Hypothyroid and Can't Lose Weight

Updated on April 21, 2008
D.C. asks from Wheaton, IL
35 answers

I found out my thyroid is underactive after my baby was born and I couldn't lose weight. I have been on Synthroid .5mg since November of last year now and my blood test last week said my levels are finally not high...so my question is...with proper eating (I'm on Weight Watchers...again, lost 3 pounds in a month)will my weight loss continue to be super slow, even when I'm staying at my points and not using flex points? Basically, I'm trying really hard and can't seem to lose weight. I know from reading online it is harder for hypothyroid folks to lose weight, but how much harder really? My doc said the medicine would definately help me lose weight, and it's been four months now and I haven't even while I'm eating better (I do have more energy now, thanks to the medicine, so that's a plus). I know I know, I should exercise too, but I will when it warms up. Are there others out there who have any advice on losing weight and having an underactive thyroid, or do I just need to suck up the fact it will always be harder for me?

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So What Happened?

I took most of your advice and joined a gym! I've know it from the start I need to workout, not only to lose weight but to be heart-healthy, and I have now lost over ten pounds with exercise and healthier eating. Thanks mamas for help getting me back on the healthy track!

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answers from Rockford on

I am on the same medicine .5mg. Synthroid, and it seems harder and harder. Before the the meds, weight would fluctuate, now to keep it off, with diet and exercise,; it seems it takes longer and longer. My doc says I'm doing good even though it is slower but he says it will stay off in the long run, if I keep a steady and healthy diet.

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answers from Chicago on

Weight loss is a battle for pretty much every woman especially as we age and have kids. Start exercising immediately, don't wait until "it is warmer out". I have exercised and been in really great shape my whole life. I will be 40 in July and have a 9 and 3 year old. I am at a point in my life where I really have to work to keep my body in the shape and at the weight that I am comfortable with. The weight will never be what it used to be, that is just a fact of life. However I am toned and feel very good for almost 40!! It can be done. Good luck!

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answers from Chicago on

D....I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 14 years ago after the birth of my son. Yep. It's an uphill battle with weightloss. Unfortunately, being hypo puts you at a disadvantage for losing weight...and THAT'S not a "cop out." Seriously, I have the SAME eating habits as well as the SAME activity level as I did prior to my diagnosis 14 years ago, and it seems as if I'm stagnant at my post-delivery baby weight. It's aggravating to be so disciplined with eating habits, and then NOT lose weight. ERGH! I'm a witness to that! That little Synthroid pill does alleviate a majority of the hypo symptoms, but the weight loss issue is one that it overlooks! Enjoy that baby! Good luck to you...from a sympathetic hypo mom!

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answers from Chicago on

Hi D.

I am a personal trainer and i see there are alot of opinions on the subject. The best advise i can give is to get started, don't wait for warmer weather, don't keep making excuses for getting started. I have several clients with the same issue and you have to get over the hump.

Once you start exercising you will get more energy, the more energy you get the more you can exercise. You have to get moving period. Don't concentrate on the weight so much, the more you worry about losing weight, the more stress you are creating and the harder it gets to lose the weight.

Think more positively about how you will start to feel, you will gain more energy, it takes time and effort but it will happen. Think more about how your clothes will start to feel when you lose inches instead of concentrating solely on the scale. Think about your quality of life when you can get through the day much easier and it will all fall into place eventually.

It won't be easy, it never is. But you have to start exercising, no more excuses. When i talk about exercising, i mean you have to include all three methods, cardio, strength training and flexibility. You are already working on your eating habits so good luck and get started on your exercise habits.
Visit www.perfectfitpersonaltraining.com for some motivational articles and fit tips.
Have a great day.

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answers from Chicago on

D., I too am hypothyroid and on Synthroid and have been for years. I really wish doctors wouldn't tell their patients that it will be easier to lose weight once they start the medication. In some cases, that may be true but in others, it's not. What they need to say is that it will help improve your health. Synthroid isn't designed to help anyone lose weight - it's there to replace a hormone your body needs to help regulate itself. The weight loss is solely our responsibility - I say "our" because I know it's something we all deal with.

Be sure to take your Synthroid regularly - like first thing in the morning every morning. And if possible, wait an hour before having anything to eat. Also, make sure you get your thyroid levels tested at least once a year. Your body changes as you get older and so will your thyroid levels.

Also, remember that you just had a baby. You need to give your body time to recouperate from that. After giving birth to my trio, I tried to do it on my own and just couldn't. They're 21 months old now and yesterday I rejoined Jenny Craig. I need that structure to help me lose the weight so kudos to you for joining Weight Watchers!

It's easier said than done but be patient. Permanent weight loss doesn't happen overnight. Keep eating healthy and do what you can to exercise. You will start to see results. Good luck!

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answers from Chicago on

Hi D.,
I was diagnosed with hypothyroid when I was 21 years old. I had always been very thin and active and out of the blue I felt tired and gained about 30lbs for no reason. It took a while to get me on the right synthroid dose and then I had to work very very hard to lose the weight. It DID come off though. After I had my daughter my levels were messed up again and it took a LONG time for me to get back to where I was. My daughter just turned 2 and its still a daily struggle, I have to be really careful what I eat in order to keep the weight off and I do have to work out at least 3 times per week. She was 18 months old when I finally reached my pre pregnancy weight.
Its frustrating I know but if you stick with it and starting working out a few times per week you WILL notice a difference. I think weight watchers is a great program too so I wouldnt write that off just yet.
Good Luck!

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answers from Chicago on

I am in the same boat. I am see my endocronologist every 3 months to get tests and ultrasounds on my neck . I have never been on any meds b/c they say I am border line Hypothyroid. I was 135 when my son was 6 months old and now he is 5 yrs and I am 150 and only 5'2. I eat healther - I work out 4x a week at the gym . I always put in a full hr circuit training or a full hour aerobics class. I was on a prescription Diet pill Merdia last yr and lost 5 pds in 6 months. Such a waste b/c it cost me $110 each month for the pills. I have been depressed b/c I do so much and nothing pays off. I cut out white/flour - only eat whole grain paste 2x a month. I eat fish 2x a week. I have started to get acupunture - and I am going for my thrid time today. I am keeping track off all of my measurements to see if this works. I feel great after the session - but last only a few hours. I am trying to keep postive and open minded. I think today they may be giving me supplements. I will keep you posted on how this goes. I truly don't have any unrealistc goals. I want to be a healthy weight and maybe go from my size 8 to a 6. It is my belly that is such a hard thing to slim down for me. That is where most of the accupunture is being done. Again I will let you know if I see any results. I feel you pain and frustration -Good luck

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answers from Chicago on

homeopathy can help hypothyroidism. it helps your body heal the imbalance. dr. polich in naperville treats me and my family. her website is www.dupagehomeopathic.com.
she's giving a free seminar on 3/15 in naperville about homeopathy and how it can be used to treat chronic illness like yours. plus, you can take homeopathic remedies with your conventional medications. email me offlist if you want to ask me more, but dr. p's website has a lot of info on how this medicine works. best wishes!
jen s. (naperville)

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answers from Chicago on

I have been taking synthroid for almost 18 years, and i hate to tell you, but yes..it will take longer to lose weight. It is hard to stay focused, but just know that eating better is the right thing whether you see a big weight reduction or not.in january, i decided that i had to do something about the pounds and started writing everything down and watching the overall calories in! i am glad to report i have reached the 12 pound mark.since jan 20. don't give up hope

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answers from Chicago on

I have to agree with Jenn. She is right about the iodine. My doctor did a urine test and found I was deficient. Since I started taking iodine supplements my metabolism has sped up a lot. I am taking it orally (tablets), but the resut is the same.

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answers from Chicago on

Hi D.,

Although I don't have an underactive thyroid, I do know how frustrating it can be trying to lose weight - after my 3rd pregnancy (twins) the weight just wouldn't budge and I was exercising! My husband saw the infomercial for Michael Thurmond's Six Week Body Make Over. The plan you follow is based upon your body type and metabolism. It worked for me - I lost about 26 lbs in six weeks and then a little more and have kept it off for over a year. A close friend of mine who is on synthroid saw my success with this plan, tried it herself and lost a good amount of weight too. If you're interested, you can get more info at www.provida.com. Good luck and remember the most important thing is that you are healthy and feel good inside!

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answers from Chicago on

There are times in a woman's life where it will be hard to lose weight and your metabolism changes, after 30, after a baby and after menopause. Nice, huh? First, Are you breastfeeding? If so, it will be harder while you are b/f b/c your body needs the fat to maintain your supply. Second, every woman has a low thyroid after they have a baby...pregnancy is extremely stressful on the body, your thyroid pump hormones to make the pregnancy viable. Your adrenal glands are working overtime too, add that to daily stressors and it is in fatigue. Weight Watchers is an ok program, however, people with an underactive thyroid should avoid soy protein, it will make it more sluggish...many of the WW foods have soy protein in it, so be careful and read your labels. The program also is high in carbs and not enough protein (I'm not promoting Atkins) but a tad more protein helps. Timing of meals is also important, eating at the same time each day will regulate your metabolism and drinking half of your body weight in water too. Third. Are you taking vitamins? B12 is highly recommended for folks with thyroid issues as well as 500mg of B5 to support your adrenal glands. Both are water soluable and whatever your body does not need or use will be excreted. Fourth, yes exercise is very helpful, however it must be weight training or a circuit training, cardio alone won't do the trick. You need muscle mass to burn fat, so if you are not weight training, it will be much more difficult. Don't wait til the weather warms up, get some DVD's and do them at home, 20-min a day is all you need!

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answers from Chicago on

Everyone is different. I have had a problem with my thyroid since I was 20 years old. I was always a bit chunky, but nothing that bothered me much. I was always a size 10 and at 5'11, I was happy eating and being a size 10. At 28, I started gaining weight. I started to decrease my food intake and increase my workouts. Nothing worked. After a month, I had gained 10 lbs. I went to the doctor who told me my levels were fine. He said it was that I was getting older and to expect my metabolism to slow down. I worked out more and gained more weight. I went from a 10 to a 16 in 6 months. My doctor accused me of being a closet eater. He was a jerk. Anyway, I decided to take matters into my own hands and look at what I was eating. I thought I was eating right because I was counting calories. Actually, the first thing I did was cut out trans fats. The only oil I use is Organic Expressed Coconut Oil and it is the best thing ever! That and Extra Virgin Olive Oil, you should ever use any other oils. I could go on for days about this topic. It took me a year to get it figured out. But in the end, my weight returned and I even lost 20 lbs more and have kept it off for 5 years now. No crazy diets, just like a diabetic has to be careful, we have to be careful about what we eat. I would start with the trans fatty oils. This made the biggest change in my life. I am now a size 6! Also, my doctor could not believe it and yes, I told him he was a jerk because he did not believe me.

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answers from Chicago on

Stinks how much pregnancy seems to mess with the thyroid! After my second son, I lost all the baby weight and then it suddenly went up 20 pounds in just a couple weeks with no changes to my lifestyle, I felt exhausted all the time, and triggered my suspicions of it being a thyroid issue. I joined Lifetime Fitness (something I NEVER thought I would do)and started working out 45 minute sessions 3-4 days a week and have been doing that since July (actually I worked up to 45 minute sessions I think starting in June). I've lost 21 pounds so far. So yes, it's very slow, but from all I hear .5-2 pounds a week is what is healthy to lose to keep it off as you transition your lifestyle. I have 19 more pounds that I would like to lose (now that I'm at pre-baby weight). It was VERY slow in the beginning and then picked up...I think because of the muscle replacing fat. Hope this helps and BEST WISHES to you!!

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answers from San Francisco on

I was going to suggest some things but it looks like you have already got some great advice! HUMPH! I think we all need to band together and go shopping! Call ourselves *The 20 lbs. over and more* club!
Seriously, it is a struggle and gets more so as you get older. I have finally decided to stop stressing so much about my weight and concentrate more on feeling better and liking myself. I still wish I were a size 9 but hey, my kids and husband love me, that is what really matters!

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answers from Chicago on

Hi D., i too am hypothyroid. On top of that i have type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. In july i was at my highest weight ever, 316 lbs. So i started eating more healthy foods. I stopped drinking all soda and stopped eating junk food. Today i weigh 256 lbs. I still have a long way to go but the weight was coming off preety fast. Now it has slowed down tremendously. So sweetie don't give up it will come off. Three lost pounds is much better than 3 gained ones. So just keep doing what you're doing and you'll start seeing the progress. By the way i didn't do any exercise because i am just too lazy. Good luck!

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answers from Chicago on

Hi D.,

You will not lose weight until you start exercising. Waiting until the weather warms up is a delay tactic & a cop out (sorry to be so harsh). What will you do next winter when it's cold again? Exercise & an increase in your muscle mass will increase your matabolism, so you will burn more calories. A proper diet can only do so much, you need to do both in order to lose weight. There are tons of gyms that offer free child care while you work out. Don't wait until the weather gets better, we live in Chicago not LA, it's either too cold or too hot. Go to the gym now & if you can afford it a personal trainer.

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answers from Chicago on

I sense the frustration in your email and I also feel your pain. I was also diagnosed with hypothroidism last year and was upset that I was. I am not a pill popper and was in denial for a long time. I am a mother of 3 (5 yr old daughter; 3 yr old twins (boy & girl). My energy level was down, but I thought it was because I was chasing kids around all the time, eating more, and not exercising. I too plan on starting some kind of workout routine when the weather gets warmer - in fact I cannot wait to do so. I worked out a lot when before my twins arrived and I enjoyed it. My problem is kind of the exact opposite. I am not neccessarily gaining weight, but it seems as if my midsection (belly) keeps getting bigger and bigger. My biggest problem though is that my energy level is still low considering that my last blood test in Dec. stated my levels were fine. I truly believe that when I start working out that I will feel better (have more energy) as well as lose some weight. I did not know that losing weight is harder for us, but I'm also sure getting older has a lot to do with the pounds you lose and how hard it is to lose them. I cannot really give you the best advice, but I do know from experience that exercising is key to losing wieght in conjunction with eating better. I was simply walking for 15 minutes a day and felt and seen a difference in my weight last summer. I know having a child makes it difficult to get out, but walking is the easiest thing to do that takes the least amount of time from your family. I hope this helps you. Good luck!

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answers from Chicago on

Hi! I can't tell you anything from personal experience because I've never had thyroid problems. However, I do have a good friend who was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Before she started taking med for it she couldn't lose weight either, but since the medicine, she's been watching her diet and exercising at least 6 days a week and she's lost more than 30 pounds just since Christmas. I truly believe you won't start losing until you start exercising, it will but hard but it is possible to lose the weight! Good luck!!

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answers from Chicago on

I can relate to everything in your EM! Have 4 month old and 5 year old, underactive thyroid, work full time, and on WW. Have had a miserable past 2 weeks and have only been losing .5 lbs/wk before that. It's slow going and I wish there was a magic pill. The most recent WW magazine has an article re: hormones making it difficult to lose weight, mentioning thyroid specifically but others as well. Point is if you already are suffering hormonal imbalance of one type, there can certainly be other stuff going on that you don't know about.

I'm thinking of switching to core for a couple of weeks to change things up a bit. Hopefully jumpstart the weight loss.

Hang in there, take time for yourself. You've got a lot on your plate being a mom and working. Don't be too hard on yourself. Best wishes!

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answers from Chicago on

Hi D. - I have an underactive thyroid as well. It took about 9 months to find the right medication level.

From a weight loss perspective, once my thyroid was in check, I finally had the energy to exercise. Once I started exercising regularly, then it was much easier to eat healthier. And the weight has been coming off.

Best of luck!

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answers from Chicago on

I started having problems with my thyroid in high school. I put on 30lbs in one month. The doctors were not a lot of help and I still struggle today with my weight, 20 years later. I tried Weight Watchers and actually put on weight until I realized I could not follow their calorie suggestion. I try to keep my calorie intake at 1500 per day which means a lot of fresh veg. and fruits.Make sure you are drinking plenty of water. If you are dehydrated your metabolism slows down even more. I exercise 20 to 30 minutes 3 to 5 days a week. I used to exercise 1 to 1 1/2 hours until I read a article that said they found if you exercise more then 30 minutes at a time you body holds on to the FAT for survival. Virgin Coconut oil is suppose to help your thyroid function also. I tried it for a few months and actually lost weight, but I think it was because it made me feel sick so I did not eat anything. Also watch how much diet soda you drink. There have been studies that show some people actually eat more when they drink diet soda. I know I do. I would like to lose 10lbs, but right now I am trying to focus more on eatting right and exercising not so much my weight.Everyone keeps telling me your weight gets harder to control as you get older if that is true I will some day have to live off of water. Try not to worry too much about your weight and enjoy your new baby.

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answers from Chicago on

Just to reiterate what everyone else seems to be saying-the only thing that is really going to get the weight moving off is exercise. I have had hypothyroid for 11 years (way before ever having kids!) and the only thing that has really helped to control my weight is regular, no sissy type of workouts. I run 3-5 miles a day, 5-6 days a week. And I am a vegetarian. I also make sure that I have 3 well balanced meals and 2 healthy snacks a day- never more than 3 hours or so apart. yeah, it may be harder for us with hypo, but staying fit isn't actually truly easy for many. It takes a major commitment and lifestyle change to make any real lasting changes. Don't count on the medication for any weight loss- I don't know why Dr.s say this, because in my extensive experience, it just does not work that way. Good luck to you and get moving!

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answers from Rockford on

I also have htpothyroid. I'm on levoxyl. It's been very hard to lose weight for me, too. I joined curves a year ago and within 3 or 4 months had lost 15 pounds and 15 inches. I went 3x a week, ate better and drank more water. You can lose weight with underactive thyroid you just a lot harder at it thatn others. I wish you the best. Keep up the great work!

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answers from Rockford on

Hi there! I can completely relate having had this condition since 2004 (after the birth of my third son)- unfortunately there is no miracle cure- I thought for sure after I got on my Synthroid and everything was straightened out I would start losing weight- well, unfortunately no dice. So- as much as you are going to hate hearing this (as I did) we just have to work harder at it! Doesn't mean we can't do it- just comes off at a slower pace for us- last year with diet and exercise I lost 22 pounds in about 5 months. It was a lot of hard work and dedication but it CAN be done. Good luck to you. My prayers are with you because I KNOW the frustration- I truly do. Hang in there though! :)

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answers from Chicago on

after my son was born I became very very tired and thaught I was just getting sick. Couldn't see the Dr. right away, and then my sypmtoms changed. All sorts of things were happening to me and then was always wired and never slept. It turns out I had post-partum thyroiditis. In the beginning I was hypothyroid and then hyperthyroid and put on pills to slow me down, they wanted to do RAI and I said no because I was nursing, anyway now I am hypothyroid. I am on synthroid which helps,25mcg, and I practice yoga. I also drink a lot of hot tea, it curbs my appetite. Because I lost so much weight when I was hyperthyroid, the weight I gained when I became hypo did not make me too overweight, just a few pounds over my normal weight. But it is hard, make good food choices,stay stress free and try to excercise. I really enjoy yoga, if your near Peotone there are classes at the park dist.

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answers from Chicago on

Hi there! I have a hypoactive thyroid as well and my weight flucuates all the time. I am not sure wwhat the tie ins are, however, please make sure that your TSH came back at a .3-3 range- if it's higher than that, you're still hypo. Not all Dr.'s use this newer range and also, you may find that you feel differently and your body acts differently at the different levels of "normal." Ask if your dr. is open to changing your dose based upon how you feel within that "normal" range.

Now, eating and weight. This is tricky- you have a baby and are working full time, so there are stresses involved. That will make it harder to lose weight. Not sleeping consistetnly makes it harder. Not eating CONSISTENTLY makes it harder. I find I do much better when I nibble throughout the day on snacks. If I skip breakfast, I am toast- hungry all day.

Also, does your body seem to like protein or carbs more? When I start the day with protein, I am a happier girl. I can have fruit or toast with whatever protein I eat and that makes my body happier still, but without, I crash a bit earlier and am hungry more often.

Lastly, are you getting enough calories? Are you nursing still? Getting enough water in your day? Drinking milk or getting the dairy source from elsewhere? Maybe you need to use your flex points for healthy snacks throughout the day.

Overall, I don't think I have a harder time losing weight t han anyone else- it's just finding what works for you when your thyroid is working.

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answers from Chicago on

I have similar struggles and got some great advice... Iodine ( I know, sounds wierd ) But our bodies need Iodine, which is why in America they add it to most salt (iodized salt). One of the ways that Iodine helps us, is that it helps our bodies effeciently use the hormones that our thyroid produces. It helps to process the Synthroid too, but either way.
What you do, is buy a bottle of Iodine TINCTURE. It has the pastic stick inside of it. If you don't see it at your pharmacy, ask the pharmacist, it may be behind the counter. To see if you are defecient, you use the plastic applicator to put one 'drip' of the iodine on your tummy, spread it around about a inch or inch and a half circle. Then, just watch it over the course of the day. If you have enough iodine in your system, it will take a full 24 hours for your body to soak up the iodine. But, if you are defecient, your body will soak it up much faster. When the orangy color is gone, look at the clock and see how long it took to soak in. The first time I did this, it took 2 hours to soak in. So, what you do is continue to apply the iodine, when it dissappers, until it takes a full 24 hours to soak it up. Then, your body is back to the right level of iodine in your system. Then, just every couple of days apply it again to be sure it takes a full 24 to go away, and repeat application if you need to.
Iodine occurs naturally in fish, but fish can also contain mercury, so be careful about which fish you eat. When you get your iodine back to normal healthy levels, you will very quickly see improvement in your stamina, energy, and metabolism.
Good Luck!

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answers from Chicago on

I read through all the responses and it does seem like you definitely received some good advice. However, since I have been treated now for over 10 years for my thyroid condition I wanted to share what I have learned along the way.

Firstly, I have seen two endocrinologists over the ten plus years and they both felt strongly that I should not take the generic form, but only Synthroid. They believe that there is too much variance in the generic.

- you have to take your Synthroid in the morning on an empty stomach, and it has to be at the same time every day - not more than an hour difference from day to day.

- when you have your throid levels checked, they will tell you if you fall in the normal range. However, always ask specifically what your levels were and what the range in. For example, 1.4 on a normal range of 0.3 - 3.0.

- Keep a journal of how you feel. For me, I need to be as close as possible to a 1.0 to feel a good amount of energy. Insist that your doctor take into consideration how you are feeling in addition to the results of your blood test. Knowing this, my doctor has agreed to increase my synthroid levels so that my thryroid levels are closer to a 1.0 (this is closer to the hypothroid end of the scale)

- Also pay attention to what your T4 and free T3 levels are. If you free T3 levels are too low, that means that your body is not able to convert the Synthroid (or thryroid hormone) into the active form that your body needs. If this is the case, you made need to go on natural Thyroid hormone (Armor) for a period because Armor contains both the T4 and free T3, whereas Synthroid contains on the T4 (leaving your body to convert it).

Feel free to email me offlist at ____@____.com the way, excercise and eating a balanced diet (no sugary drinks, lots of water, a good breakfast, no/low sugar foods, 5 vegies/fruits a day) is the only way to go. It keeps you fit. Afterall, it is not just the weight that we want to keep off or loose, whichever the case may be, but also the body and figure that looks fit and in shape.

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answers from Chicago on

My suggestion is to try an evening or weekend yoga class. This is a gentle way to connect with your body once a week and get back into stretching and having exercise. As you learn yoga, you will have the opportunity to have exercises that are good for the thyroid - not a replacement for having regular medical visits with your healthcare expert. Yoga is available through your local park district, fitness center, or yoga studio. By having yoga, you get awareness of how your body feels. I have lost weight by doing yoga but it is not a quick fix. I also have a history of thyroid problems and am the mother of three kids.

Another suggestion is having indoor mall walking with your baby and stroller. Our local mall has many people walking early in the morning indoors so you don't have to worry about the chilly weather.

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answers from Chicago on

I also understand what you're going through. I've had thyroid problems since I was 15 years old, and have always had weight issues. It is definately possible to loose weight with hypothyroidism. Prior to the birth of my daughter I was a lifetime member at weight watchers after loosing 65 pounds (with minimal exercise). I'm back at weight watchers and slowly loosing weight again. Keep an eye on your thyroid levels and how your feeling. Though your doctor says its looking better, it may still take some time for your body to right itself. Also, try mixing up your point values each day, it is ok to use some of your flexpoints each week. During my weight loss journeys I've found that my body looses weight better if I eat different point values each day. Also keep going to your weight watcher meetings, they help keep you motivated even when the scale isn't moving in the direction you want it to. Good Luck!!!

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answers from Chicago on

I hate to say it but, suck it up and face the facts. I too have the same problem and it really is hard but once if starts coming off it will continue. Two years ago I followed Weight Watchers, exercise and eventually did lose the weight, but it was HARD and very frustrating. I walked 3 miles a day (at lunch and after work) and ate pretty much be WW laws and finally it paid off.
Keep eating right and do your best to get exercise in (even with this weather) and drink PLENTY of water.
Once you start losing the weight, make sure to get tested every month to make sure your levels are right. I didn't and ended up changing meds and getting all screwed up again. DON'T GIVE UP- JUST BE DETERMINED.

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answers from Chicago on


I understand your pain and frustration. I too was a very petite size 2 nothing moved before I got pregnant. My husband is a fairly large man and you guessed it my son was too big for me and my thyroid couldn't handle it. I've also on Synthroid .5mg and it helps with the mood swings, fatigue, but not with losing weight. I know this isn't what you want to hear because I didn't want to hear it either it will take diet, exercise and the pill to get you to loose that extra weight and it's going to be a fight. I would suggest seeing a nutritionalist - I did after 1 yr of frustration and found out that my healthy eating was keeping me fat. I didn't realize that a yogurt had 29 grams of carbs and pair that with a piece of wheat toast -- you have your carb intake for the day. That was my breakfast everyday. I know I'm babbling, but with healthy eating, the pill and exercise you will drop the lbs in no time at all. Stay the course! Good Luck!!!

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answers from Decatur on

I am not sure if i have hypothyroid or not but have been battling loosing weight w/ my second one. I know I am not good and eat bad occasionally but used to be that would work for me. So I was using this older thing excuse. MY mom has been quite large for a while. Well she started Weight watchers in the fall and now...she has lost over 30 lbs. It really is eating right and changing your habits. Mom has been large for a while and attributed much of it to being older after having 4 years. So try out weight watchers and be serious about it. We can't eat like we used to. Sorry. (I am on my own struggle..trying to stay smaller than my mom until I get to my ideal...:)(

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answers from Chicago on

Try & suck it up. Work out 30 min after work( put your iPOD or MP3 player in your ears w/ energentic music), walk on the treadmill, get a bike for the house. Walkign healp clear my head after work, and be able to give my better side to my son. It also helped me loose 40 lbs in 18 months....
Meds are not the cure all, we have to work @ it for it to stick... Good Luck.

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