Children Book - Help ASAP

Updated on November 15, 2011
J.L. asks from Hoffman Estates, IL
12 answers

Hi Moms,

Just found out that I will be reading to my daughter's first grade class next week. I guess 2X a month a parent selects a book and reads it to the class toward the end of the day as a treat for the kids. Ok why am I so nervous to read to 18 6 year olds??? LOL! Anyway, I was under the impression the teacher provided the book the day the parent comes in to read...Uh my DH who volunteered me...yikes...said that it is not the case that the parent has to bring it in...

What are your suggestions. Next week is Thanksgving so a story might be nice about thanksgiving...Don't know so your help is appreciated. What would be appropriate????

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So What Happened?

Thanks Mamas for all your suggestions! Guess what the books you suggested were all checked out at the library :) Anyway I ended up reading a book by Max Lucado entitled You are Special. Not very long and not too short. Great book and the kids seemed to enjoy it. I saved the lists of your suggestions and will check them out in the future.

Featured Answers


answers from Chicago on

The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. I think it's the perfect book to share with kids at Thanksgiving time. Just try to not cry at the end of it!

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answers from Houston on

Go the f*ck to sleep by Samuel L. Jackson. JUST KIDDING!!!!
Where The Wild Things Are is a great book!

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answers from Spartanburg on

T'was the Night Before Thanksgiving by Dav Pilkey
I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie by Allison Jackson

Both are hilarious! My mom is a retired 1st grade teacher and read these every year...big hits even with my preschoolers.

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answers from Sacramento on

I would head to your local library and find the children's librarian. He/she could easily narrow this down for you to something perfect.

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answers from La Crosse on

Im not sure about a book to read... but just wanted to thank Jim for his response. I was taking a drink of pop when I seen it and the pop was spit all over. lol

Have fun with your daughters class :)

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answers from Chicago on

Not Thanksgiving books, but these our some of my favorites for that age....

We're Going on a Bear Hunt
The Gruffalo
The Napping House

These are all repetitive books and the kids will be reading with you by the end which is always fun for a read aloud. Enjoy

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answers from Seattle on

It sounds like a very fun opportunity to see your daughter's class in action!
I don't have a good list of Thanksgiving books, but for a couple of other fun ones, check out:
"Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type" by Doreen Cronin and Betsey Lewin (Has repeated lines, "Click, clack, moo. Click, clack, moo, clickety-clack, moo...Have the class help you say them each time.)
"Leonardo, the Terrible Monster" or "Knuffle Bunny" by Mo Willems (actually, anything by Willems is fun!)
"Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" by John Archambault and Bill Martin Jr. (An alphabet rhyme, repeated phrase, "Chicka-chicka boom-boom, Will there be enough room?"
"The True Story of the Three Little Pigs" by Jon Scieszka (Retells the story of the Three Little Pigs from the wolf's perspective--hilarious.)
"Ruby Sings the Blues" by Niki Daly (about a girl who is too loud, until she learns to sing...Great opportunity for you to be LOUD and soft with the kids.)

Whatever you choose, practice a few times at home BEFORE you go into the class so you know where you're likely to trip up. And practice reading at an angle to show the class the pictures. It's amazing how words can look different on the page when your head is at a different angle. Relax and enjoy. Your daughter will just love your being there!

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answers from Chicago on

We like Turkey Trouble by Wendi Silvano- very cute Thanksgiving book.
For a non Thanksgiving book we like Memoirs of a Goldfish by Devin Scillian.
Also any of the Dust Bunny books are fun to read.
Good Luck

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answers from New York on

We love Thanksgiving is Here by Diane Goode.

For a non Thanksgiving theme - Library Lion is a terrific book and 1st graders will love it. Dr. Desoto is great, too!

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answers from New York on

Gracias the Thanksgiving Turkey



answers from Oklahoma City on

Get the children't librarian at the local community library to give you a list.



answers from Minneapolis on

I would head to the library and get a librarian to help. Bring a couple so you have some choices or let the class decide. Or bring in some of your daughter's favorites.

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