very hard on our family, as it is tough to see your child suffer. We tried everything under the sun and the only thing that has made her better is taking allergy shots. I know there is a lot of controversy over this but we were ready to try anything. She is now 8 and this is the first year she is not miserable. Also, swimming helps because the chlorine kills the bacteria on the skin, which can be simulated by adding bleach to his bath (I know it sounds terrible but it really does help). Lastly, my pediatrician called and said that there has been found to be a link between Biotin deficiency and eczema so we give our daughter Biotin (which is just an over the counter vitamin) every day. There is a test the doctor can do to see if that is what is causing the eczema. Anyway, I haven't read the below responses but I know a lot of people suffer with this and I know it can break up relationships and cause a lot of family stress so if you ever need to talk I can give you my personal information.


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answers from Dallas on

NAET treatments will help you to pinpoint and eliminate whatever allergy is making your son itch so bad. Since the skin is the largest excretory organ that we have, it's obvious that he's trying to purge his system of who knows what. Dr. Steve Homoky helped our family immensely. He's an acupuncturist at Coit & Spring Creek, and his number is ###-###-####. He doesn't use needles on children before puberty, so no fears there. The best part is that once the body has been "reprogrammed", it's permanent! No more shots, creams, or other stuff. In the meantime, you already have loads of useful options to control the itching until you address the cause of it. Good luck!

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answers from Dallas on

Have you ever heard of Renew lotion? It works great on this. And it's all natural.

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answers from Dallas on

Aquafor is the best i have used for my daughters excema. It is found at walmart, cvs, walgreens etc



answers from Dallas on

Please have him tested for gluten intolerance/celiac:

The skin manifestations are not uncommon and are the body's way of getting rid of the toxins from the gluten. The skin is the body's largest detox organ.

My younger son had this problem for many years and it cleared up completely on a gluten free and dairy free diet. If he inadvertently consumes gluten, it comes back and takes months to heal.



answers from Dallas on

DO NOT PUT YOUR CHILD IN OATMEAL. If he is Celiac this will make it worse. A Celiac must avoid wheat, gluten, rye, barley and oats.

The blood test for Celiac is not accurate unless sent to one of the four labs that knows how to test correctly.

Go to and you can test at home and the ins.
The only other accurate way is through a biopsy.

My family of 6 is Celiac and we all tested negative several times with the blood test.



answers from Dallas on

I agree that Arbonne's ABC line is the way to go! My son and daughter had eczema and as long as I use the ABC line on them there are no outbreaks! My nephews had eczema so bad that their feet would split every summer. They've been using the ABC line for 3 yrs, and no outbreaks. The ABC line, as all Arbonne products, are made from pure, safe and beneficial ingredients. So they are safe!! No animal products or bi products, no mineral oil! If you haven't gotten one already and would like a free sample let me know. Good luck!




answers from Dallas on

Ditto on using Aquaphor by Eucerin. Greasy but it's the only thing that I have found that works for the back of my son's knees - broken skin, cracked and nasty.



answers from Dallas on

Must do:
Fish oil ~ get one with no cod oil ~ take at night
Probiotic ~ one every night
A full glass of Tang first thing in the morning

Try this:
It is much easier to do than it sounds. I just wanted clear steps for you.

Take a bath every night doing the following exactly

1. Full Bath tub with approx. 2 oz. (1oz. if a small tub) of Epsom Salt and a small splash, about 10 drops, of regular iodine ~ not the decolorized or white iodine (don't worry, it won't stain your tub).

Before getting out, thoroughly massage a very small amount of pure lanolin on the majorly irritated areas. Do not cover large areas of the body. You do not want to cause the body to become allergic to lanolin by applying it everywhere. The fish oil should keep the other less affected areas moisturized.

Then, before getting out of the tub, quickly dunk the treated body back in the water for a second or two and, very quickly, rub the areas one more time under the water. Don't try and rub lanolin off.

Get out and gently pat dry.

Do not add any additional lotions, creams, or oils!

Immediately put on "long john" type PJ's and socks.

You can take off the socks right before bed.

You can buy pure lanolin at Central Market, Whole Foods, some health food stores, online, etc. Sometimes it is hard to find so be sure to ask someone to help you track it down. Just make for sure you buy it as a single ingredient. If it has other ingredients it could irritate your skin.

Do not use:
regular laundry soaps on anything ~ bed sheets, clothes, towels
down comforters, pillows, couches
scented candles
carpets if possible, may not be possible...vacuum often
glycerin, many people are sensitive to it and don't know
long term use of petroleum jelly can cause rashes or eczema



answers from Dallas on

This may sound crazy, but I promise it will give him relief. Scrub the area with table salt. My entire family including my kids have eczema, and we do this regularly. It will soothe it for a couple of days. Apply lotion afterwards. If it is open, it might sting a little, but it is very healing. You can also put salt in his bathwater.



answers from Dallas on

Try epsom salt baths with very warm water and let him soak for as long as the water is warm.

Eczema is highly affected by foods. Consider dairy, corn, wheat and soy---most common offenders. I would remove them from his diet for 3 weeks, just one at a time. He could be affected by more than one. Without a blood test (IGI), this will take some experimentation.

Also make sure he is drinking at least half his body in ounces of water. A 50 pound person should drink 25 ounces as a minimum each day.

Don't give up, there is a LOT you can do for eczema without a doctor.



answers from Dallas on

Hi L.,

It looks like you already took all the necessary measures. Does he have any food allergy? How old is he and how long has he have eczema? I have a cousin who had really bad eczema, and it got worse when he ate seafood, beef or nuts. He is a teenager now and has outgrown most od his allergy.
Heating during winter makes air very dry for everyone, especially those with eczema. A humidificator might help.

Good luck.




answers from Dallas on

I little girl I watch has it and her mom uses Aquaphor lotion on her.



answers from Dallas on

Hi- My daughter is 3 months old and has had this same problem so bad. I finally found Cetaphil lotion without fragrance and it has relieved it alot. Please let me know if you find any other answers.



answers from Dallas on

I've heard the extra emollient night cream from Mary Kay works wonders on eczema, razor burn, and other skin irritations. Put it on at night or while he's in the house because it is like medicated pink vaseline.



answers from Dallas on

Instead of trying to cure the eczema, get to the cause of it. Other posts may have stated this already, but eczema is caused by an allergin- since you are creating a "clean" environment(meaning special soaps, lotions, etc) there may be something more- diet?! My son has had eczema since he was 3 months old- he is now 2 1/2. He gets eczema from dairy products, as well as egg whites. He also has an allergy to nuts. You may want to ask your pedi for an allergy test- it won't hurt to check!!
I have been there ;)
Good luck and God Bless



answers from Dallas on

Hi L.,

I was just in Florida over Thanksgiving to visit family and noticed my niece and nephew had terrible excema on their faces. My sister-in-law took them to the doctor, tried all the lotions, creams, etc. and was so frustrated that nothing worked so she started doing her own research. After trying some different things she tried the fish oil recommendation (she bought a bottle of it from a health food store) and she mixed the fish oil with with applesauce, pudding, juice, etc. or rub it directly on the excema. I saw the kids again at Christmas and the excema was totally cleared up. She swears by fish oil now. It's a healthy alternative to all the steroid creams and it seems to work for her kids! Hope this helps.



answers from Dallas on

You might try gel from the inside of a real Aloe Vera leaf. I gave a friend a plant that has eczema and she swears by it. Good Luck



answers from Dallas on

my daughter and I both have eczema and we use Tar Soap. This can be ordered from the pharmacy at cvs or wallgreens. I also use Ballentar bath. Both smell very pine like but, they work in drying up.



answers from Abilene on

We experienced the same thing with our middle child. It is very frustrating to say the least! Make sure that his eczema isn't from a food allergy. Making sure that he is hydrated (with water and not just various juices, etc.) is important. Then we used Arbonne's baby products. She has been breakout free for over 2 years. I can email you the whole regimen we used if you are interested. Best wishes!



answers from Dallas on

Eczema is from something they are allergic to. We went to a homeopath and it cleared it up. You need to heal from the inside out. And not just fix the symptoms.



answers from Dallas on

Hi L. -

All i can tell you is contact Dr. Blackburn's office and make an appointment. My daughter is 2 and has had it since birth, we have done and tried everything her pediatrician suggested. I wasn't until 2 mths ago when we were referred to Dr. Blackburn that I have truly seem a difference. He gave her an injection on her rump and it has help so much. He did prescribe special lotion and cream to use in between visits but her skin has never looked better.

His office is located in the UT Southwestern Hospital but it's worththe drive. Ph####-###-####. I'm am currently seeing him myself for acne scarring and he's wonderful. I must tell you his patient load is pretty high so you may have to wait about 30 min. but he is sooo good.



answers from Dallas on

You might try Noxema. I read about it in the newspaper, tried it, and it worked. I just had to make sure my child did not touch it then touch his eyes. I also daily lotion him down with an Avon lotion called Moisture Therapy Intensive Hand Cream. If I keep that on him daily, it seems to help with his extremely dry skin and Eczema. Good luck with it, because I know how frustrating it can be.



answers from Dallas on

This is typically a food allergies and milk is the most common food allergen. I also agree with the other poster about testing for celiac. Your doctor can do an IgE blood test to determine food allergies.



answers from Dallas on

Hi L.! My 3 y/o daughter also has terrible eczema. We've tried every cream-RX and natural-there is. We've done NAET treatments, allergy tests, elimination diets, multiple doctor visits, etc, etc. I could write you a novel about everything we've tried. Finally, out of desperation, we went to see Dr. Robin Carder, pediatric dermatologist off Central and Walnut Hill. Dr. Carder knows her stuff and completely cured her eczema by altering her immune system. We're now on maintanence meds for a few small areas. Our hopes are that she'll stay virtually free of outbreaks! I also read the book and website Good Luck!!

One of the best creams we've found is Alba Coconut Milk(bought at Sprouts). We also use California Baby products. My daughter seems to react to petroleum products, cetyl alcohol, propylene glycol, sodium lauryl sulfates, etc. We've had to keep a log of which creams cause reactions and there are very few that don't on her (including most of the products listed on the posts). We also have chlorine filters on our shower and use dechlorinating bath tablets. She takes zyrtec, probiotics and omega 3s to boost her immune system.



answers from Dallas on

My daughter had horrible eczema also. The only way I could get it to disappear was to use vaseline and stop drinking milk. I also tried the prescription creams from my pediatrician and changed all products at my house to accomodate sensitive skin. However, I never saw an improvement until my doctor suggested that I cut back on dairy (however, I only had to remove milk from my diet) and a friend recommended using vaseline. It took a few days for the reduction of dairy to have an effect, but I know that was a factor because when I try to reintroduce milk into my diet her little face breaks out. Good Luck!



answers from Dallas on

Hi L.,

Have you tried California Baby? My great nephew had eczema real bad at one point. I heard about California Baby and that really works. My niece took him a bath with the California Baby shampoo/body wash before bed and we put the California Baby Calendula Cream all over him because he had it really bad on the back of his knees where it was starting to puss. It was started to work overnight. His skin cleared up, he had it really bad on his face also. You can find it at Whole Foods Market or you can go into the website It's pretty pricy but it's worth it. Smells great also!



answers from Dallas on

Arbonne is the only way to go! Take it from a chronic exzema sufferer! Arbonne's baby care (ABC) has body wash that won't irritate, lotion that will soothe, and diaper rash cream that will heal the exzema!



answers from Dallas on

It looks like you got a million responses to this and I didn't have time to read them all, so I am just going to put what I know. Eczema is usually an allergic reaction to preservatives in the products you use, especially formeldahide. If you get rid of that and use Melaleuca's Renew lotion you will probably completely elimininate the Eczema all together. Good Luck!



answers from Amarillo on

Hi L.,

My daughter has had eczema like this since she was 6 mos. old. I tried everything under the sun...steroid creams, lotions, homeopathic, etc. The only thing that I have found that gives her relief and stops the itching and for us, has taken away the redness and scaliness is Gentle Naturals brand "Baby Eczema Cream". I can find it at Target, Walgreens and FINALLY Wal-Mart! I believe you can also purchase it online at It's awesome because you can use it as often as necessary, but once I got hers under control, we only have to use it once a day. The Gentle Naturals brand also puts out a Baby Eczema Body Wash that is of aid, but I feel that the cream is the BEST!!! The box that it comes in is a sea-foam green color with a picture of Piglet & Winnie The Pooh on it. The tube is white with sea-foam green and pink with Piglet & Winnie The Pooh.

I have also tried Aquaphor from Eucerin and it didn't seem to do the trick, but I do buy the box of 2 small tubes of it and carry one in my pocket all of the time and use in place of chapstick. Love that stuff!! I have tried most everything out there including the Organic Coconut oil but for us, Baby Eczema Cream is the only stuff that has done the trick. There is just something about the Baby Eczema Cream that seems to almost immediately stop her itching. I would love to hear what ends up working for you!!

Good luck!

L. F.



answers from Dallas on

My son also gets horrible eczema. I have found that Alba Un-Petroleum works awesome. It's in an orange tube. You can it get it at whole foods for about $5.00. It is very natural and works awesome. It's the only thing we have found that actually works!



answers from Dallas on

My son's eczema is related to a milk allergy. He drinks a limited amount of milk, but when his eczema flares he stops milk all together. Also in the winter it's worse with the heat being on and no moisture in the air. He likes the Mary Kay extra emoilent cream since he says it doesn't burn when he puts it on.



answers from Dallas on

Eucerin calming itch-relief works for my daughter's dry itchy patches (it's lanolin free, which is great because she's sensitive to lanolin). My son's eczema is bumpy, and the Eucerin Plus intensive repair body creme works quite well for his -- so great it's as if we've "erased" it when we put the creme on him.



answers from Dallas on

Ask about atopiclair its a good moisterizer. It was prescribe to my son it works wonders. He has not had a outbreak for a year and a half. You should also make sure child has no allergies which can trigger an outbreak.



answers from Dallas on

Hi L.,

Not sure if you have something to help your son, but my son also has eczema and I've tried almost all the things that everyone is suggesting. I've had prescriptions and home remedies. I recently went to my sone 18 month check up and the doctor suggested i purchas an over the counter item, I get here at Walmart called Cetaphil she suggested i get the soap and cream. The product is wonderful. If there is a walmart where you are located, it is in the aisle where you would find face creams and acne products. I hope this is of some assistance, if you he is still having a problem.
Good Luck



answers from Dallas on

Try California Baby Calendula cream from Whole Foods.



answers from Dallas on

We have figured out that one of our sons is allergic to polyester. He has to wear only cotton pjs and we have had to change his uniform pants too. That has really helped him.



answers from Dallas on

ORGANIC COCONUT OIL!!!! Those medications and chemical lotions are probably just making it worse, or causing other health issues unseen. You can buy coconut oil in the cooking oils section at stores like Market Street, Natural Grocers, Central Market, etc. Coconut oil is THE stuff- it is antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial!!!!! It is an awesome moisturizer!!! I use it for baby massages, diaper rash, face moisturizer, and any other skin problem.
Hope this helps!



answers from Dallas on

My son had the same thing when he was about 3 and like you I tried everything under the sun. Finally after nothing working, I put vasaline on his legs and loosley wrapped them in plastic wrap at night after he took a shower. He slept with the wrap on and in the morning I noticed a big difference. He thought it was so cool. He pretended to be a super hero. After 2-3 nights the eczema was gone. He is now 9 and no problems with it still to this day.


answers from Dallas on

My daughter (now 14) had it pretty bad as a toddler and the Dr kept telling me that she could outgrow it. Thankfully, she is rid of all of it except for a small spot on her foot. I was never told it was not curable. I was told it was allergy related.

We used all the cremes you talk about and I can't vouch for any one of them being the perfect creme. We did keep her moisturized. Hers always got better when we went to the beach!

When it acts up now, she uses calamine lotion.

Good luck, I know it is tough but hopefully your son will out grow it as well.



answers from Dallas on

The best thing you can get is Renew lotion from Melaleuca. I have sucess story after sucess story on how it has helped so many people with their eczema from little ones to older people. I would love to get you some info if interested. The will be the answers to your little ones eczema. hope this helps.



answers from Amarillo on

Hi L.,

Yes, eczema is awful, your poor child!!

I rep a terrific skin care line, Arbonne International. I'd love to help you and your child out,

If you'd like to give the Arbonne baby line a try, I'd be glad to send you a 3 day sample pack. Many moms have had really great results with it. There is no charge, I only ask that you use it exclusively for 3 days, then let me know what you think, and how I can help you.

E-mail me off line at, and I'll get your information. I'm not a pushy saleslady -- just would like your honest opinion.

A. Evans



answers from Dallas on

My daughter has eczema too...not that bad all of the time. I use good ole A&D ointment that you buy over the counter. It's greasy, so I put it on at bedtime and them put on pj's so it doesn't get everywhere. It seems to work for me. My sister in law put me on to it. My niece has pretty bad eczema and it works for her too. Hope it helps!!!



answers from Dallas on

Hello L.,
My three year old son has the same problems with eczema since birth. His Dr., at that time, precribed ointments, & OTC creams and lotions that just never worked to relieve his itching and reddness. Finally, 1.5 years later and with a new Dr., my son was given a precription of Zyrtec syrup (which is for alleries) and advised to buy Curel-Continuous Comfort lotion (in the blue bottle) After every bath, while he was still damp, I would cover him in this lotion. He loved it b/c he had NO MORE ITCHING! The reddness was gone. I was completely surprised at the results after just one month. The Dr. was as surprised as I was at how fast my son had cleared up. (I took before & after photos, he had scabs/scares from scratching,& then it was gone. It was really amazing...haven't downloaded them yet)
The eczema is still there, but not visible and not causing him any discomfort like before.
Now at 3yo, he has clear is still rough in those affected areas, but he hasn't had an "outbreak" in about 11 mos.
I hope this is helpful for you
Zyrtec syrup & Curel Continuous Comfort lotion &
Dr. R. Rodriguez (@ Mckinney Clinic in Rockwall) Great Dr.!!
Good Luck



answers from Dallas on

I started doing a double rinse with my baby and using the sensitive skin detergent. The double rinse did the trick, although I made my own baby oil of avacado and coconut oil. It has helped my daughter. Good Luck



answers from Dallas on

I agree with a previous poster about California Baby. The Calendula Cream cleared up my son's eczema within a week. I put it on the affected areas every morning and after his bath each night. I also started giving him a bath every other night (unless necessary) so his skin wouldn't dry out as much. I use the California Baby super sensitive bubble bath as well. It works great and does not have any chemicals, etc. Now I use the Calendula Cream just when he has a flare-up. I also would try to find out what your son is allergic to. Something is triggering the eczema to flare-up.



answers from Dallas on

We use a special soap with natural oils from Lush called Olive Branch. It stopped my itching and my kids itching although some of the bumps are still on their skin.

My cousin had this with his baby and they were prescribed a special wax bar you put in the bath (they live overseas) and it cured it right away.



answers from Dallas on

My son had horrible eczema for about two years. We did everything that the doctor recommended and nothing worked. It wasn't until we took him off his formula that it totally disappeared. Look at the formula if your child is currently using it.



answers from Dallas on

I would recommend BioSet Treatments. It works much the same as NAET, but you can get a more in depth look at the cause. I see Sharon Krahn, She has pictures of a child with eczema that she has treated on her website. She has sucessfully treated other patients as well.
Good luck,
I just read that you are in New Mexico. If you are interested in BioSet, I am sure that Sharon can help you try to find a practitioner closer to you.



answers from Dallas on

Have you seen a Pediatric Allergist? Dr. Elizabeth Lange comes to mind. If he is in the 8 year old range I would also suggest Dallas Asthma and Allergy. Sometimes there is a link between the immune system and eczema. There may be some foods to avoid that the allergist can help pinpoint.



answers from Dallas on

I will agree with some of the PP about California Baby!!! It was all we could use on my 3rd for the first year and a half. It's awesome stuff. While a little on the pricey side, it's so concentrated that you don't have to use as much so I think that the cost difference with other creams/lotions/soaps is negligible.



answers from Dallas on

keep his nails trimmed all the time so he can't "scratch" himself.

keep him/it covered so he can't access the scratch when it is bad. footed pj's or bandaids or both.

make sure he is drinking enough water (depending on age or breastfeeding and such, I don't know his age)

when he is really itching, give him benedryl type product...depending on his age, ask the dr for dosage

for any scratch boo boos, put on antibiotic ointment

use a cream, not a lotion, such as aveeno baby cream...

Use cream as soon as he is out of the bath
I use cerave, unscented dove bar or liquid, or aveeno baby? no soap, just unscented moisturizer type cleaner or nothing at all.
I just wrap the towel around and no rubbing to dry.

I recently just found out about " TRIPLE CREAM "
and it has been working wonders. Not the medicated cream, just triple cream in the tube. I hope to find it in a bigger container and for less one day. It says it has an unconditional guarantee if it doesn't work for you.
It has just been what I have been looking for. It is unscented and has "beeswax" in it to "hold" in the moisture and "BLOCK" things from touching the skin.
I bought it online at but I also found it at Target on my last trip there.
I just looked and found it at babiesrus online too....
here is what it looks like for those of you that may want to try it.

good luck



answers from Dallas on

We recently went to pediatrician for my son's eczema. She prescribed two eczema creams and said to use vaseline unsparingly. She said it is by far the best mosturizer there is. We used the vaseline for a couple of days before I could get the Rx creams and in that short of time, the vaseline helped the eczema immensely. It is greasy for a little while and could get on clothes, couch, etc, but maybe you could get a sweat suit and lather on the vaseline and then put on the sweat suit for an hour or so. Hope it gets better!



answers from Dallas on

Hi L.,
Why do you say Eczema is not curable? I agree with the previous post that it is probably an allergy (most likely either to dairy or gluten). I would start there.

I would also try supplements that reduce inflammation such as Omega-3 fish oil. They have yummy fish gummy's out at Costco that my children love. There are also flavored Nordic Naturals brand too.

I've also seen testimonials on a product called OPC-3 and Ultimate Aloe Juice from a company called MarketAmerica. My children take this also because it helps keep them healthy. See following link for testimonial for eczema (second one on page):

If you're interested in learning more about their products you can also visit:

Best wishes to you and your son in finding a healthy and natural solution. I just know adults that have taken lots of steroids and cortisol creams that have a lot of health problems as a result.




answers from Dallas on

Hi L.,

I hope this helps as my daughter had the same problem. I bought her Palmers "Bottom Butter". They are the same people that make the Cocoa Butter. It is in a tube. I purchased it at Walgreen's. It states on the tube that it is for diaper rash but it worked for her eczema. Good Luck.



answers from Dallas on

My daughter has eczema and her Dr. said is helps if you let them soak as long as you can in the bath, then after coat them in a thick cream lotion, not just a lotion. I use Eucerin moisterizing cream (offbrand). Then if she has any small dry spots later in the day that itch I put cortizone 10. These two seem to keep in "under control"



answers from Dallas on

I take a nutrition supplement that helped me get my hands back from arthritis. I have no pain anymore, and can open anything. My sister-in-law in Oklahoma wanted to try it for her arthritis. Three weeks after taking it, she wrote me that her eczema was under control. I didn't even know she had eczema. She was thrilled. By the way, now her hands are not swollen and feverish anymore either. The liquid crosses over into the blood stream and just allows the body to heal. I take a two ounce dose, my 3 year old granddaughter takes one half ounce, and our dogs even take a dose. Safe for children and pets. Sure worked for Nancy. Also, she went on a trip, forgot the nutrition, and the eczema came back with a vengence. Got home, started back up, and it went right away. A. ###-###-#### cell phone



answers from Dallas on

Hi L.
We struggle with the same thing at our house and it's not fun. The first thing to do is to stop the itch so he is not constantly scratching and making it worse. We use Zyrtec to stop the itching. I give it to them at night because it can cause you to be sleeppy. The other thing we've tried which seems to help is to pour a little bit of mineral oil into the bath tub. Just make sure he doesn't dunk his head in the water so his hair doesn't get super oily. We also use dove soap which is gental on the skin. Then as soon as he gets out of the tub put a cream on right away to lock in moisture. Hope this helps.



answers from Dallas on

My son had the worse eczema too. We use Florazone by BT, a homeopathic eczema cream, found at Whole Foods and good health food stores. It's about $9.99. And it worked.



answers from Dallas on


My daughter had suffered with eczema from 3 years old to 8 years of age when I found a nutritional food supplement that cleared it up and she never got it back, now as a 16 year old, she has no acne or mood issues as other teenagers do. I will be happy to share more details if you would like, you can send me e-mail or your phone number and best time to call you.

I am a mom of two, work from home and have been married for 18 years.




answers from Dallas on

my daughter is 2 and I use Aquaphor by Eucerin. It's kinda greasy like vasaline. I apply it after her bath, it's kinda pricy though. You can get it as Costco for 12.75 that's the cheapest I have seen it. I have tried everything and this is the only thing that seems to help.



answers from Dallas on

I don't think my sons was as bad as yours, but I mix desitine and cortizone-10 together. I worked better then any of the creams we were prescribed.



answers from Dallas on

I believe Exzema is the the bodies way of trying to get something out, an allergy. I'd try to figure out the allergy, for my son it was soy. Lavendar Essential Oil helps ease the rash and itch; a few drops in the bath.

Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

I didn't read through all the posts, so it could be I'm repeating, but skin food by weleda is really awesome. you can get it at Target or whole foods. You should also make sure he is eating plenty of probiotics (yogurt) and healthy fats. good luck!



answers from Dallas on

Eucerin lotion worked better than steroid creams on mine!



answers from Abilene on

Hi my husband had eczema so bad on his feet that they cracked and bled. Like you he tried everything. He is a jailer and one of the older inmates told him about a "jailhouse" remedy. It works!!!

He takes plain old Head and Shoulders shampoo and puts it everywhere he has an outbreak. Lets it dry, then showers it off. He then used Eucerin lotion for moisturizer. He takes a minimum of one shower a day with Head and Shoulders, sometimes two. Since his feet were so bad, he would use the Head and Shoulders there two, three times a day. After 4-5 days it was all cleared up. No more itching, scaling, bleeding etc. Now when it starts to flare up, he immediately treats it and it doesn't do a full break out. My niece used it on her little boy behind his knees and on his arm and she said that after 4-5 days it was gone. So far he hasn't had another outbreak.

Hope this helps. It sure works for my husband and niece's little boy.



answers from Dallas on

I have found that the Bath and body works Hand creams and thicker Body creams keep me moisturized, but for a boy this might not be the best idea (scents). You might also try the Aveeno lotions and bath powder. I use the bath powder with my kids when they have real bad rashes and it seams to clear it up, I also use their lotions to clear up diaper rash. I know it is not the same thing but it might work. You can find the lotions in the baby section at wal-mart.



answers from Dallas on

I second the NAET treatments. My son hasn't had a flair up in a year, I consider that cured.



answers from Dallas on

I totally know where you are coming from! All 3 of my boys had terrible eczema. They had actually maxed out on the steroid dosage that the dermatologist would prescribe for them. They've been virtually symptom-free for about 2 1/2 years. My first piece of advice is this: Get to the bottom of what is triggering his eczema. If he hasn't been already, get him tested for allergies. My boys were very sensitive to chemicals like formaldehyde, ammonia, & chlorine. Once we switched to using things in our house that don't include these chemicals, their skin was clear within 3 weeks. The best lotion we have ever used is Renew. It has virtually no scent, it isn't greasy at all, but it keeps their skin so soft! Like you, we used so many different kinds of lotions and nothing worked. Renew does! I'd be happy to give you a detailed run-down of everything we use. :)



answers from Lubbock on

My daughter has excema and we use the Renew lotion and bath oil and it works wonders. You can get it from She is in first grade and it started when she started kindergarten and then with the lotion and bath oil it cleared up until she started first grade. I think hers is stress we did the allergy test, etc. and hers, I think anyway, is from stress. Try it, it really helped more than anything else we tried. Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

Have you found out what is triggering it? For my daughter it was food allergies and emotional stress. Once I knew the cause I could help her avoid the outbreaks and then they became less frequent and severe. Remember, it's the itch that rashes, if you can get rid of the itch and scratching then the skin can heal. Good luck!


answers from Dallas on

Hi L.!

My 6 year old has eczema.

Steroid creams did work for her but they are so unhealthy.

Instead I use products from my botanically based skin care line. They are peditrician tested, contains no animal products or by-products, never tested on animals, contains no mineral oil and are hypoallergenic.

These products have taken away her eczema.

Please let me know if you'd like more info.

Take care and God bless!




answers from Dallas on

Hi L.,

My son also has eczema. We've been controlling the ezcema through keeping a diary - food, clothes, pet contact, etc. We've learned that different spots are caused by different things. For example, a spot on his calves is due to a food allergy. We take him to Dr. Sugerman's office at Medical City Dallas for food allergies - very helpful. We learned he's allergic to milk.

In terms of controlling the eczema, try giving him Benadryl at night time/naps to prevent itching. You may also want to watch for the sores getting infected. We've had to treat with an oral and topical antibiotic when this happened once.

I know this is so frustrating and hard to watch your son go through. Keeping the area mosturized helps a great deal. You can also use Aveno bath, the oatmeal formula sooths.

We use Eucerin Calming line - mosturizer and they have a special lotion that blocks the itch with some sort of numbing agent.

I hope you find some relief! We are now just controlling it. Once a sore flares up, we immediately treat with steriod cream, then it goes away the next day.

Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

Eucerin Aquaphor is the best moisturizer. I used it for my son's eczema which went away after he got older, chapped lips and dry, chapped winter skin. It is the best! You might want to try that Aveeno oatmeal bath. It is suppossed to be soothing.


answers from Dallas on
You can find this cream in any indian store. I started to use it about 5 years ago in my country, I am from Ukraine. Our son started develop eczema, he is 20 months, and I used it only couple times fro him. His skin became to normal through couple days. Now I only support his skin with natural baby oil olive... and again it is indian product. I bought it in the same indian store. My friend's son HAD very strong eczema and she used Shea butter
Good luck



answers from Dallas on

You may have tried this, but it works for my daughter. The only bath soap I can use for her is Aveeno baby with oatmeal. Afterwards, I lather her with Aquaphor (made by the same people that make Eucerin). I bought the small tub of it and it seems to do the trick. It's pretty greasy, but it doesn't dry out. Good luck!

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