Looking for Feedback on a Dyson Vacuum

Updated on December 24, 2010
E.G. asks from Carpentersville, IL
25 answers

Hello ladies ~ I'm thinking of getting a new vacuum & would love feedback from any one who has a Dyson? Pros? Cons? I know they're a bit pricey but wondering if the price is worth it? Thanks!

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answers from San Francisco on

I love mine. I've had it for around 8 years and have never had a problem with it. I have 2 cats and a toddler and am very, very tidy.

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answers from Missoula on

I got one as a Christmas gift last year and I really like it. We have 3 big dogs that seem to shed year-round and 1 little boy with one more on the way, so I need a good vacuum. Dysons are great on carpet and hard floors, but can be tricky on area rugs. That's not to say you can't use them, but they can suck the rug up, so be aware of that. I think that they are worth the price.

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answers from New York on

I have the Dyson Animal vacuum, I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! It really picks up everything and glides so well on even thick carpet. Can't live without it! I have 2 small boys and 2 small dogs!

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answers from Chicago on

I have had the Dyson Animal for 3 years & actually just finished using it. It is wonderous.

Once, a belt broke & I simply called Dyson & they shipped a replacement out immediately, no charge.

My philosophy on buying bigger tickets items, like a good vacuum, is to think of the investment in the long run. If a product has a good reputation, but is more expensive, it is a good sign you'll be ha[[y with your investment, instead of being sad you're out buying another cheap model soon.

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answers from Sacramento on

I have 2 Dysons. The first one was the smaller Dyson ball vacuum, which I bought when we lived in a small house with only 3 carpeted rooms. LOVED that little vacuum! I still keep it downstairs in our new house, since we only have 1 carpeted room downstairs. But then I realized that I needed a bigger vacuum since my upstairs is all carpeted and pretty big. Yesterday I was at Costco and they have Dysons (all different kinds) on sale. I bought the new Dyson canister vacuum (on sale for $329! Woohoo!). I vacuumed the whole house with it last night and it works GREAT! Then I let my kids vacuum the stairs with it, using the small beater bar attachment that comes with it. My girls are 5 and 8 and had no trouble maneuvering it, and actually the canister is designed to be able to sit on the stairs so you don't have to lug it around on the stairs. The wand adjusts in height so that I can comfortably use it (I'm 6' tall) and my 5 year old can use it (she's the size of an average 4 year old). So that was much easier than we expected! As usual, it works as advertised. No loss of suction.

My only complaint about the smaller Dyson ball that I used to have is that I felt the cord was too short (it was fine in our other house, but if you live in a larger house you always have to unplug and re-plug it in before you wander too far). The canister one has a much longer cord (as do the larger uprights, from what I saw at Costco yesterday). That is literally the only negative thing I have to say. In terms of maneuverability and functionality, you can't beat a Dyson.

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answers from Wichita on

We love our Dyson. It took a little getting used to for the hose, but we have had ours for over a year with no problems.

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answers from Oklahoma City on

My sister has an immaculate home. Her carpet is light brown or beige and she runs the sweeper every day or every other day. She has a small dog so she also does the furniture too.

She occasionally borrows her daughters Dyson to vacuum and she empties it every few minutes because it is full.

If I could afford one I would do so on her recommendation alone.

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answers from New York on

We have an older model Dyson Animal (Model 14, I think) and I LOVE IT!!! The first time I used it, I vaccummed my rugs with the one we were getting rid of and then ran the Dyson over it - The filth it pulled out appalled me and sold me on it at the same time.

We have two cats, one dog and now 2 kiddos with one on the way - after we run the Dyson, I always comment on how someone would think we never clean this house! The amount of dirt, dust and hair that it picks up always surprises me.

It was well worth the investment and we purchased it from Kohls so we used a 30% coupon to ease the "pain" of the cost, but it was soooo worth the investment.

The only "con" I can think of is the strength of the suction - be careful using the hose and try to do it as much as possible from the bottom of the stairs as I have had the strength of the suction pull the machine down the stairs when I wasn't paying attention.

If you get it, enjoy it!

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answers from Dallas on

I have had a Dyson Animal for about 5 years now. It still amazes me at how much junk it pulls up from the carpet. The only thing I have ever had to do to it is clean the beater brush of all the hair, string, etc., but you will have to do that with any vaccuum.

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answers from State College on

We have a dyson animal and love it. It is at least 6 years old. It does an amazing job cleaning up after us and our dog and three cats. When we first got it we could vacuum with our old one and then with the dyson and the dyson would be full. I use it on hard woods, tile and carpet. The only time I ever had an issue I looked online and realized the filters probably needed cleaning- rinsed and dried and back to knew the next day. Right now the power button isn't working right and is stuck on, but I'm pretty sure I most have done something to jam it in and will have to look at it more closely soon and fix it or get it fixed. It is really easy to take different parts apart if you vacuum up something that causes issues and super easy to dump without making a mess.

We did get ours at Bed Bath and Beyond with a 25% off coupon if you ever get one of those and they will still honor it for dyson. Just have to say love it and would get another one.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

I love my Dyson. Going on about 5 years. Will buy another if this O. ever dies.

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answers from Kansas City on

I too have a Dyson Animal and love it! I think I've had it 6-7 years? Quite a while.
I have 2 large, long haired dogs. Used to have 2 teens and all their friends in and out. *Our 20 year old just moved out. And a husband who goes down to our farm and tracks in dirt and leaves and whatever.
I've never had a problem and would buy another one in a heartbeat.

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answers from Dallas on

I just recently got an all floors model. I absolutely love it so far. Pros? It works great, even on my concrete floors. It has a five year warranty (and according to friends, it's pretty hassle free). For a large vacuum, it's not heavy.
Cons? It works so well that I cannot use it on area rugs, even my larger 5x7, because it picks it up off the ground and causes fraying. The price is a con for me (I got a great deal on mine on black friday).

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answers from Chicago on

We thought Dyson at first too. They have a great marketing pitch and the vaccuums overall are good. but...Then we saw a demonstration by the Kirby guy over a Dyson vacuumed carpet and saw all that it left behind. For the money your much better off getting a Kirby that will last forever and clean like crazy! Unless you dont mind all the dust/dirt ect the others leave behind. Really, it was disgusting. The Kirby cleaned our matresses too, you dont even want to know what can come out of a matress! and ours is only 6 months old!



answers from Chicago on

Love my Dyson Ball! I have had it for 5 yrs and still acts like brand new! I will never get another. So well worth the money!



answers from Norfolk on

Dyson is a pretty good vaccum. I like that I don't have to buy bags for it and it cleans up pretty good. Now to their selling feature that it won't lose suction, yup not so true. You definitly have to clean all the filters regularly and it won't clean as well anymore now as it did a few years ago when I just bought it. So it is the best vaccum I ever had but I don't know if it is the best you can buy for that amount of money.


answers from Barnstable on

I have a miele Carina. WOW!!! Love it! Super light, keeps working even if it is flipped over or carried. Best vac I ever used. Worth the $$$$



answers from Chicago on

I got a dyson for our wedding 4 years ago and I do love it. I think it was around 500. I has great features and it easy to use. BUT My sister just went to Mendards and bought a dirt devil for 50 bucks. It is light weight and bagless. I just bought the dirt devil for my office based on her recommendation and it works really well. The dyson looks cooler, turns corners easier, and the attachments are easier to use. But the dirt devil works (sucks up dirt) about equal. I don't know how long it will last or work this well, but for 50 bucks, you can't go wrong. For a 10th of the cost, if my dyson was stolen or broken, I would get a dirt devil.



answers from Chicago on

I had a Dyson, bought it refurbished. It was ok. I had Eureka's before that (Bag kindS) and the dyson seemed a bit better at first. It is lightweight which is good but it definitely lost suction over the years. I guess there was some filter I should have cleaned based on the comments below. Also, I just recently bought a Kirby (LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!) and it has a bag but did some research and realized that the non-bag kind can just keep the same dirt and bacteria in there forever and continue to let some of it out in your house every time you vacuum, while with a bag (especially the Kirby 'cloth' type bags, that doesn't happen).

I just don't think the Dyson is worth the money because it doesn't last as long as the higher end ones like Kirby or Oreck and you would be better off spending a bit more money to get something that will last much longer.



answers from Boise on

I always had hoover wind tunnels. i bought a dyson because of people raves and to tell you the truth, i didnt think it was that great. (suction wise). After it broke (the filter got clogged with too much dust when my husband used it in the shop and burned up the motor) i went back to my old hoover - thank god i didnt throw it away. I just had my husband fix the belt . My old hoover DOES suck up better and lift the carpet better. Truthfully all the new vaccums dont have the pwer that old good vaccumms had. I think i will try to buy used from now on!



answers from Chicago on

We've had a Dyson for a little over 3 years and love it! We've had other bagless vacs and they always fizzled quickly because filters, etc would clog. Not our dyson, it's still going strong and does a fabulous job. I would definitely spend the money and get the dyson!



answers from Chicago on

Hi E.,

We purchased our Dyson about 8 years ago and it still functions like brand new! We had to replace the hose last year ($40) but the great thing about a Dyson is that the parts are all easy to remove and replace, and can be purchased online. There is a hepa filter so you aren't throwing allergens back into the air (not all canister vacuums have this or do a good job containing the dust), but this does great.

I would recommend them to anyone. Hope that helps!



answers from Chicago on

Hmmm.... I wanted one and my husband gave in. Consumer reports doesn't rate it the highest of the vacuums, but it's definitely the most expensive, right :)
So I love mine, but it does lose suction. When the canister is fuller, it doesn't do as good a job. The little brushes at the corners get nothing/it's not a great edge cleaner. Recently, my husband spent 30 minutes cleaning out the canister because the holes were clogged with dust and hair (which isn't supposed to happen) and, after that, it was a much improved machine again. I would never tell my husband I don't love it but.... I think there are better vacuums out there!



answers from Chicago on

I LOVE mine and got it from QVC for a great price (for a Dyson). I agree that the canister fills up quickly but I think that's because it's getting more stuff! Even with a 2 BR apartment I dump the canister out after almost every use. I also turn the brush off and use ours on the hard surface floors to get dust, hair and crumbs up - it makes mopping a breeze. The attachments are great and I like that I can use them without turning off the vacuum and attaching a hose. There's even a dusting attachment for mine that actually sucks the dust up rather than pushing it around like you would with a rag. My mother has the same one and it picks up wonderfully after her long haired cat. Watch it with throw rugs though, it'll pick them right up! Check out the QVC website to see if they have any deals going.


answers from Albany on

My Dyson Ball is the only man for me!

Don't even like to think about what my life was like before him! (Two Golden Retrievers, three teenagers)

Found it on Overstocks.com for about $350, worth every penny!


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