Can Anyone Recommend a Great Child Therapist in the Brighton Area?

Updated on March 09, 2009
T.M. asks from Brighton, MI
4 answers

I am in need of a great counselor that specializes in young children with ADHD. My son has ADHD and he is extremely disrespectful and defianant towards me. He is on meds and they are working wonders for him at school, in fact he never has behavior issues in school. At home is a whole other story. We went to a counselor and my husband was turned off because the counselor did not see my son that often. He primarily focused on us. I am looking for a counselor in the Brighton/Howell/Hartland area that you have had success with. I know that my son is good but I just don't know what else to do. I am sick of not enjoying being around my son. Any help would be appreciated.

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answers from Detroit on

T. the therapist I can recommend is in Walled Lake. Her name is Dr. Sue Maloney. She doen't necessarily specialize in kids with ADHD but she does work well with them. My daughter has been seeing Sue for probably 8 years now. She has ADHD, ODD (oppotional deffient disorder - excuse my poor spelling),and Aspergers (which is on the autism spectrum). She sees Jenny and the rest of the family as dealing with Jenny is a family problem. I don't have her number handy at the moment, but she is off of Pontiac Trail next to the Walled Lake Post Office.
Good Luck. Sorry don't have anyone closer for you.



answers from Detroit on

Run, don't walk, to the bookstore or library for a copy of Dr Ross Greene's newest book, "Lost At School". (see the subtitle, too--you'll love it)

Greene gives you help on what to do at HOME, too.

Check out his ALSUP at --it's a checklist of lagging skills and unsolved problems that can help you figure out where you need to begin



answers from Detroit on

Have you checked with a list through the school system? But I do agree with your husband. This should not be about the parents only. I had a counselor do that with me when I was looking for help with my then 3 y.o. who was ODD. The therapist said I had the problem, not him. We soon changed therapists, and I went to Hawthorne Center in Livonia with great results.



answers from Cincinnati on

Hi T.,

I'm sorry I don't have a recommendation for a therapist in the area... but I do know of a great pediatrician who specializes in chronic problems including ADHD and behavioral issues. Often times these problems are compounded by diet and other physical issues.

I have heard her give a talk at a mommy group I attend, and she really has a compassionate nature and a desire to help children overcome their chronic issues. I'm not saying you DON'T need to see a therapist...but this may also be a path you may want to think about to help with the overall issues of the ADHD.

In addition, I'm really not surprised the previous counselor focused on you. People (young or old) respond to us in a manner that we allow them to respond. I'm guessing there are things you may be doing, that you aren't intentionally doing, that are saying to your son 'it's ok to treat me like this'. We can tell our kids all day long that they shouldn't do this or that...but if we aren't consistent or there are no consequences that are consistent, then they won't 'hear' what we are saying. Obviously I don't know personally, and am not there. But I wouldn't be surprised if ANY counselor would be talking to you quite a bit as well as your child. We have to teach our kids what is appropriate and what is not appropriate. They are not going to make that right choice on their own. I wouldn't assume this is something that a counselor can fix just by focusing on your son...this is going to be a family effort.

I hope you can find the help you are looking for. Not enjoying your son must be heartbreaking.

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