Meals Made Easier

Updated on February 09, 2010
S.F. asks from Rochester, MN
17 answers

I have been looking for some time for a website that will give me meals, recipes, and shopping list for a week and/or month at a time. I have been developing one myself but really don't have the time. Has anyone ran across such a site?

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answers from Minneapolis on

I second Sue W's suggestion. The author does have free menus, but the majority are pay for, but they are super inexpensive, and she regularly has sales.

also Rachael Ray has a weekly menu roundup that includes a shopping list.

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answers from Minneapolis on

the is an excellent site that not only has tips and suggestions for organizing, but she also has what is called "Menu Plan Monday" where she lists what she's doing for dinner each day of the week and recipes are attached. Not only does she do it, but tons of other bloggers also report what they are doing and list menus ideas as well--so you have all of these options to choose from! It's great and even's free!!!!

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answers from Green Bay on

E-Mealz is a great site. You can even pick your meals based on diet needs or restrictions like low fat or low carb. Good luck!

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answers from Minneapolis on

Try I think it is VERY helpful!

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answers from Dallas on They have both a free section (it took me awhile to find it last time I looked but it is there) and they have different pay-for-it portions.

What I've done is list all the meals we make regularly, and then spent two weeks just doing that, now we are trying something new once a week so we can find more things to add. The goal is to have enough to not repeat *too* often (with the exception of pizza nights ;) plus maybe find more my somewhat selective eaters will eat!

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answers from Cleveland on

Hi S.,

No, sorry, I haven't seen such a site, but I recall reading some years ago about a cookbook titled something like "Cook Once and Eat 6 Times" (OK, perhaps I exaggerate.....!) I think Woman's Day published it but am not sure. It included at least the lists of the ingredients/quantities for the recipes in the book, so if you picked out what you wanted to eat for a month, then you'd have lists.

Of course you'd have to add paper products, soap, etc.

Good luck

K. Z.

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answers from Kansas City on

go to they had a weeks worth of recipes and the shopping list and everything.

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answers from Minneapolis on
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answers from Davenport on! It is great - you can subscribe to a "menu Mailer" that gives you 6 weeknight meal recipes and grocery list for a 3, 6, 9, or 12 month period! They have customized menus for the number of people in your family, and for specific health concerns too, weight loss, heart healthy, slow cooker, frugal, and 2 4 or 6 serving menus!!!

you get the notificationin your e-mail each week, and then you go to the site nad you cna print it out or save it to your computer - then you can just re-use it the next 3 months or year or whatever you subscribed for! I love them!


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answers from Minneapolis on

e-mealz. $15 for 3 months. They give you meals with recipes and a shopping list. You can adjust it to certain stores and diet restrictions. Check them out. They have a couple sample menus on their website.

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answers from El Paso on

Check out this site.

I've heard that it is a very good site and the menus are catered to what your family likes best!

I definitely know the pains of having to plan menus and cook daily so any help I can get is awesome!

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answers from Detroit on is a site I use often.

However, I would suggest you make sure to prep your food in advance or after purchasing - put the veggies (after cleaning/ cutting) into plastic containers to just pull out and use when needed...

Too many pre-packaged convenience foods are not as healthy for us as we would like to think. I saved time when I was working by getting things together for a few hours on the weekend and arranging some meals in advance to put into the oven or crock-pot during the week when we didn't have the extra time. Works wonders when you plan it out.

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answers from Minneapolis on

I joined and have been very happy with the recipes. It will generate a shopping list for you as well.



answers from Des Moines on

I would like to know about these too



answers from Waterloo on

pampered chef has a "weekday dinners done!" collection that has 10 meals in it and a shopping list for each week worth or meals. it is really cool!
I think you can paste the link and see it on that page. Good luck!



answers from Minneapolis on

I have the same problem... Can you please post what you find?



answers from Davenport on

This doesn't really answer your question but I started a "Meals 4 Moms" group with some friends. There are 4 of us and once a month we each choose 2 different recipes, make 4 meals for each recipe, then get together and swap meals. You come away with eight different meals that are home-cooked and cheaper than if you would have made them yourself. They go in your freezer and you pull them out the night before you're going to cook them. I plan my bi-weekly menu around those. Just another idea for you!

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