Hmmmmm Im Wondering If I Am or Not??????

Updated on January 06, 2010
A.H. asks from Rockwall, TX
11 answers

ok so i took the first response prego test and the first one and second came out positive but with a very light line nd the other one dark den the last one the same way does this mean i am or not help me please.................

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answers from Dallas on

Any sort of line probably means you are. I could hardly see the line so I waited a day and took a digital test. I now have a beautiful 8 month old son.

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answers from Dallas on

I have two faint lines running around my house.

Congratulations, mama!

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answers from Dallas on

I have a very faint line in my belly right now! Infact it was so faint I took the test again a few days later and it got lighter and lighter to the last one being non existant. My doctor told me it doesn't matter how faint or dark the line, those test simply test for the hormone and the dark or faint is only in reference to how concentrated your urine is with that hormone. One test with a faint line is enough...Time to call the doctor and make your first of many appointments. Congratulations! :)

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answers from Dallas on

Same thing happened to me before. I waited a week and took another and the lines were darker. You probably are.
Good Luck.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Same thing happened to me and I was pregnant. Spend the extra $$ to get the test that says 'pregnant' or 'not pregnant'. Then there won't be any question. :)

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answers from Dallas on

Hi, A.! I am a mom of 3 and a long time ago my OB/GYN told me you very rarely see a false positive. The light color on the test could just mean its early on. You might wait a few days and take another one...1st thing in the a.m., but it sounds like congratulations are in order!

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answers from Dallas on

Any shade of the line color means you are pregnant. Congratulations!

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answers from Dallas on

that means congrats!

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answers from Dallas on

I have an 11-year-old faint line I am currently having to remind of bedtime! Congratulations! If you really want to know for sure, go see the dr....the sooner the better, anyway so you can get started on prenatal vitamins, etc.
Keep us posted!

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answers from Dallas on

don't waste your money on more tests! ANY line, whether VERY faint or dark, is a positive... time to call the doctor! congrats!

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answers from Dallas on

use the tests that say pregnant or not pregnant. I couldn't tell what my tests were saying either b/c the lines were so faint.

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