Hip Pain, Butt Pain, Pelvic Pain, and Knee Pain!!!

Updated on May 28, 2008
J.S. asks from Ridgewood, NY
15 answers

I'm 6 months pregnant with my 3rd child and am in so much pain, especially at night. It is so hard to move in bed, and to walk in the evenings. I have googled my symptoms and came across something called SPD. Has anyone ever experienced or been diagnosed with that? I told my doc about my pain and she says "Yes, that's normal" I never had pain this bad with my other 2 kids!! I guess I didn't clearly explain how severe the pain was to her. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks!

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answers from New York on

Hi J.,

I was diagnosed with pubic symphysis separation after I delivered my daughter in December. Is that the same thing as SPD? Before the delivery, I was in some pain, especially sleeping on my side and trying to move in bed, but I chalked it up to normal pregnancy woes (which it may have been). After I delivered, the pain was excruciating. I couldn't walk without assistance for over a month after her birth, couldn't carry her; I'm still having a difficult time with the stairs. Unfortunately, according to both my doctor and my own internet research, not much can be done to speed the healing. I hope this is NOT the case with you, but if it is, the good news is IT DOES HEAL! You just have to be patient. Good luck.

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answers from Binghamton on

i had those pains also. i was never diagnosed with anything i never even told my doctor cuz i was also told it was normal by family and friends. i did different excercises which usually helped,more like stretching, but what helped best was getting on your hands and knees and rocking back and forth. also at night putting a pillow or two between your knees and thighs. it eases the pressure in the hips and and pelvic area. chances are this will only last a month or so. it happend to me when the baby was getting cramped up and was turning and moving down. once it gets in a more comfortable spot it should be easier. good luck



answers from New York on

consider going to a physical therapist - you may need a prescription from your MD first. There are gentle non-invasive joint mobilization techniques (ask if they know muscle energy techniques) that are completely safe for you and your baby that will help your body continue to adapt to your growing baby AND decrease your pain.
They can also teach you trunk stability exercises but at six months strengthening your abdominals may have a diminished effect.
Until you can get an appointment, consider icing where it hurts - especially your low back and buttock- for 15-20 minutes (you could do this even 1X/hour) in a comfortable position (blanket optional!) and if your doctor approves, try Tylenol.
I've been a PT for almost 20 years and have helped many women in your situation. It can get better with appropriate help. I'd also recommend you get some guidance with regaining strength and stability in your trunk after delivering, usually you're ready 6-8 weeks post partum but check with your doctor.
Good luck and Happy Mother's Day!



answers from New York on

Try visiting a chiropractor. A simple adjustment might make a huge difference. Being pregnant and running around after 2 other kids is no cup of tea and can be very h*** o* your body. It actually sounds like your sacrum might be off kilter (been there, OUCH) Also, prenantal massage periodically is not a bad idea either!

Good luck!



answers from New York on

Unfortunatly this is normal. I was in constant pain with my daughter starting at 20 wks. I goes away after you give birth. My hips and pelvis hurt so bad I couldn't stand it.



answers from New York on

I'm sorry you're so uncomfortable. I was in so much pain with my pregnancy too. Starting around 20 weeks my knees hurt so bad I caught my breath everytime I had to bend down to sit. If I dropped something on the floor I left it where it fell. I tried comparing notes with my friends who have children and only one went through something similar. I though something must be really wrong with me. But, my doctor said it was normal. Oh, and carpal tunnel developed in both wrists. It did finally fade away though when my daughter was around 2 months old. Thank God! Hang in there and good luck!



answers from Syracuse on

Ask your doctor..rather push your doctor for a Pt eveval or find a chropractor that helps preg women. for way to many hear a sympom and call it normal but still doesn't mean you have to be in agony!!!

I had simular complaints and still do now five years later. i went to a orthopedic for my kneee. he did a bunch of fidling with my joints and commented that it matches the symtoms of the hormone our body releases to release the hips and I'm lucky enough to have it still five years later. BUT on teh ggood note there are expercies that can be done to help and they do. Physical therapy and knowing what I can do helps soooo mcuh. Wish I had know about them when I was preg.



answers from New York on

Hi! I had some of the same things with my 2nd child. The muscles, bones and body are all changing for babies entry into the world. Even though it is #3 it still adjusts. Also my baby sat on my sciatic nerve and caused extreme pain at times. Check with your doctor but my Chiropractor was my best friend once a week for months! He kept me in line and after birth I had to go back and get "put straight" again. Birth put me all out of line. If your not high risk a chiropractor that deals with pregnancy may be able to help A LOT!!! A.



answers from New York on

Sounds like it's your sciatic nerve. It's not uncommon during prenancy and it's very annoying and uncomfortable. My husband and I are chiropractors in Nutley and we see this all the time. Pregnant women get a lot of relief through gentle and specific chiropractic care in our office, and I'm one of them! If you would like any info. on how to find someone in your area I would be happy to help...just let me know.



answers from New York on

I FEEL YOU!!! I am 26 weeks into my pregnancy and I went through the same thing with my first pregnancies and now I am experiencing the same with my second pregnancy.

What worked for me was Physical Therapy..... MY GOD WHAT A WONDERFUL THING... I went to a Dr. Lester in West Islip. He would put these heating stones in a pad and had me lay on them for about a half an hour to lossen the muscles and joints... Once that was done my body was ready for the rest of the therapy - which he taught me to do at home.. For example: You know those big Pilates Exercise Balls... he would have me sit on it and SWIRL/Rotate my hips 10 times to the right and 10 times to the left... and that would release the tension on my hip and pelvic... He would have me do a stationary bicycle for all the parts you are mentioning.. Then he would have me walk for a half an hour... Then he taught my husband how to help stretch me out and move my joints for me... when I couldn't stand up or walk and all got locked in place...

One more thing - ACUPUNCTURE - AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!

Good Luck!



answers from Syracuse on

By 7pm during my last(5th) pregnancy I would crawl into bed crying....my back, legs,everything...I used a heating pad everynight to fall asleep(automatic shut off) and it really did help...I think my body was just shot from so many pregnancies (5 in 7years) and it was letting me know. I don't know how you feel about alcohol when pregnant...but on days when you're really tight and in pain 1/2 a glass of wine would totally relax me....obviously everything in moderation!!! but for those really awful days it won't hurt baby...just remember what you feel baby feels...it also could have totally been mental because I did it 2 or 3 times and never finished a small glass...goodluck! I am sorry you're so uncomfortable! Happy Mother's Day!



answers from New York on

Your symptoms really sound like SPD- symphysis pubis dysfunction. I experienced this during my second pregnancy, and though I constantly reported my symptoms (sharp pain often concentrated in the pubic and hip areas, sometimes knee pain, too, and very difficult to move after periods of rest, like sleeping) my OB brushed it off as loosening urterine ligaments and normal. If I had known then that I had SPD, I could have sought out help to deal with the pain, but also learn some simple precautions that might have helped me to avoid the Symphisis Pubis Separation that I experienced after childbirth (Kim K. had this happen, too). SPD can cause malpositioning of the baby during birthing. My daughter was born face-first instead of crown-first. This caused even more pelvic trauma. But, the actual liagment separation was caused a day after childbirth by simply moving my legs in bed, with my knees apart, when I was already very vunerable. Here's a website on SPD that has some very good explanations and advice: www.plus-size-pregnancy.org/pubicpain.htm I would suggest that you press your doctor further about the possibility that you might have SPD, or ask for a referral to a PT experienced in dealing with your symptoms. A few other things to try are using either a body pillow or pillows under your belly and between your knees, and try a pregnancy belt. Good luck!



answers from New York on

Hi J.,

With all the Relaxin coursing thru your blood causing your ligaments to relax, your sacrum has probably shifted and is causing pressure on the nerves that pass thru the area. You need to have some gentle muscle energy work on the sacrum/pelvis to get you realigned, and some attention to your body mechanics so that you don't go out of whack again too soon. See if you can phone interview some physical therapists that are in your area and ask if they have experience working with pregnant women, and if they know muscle energy techniques for the pelvis. You really need someone who has worked with pregnant women so that they are very gentle and slow. Some abdominal work using Julie Tupler's technique (google maternalfitness.com) would also probably help some to keep you supported. FYI, I am a PT who has experience with women's health issues.
Good luck!



answers from New York on

Hi J.,

I am nine months pregnant but have been having the severe pubic bone pain and hip pain for a long time now. My doctor also said it is normal, especially for baby #2 and #3 because your ligaments are more relaxed. Mine got so bad there were days I was almost in tears driving home from work. Now, I sit on a pillow in the car and with a body pillow in bed. I also following internet advice to try to keep my knees together rolling over or basically doing anything. When it is especially bad I take regular strength Tylenol and rest as much as I can with a 2 1/2 year old. I also think it has to do with the baby's position. Mine moved a lot this week and it seems better but still there. I think some of us just have this worse than others. Hope you get some relief soon! I feel your pain!



answers from New York on

I am no dr, but could it be that the baby is pressing on a nerve of some sort? I have a herniated disc and those symptoms sound like the pains I get. I would bet though that the baby is lying on a nerve somewhere! Oh the joys of pregnancy! I hope that you feel better!

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