Been Sick for Days, Cough Wont Go Away

Updated on February 09, 2009
L.U. asks from Kirkland, WA
46 answers

Hi moms. It's not my son who is sick, it's me! I had a low grade fever from Sat. afternoon until last night at about 5pm. I have this COUGH that will not go away. I can't sleep. Last night I was coughing until about 2:30am and slept until 6:30 when my son came into my room. It wont go away!! I have tried nice warm showers, Nyquil, cough suppresents, vaporizer, cough drops, tea with honey...nothing works! If I am standing up and walking around it's not taht bad, but I can't exactly stand and sleep. As soon as I lay down the dry incessant cough starts again. It is not producing anything (phlegm) although my stomache muscles are KILLING me from all the coughing.
What can I do??? Please help, I desperately need some sleep!!

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So What Happened?

Well, I don't know what happened, but I have been getting all sorts of responses these past couple of days, and I wrote this about 3 weeks ago!!
I did go and get an X- Ray and it came back that half of my left lung was infected, bacterial. So, the medication did work, and then I went back last week for another X-ray to make sure that the infection was gone. It was.
I also learned that a 102-103 temperature is NOT low grade. Oops. That's what I had for 5 days before going to the doctor. Isn't it funny how much better we take care of our children than we do of ourselves.
Thanks everyone for the advice!

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answers from Portland on

Unfortunately there is a nasty virus going around. I had it from Thanksgiving until just a week ago. Exact same symptoms. I finally bit the bullet and went to the Dr.
It had become a viral upper respiratory infection, with brochitis by then. He had to prescribe antibiotics, cough syrup with codein, as well as tylenol 3 (so I could sleep). I wasted a lot of money for over the counter meds, and I too, drank tons of tea with honey. Please go to the Dr. NOW, before it develops into something worse. I was told by the emergency room physician that this virus going around, has been going into pneumonia. You really need to be seen by a doctor.

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answers from Raleigh on

They say it is the silent killer, thank goodness, you went to the doc and got meds, now, try to take it easy.

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answers from Seattle on

I'm using Thera Flu at night, works great. Also, get some Olive Leaf drops at the nat. food store. If you can see through the dropper, it isn't concentrated enough, so I trippled it and it changed me in one day.

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answers from Portland on

If I understand correctly, you've had this cold for 4 days. Colds with a lingering couch are common. In fact it's common to have a cold for a week or two and a cough for longer.

My doctors, over the years, have told me that colds are a virus. They can't treat the cold but they can treat the cough. Your doctor may be able to prescribe a more effective cough suppresant without you actually going in to see him/her. You can also ask the pharmacist what he/she would recommend. For me OTC products work as well as prescribed ones.

If you have a sore throat with white spots for an extended period of time you may need to see the doctor. Often those infectins are also a virus. But you could have a bacteria infection.

Here is how I treat a cold and cough. I add pillows to the bed and sleep in a more upright position. I keep a glass of water and cough drops on my bedside table. When I first wake up coughing I reach for one or the other or both. Usually my cough subsides, enough, within a few minutes that I can get back to sleep. I don't turn on the light or even sit up when I take just a cough drop. I also keep a humidifier running in my room.

Sometimes I take a Night time cold medication because it has an anti-histamine that will help me sleep. I have also just taken Benedryl which is an antihistamine with no other medications.

I've found that if I don't try to stop the cough within the first couple of minutes it is harder to stop it. That's the reason for the bedside water and cough drops.

There is an ingredient in some cough syrups and drops that is formulated to actually be a cough suppresent. I don't have any cold medication around. Wow! That means I haven't had a cold for quite awile. I don't remember it's name but I think it starts with dex.....You can ask the pharmacist or look it up in the Internet. The products with this drug work much better at treating the cough. I think the cough drop that I have used when the regular ones didn't work is named STOP. The last time I bought it it was packaged in a tube similar in size to a roll of Rolaids and it had a red "stop" sign on it.

Info for the future.
Perhaps the reason I've not had colds is that I've began being sure to get lots of Vitamin C. I use a product that is quite similar to Airborne but costs much less. It's named Emergen-C. I get it at Fred Meyers in the health food section. It comes in a box that contains 36 packets. The ingredients are 1000 mg of Vitamin C along with other vitamins and minerals. It's a flavored powder to mix with water. I use it instead of a multi-vit. I dislike swallowing pills and this stuff tastes good.

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answers from Bellingham on

Hi L.,

I too caught that nasty virus with the cough but I am a holistic person and believe that your body is perfectly capable of handling viruses, bacterial infection, fungal infections, etc, pretty much anything we come across, there is a a holistic and naturopathic treatment for that doesn't involved drugs, cold medicines, doctor's visits. That being said, and you know where I am coming from, I have some great natural treatments that work sooo much better than any medication you can use, over the counter OR prescription.

Have you heard of a netti pot? They are basically a small teapot with the spout shaped so it fits into your nostril. Before I got my netti pot, I made something that would work because I was sick as a dog and didn't feel like looking around town to find one. I finally did find one at bed bath and beyond and it is a lot easier to use, but here is what I did in leu of it until I found it. If you have a small teapot, that will work if you take a baby bottle nipple and cut the tip off so there is a hold big enough for water to flow out of it. Just fit the nipple over the spout of the little teapot. If you don't have a teapot, a plastic water bottle will work the same way. You have to cut a small hole near the top of it for air flow, so the water will flow smoothly, but do the same with the bottle nipple, cut the tip off of it and fit it over the top of the water bottle.

Basically what you do is warm 2 cups of filtered water and add a rounded teaspoon of a good quality sea salt. Table salt is actually a chemical that they make chemically and not good for you to put into your body at all. But for treating your sinuses, you want a good quality sea salt, there are several varieties available at your grocery store. I prefer the kind without the visible minerals for flushing your sinuses, otherwise you have to filter those out with a cheese cloth. The water should be body temperature. so feels warm to the touch, but not hot. Dissolve the salt by stirring and if you really want to knock down a bug, take a slice of garlic about the size of a pencil eraser, crush and wrap in a small piece of cheese cloth double thickness to keep any small pieces from getting into the water, you just want the oil. stir the garlic around in your salt water and then squeeze out the excess water and the garlic oil, do this several times until no more oil is coming out of the garlic. Your container should hold about a cup of water so pour in half of your garlic/salt water. Then stand over your sink, tip your head to the side and remember to breath thru your mouth. Insert the pot or nipple into the top nostril and the saline will run through your sinuses, and if your head is upright enough, across your throat and tonsils, and out the bottom nostril. Have a paper towel or handkerchief handy, and when the water stops flowing and your container is empty, blow out your nose gently, without closing either nostril. Then switch sides and do the same with the other side. This method knocked down a full blown sinus infection, strep throat, common cold/flu in just a few days. I did it twice a day, but you can do it more often if you like. There are no dangerous side effects like there are with EVERY medication, OTC or not, there is always a side effect. Most are hard on you kidneys and livers, make your sickness last longer than it normally would, and knock down a fever that is FIGHTING your virus. A fever is a GOOD thing, it means your body is working the way it should.

Using my netti pot instantly soothed my sore throat so my cough subsided as well and I was able to sleep all night. By morning I couldn't wait to use my netti pot again for relief again, and it would knock it down for most of the day. You can use it as often as you like!!! The garlic does sting a little bit if you get too much in there. Just reduce the amount you use. but garlic is nature's magic vegetable and is wonderful for killing bacteria, viruses, funguses, all of those nasty things, and no side effects, no drowsiness, nothing but a little garlic smell. :) I flushed my sinuses twice a day for 4 or 5 days until all my symptoms were gone, it didn't take long. No medication can even compare to that. Make sure you stay hydrated, hot herbal tea feels wonderful when you are sick. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and really salty foods as all of those things dehydrate you and will make your cough/sore throat worse. Just drink tea and water, avoid as much sugar as you can, and certainly avoid all imitation sugars as they are just poison in the form of health food. Dairy products make you more phlegmy and who needs that when they are sick right? Chicken soups is wonderful as well believe it or not, very soothing and hydrating.

If you want to see someone use a netti pot before trying it yourself, go online and type in "how to use a netti pot" and you can see a demonstration. I hope you feel better soon, best wishes.


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answers from Los Angeles on


Ive been there had pnemonia this past month too.... I want to question your Dr put you on Antibiotics, did he do a culture of what you are coughing up... usually if theres a green or yellow twinge to your phlem/sputum then antibiotics MIGHT be warrented, since that is more bacterial infection (also I believe contagious too) but if its clear thats more viral and you should not take antibiotic... go on webmd or and do alittle research then follow up... Dr's are very quick to prescribe antiobiotics when sometimes they really are not necessary, just some simple elixer (decongestant) bed rest and drinking hot liquids will suffice.

hope you feel better soon,


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answers from Portland on

Cool mist humidifier. Coughs can last for weeks.

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answers from Portland on

i would see your doctor. perhaps s/he can prescribe you codeine cough syrup or tessalon perls to help silence your cough so you can sleep. also, s/he should check to make sure it's not something more serious. if it's bronchitis there's little s/he can do since the majority of the time it's a viral issue and treating it with antibiotics can actually help create a superbug, rather than prevent you from getting pneumonia. all they can do is treat your cough.
good luck!

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answers from Portland on

This may seem weird, but I think I read this solution on Mamasource and it works for my 7 yr old grandson, but haven't tried it myself. Rub some Vicks or Mentholatum on the soles of your feet and then put on socks. It is absorbed thru the skin into your system. I've heard others swear by it, and I'll try it if I get into a similar situation.

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answers from Seattle on

Hi L.,
I don't have time to read your other responses, so sorry if I'm repeating. Get to a doctor now. Ask for a chest x-ray. A fever coupled with severe cough is often indicative (although not always) of pneumonia. Please don't mess with it. Good Luck and feel better.

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answers from San Francisco on

Dear L.,

As An acupuncturist and firm believer in natuaral healing, I just wanted to let you know that being sick, coughing, fevers, can't sleep, and increasing immunity can all be helped with acupuncture!

In Love and Light,
T. Shen, L.Ac, O.M.D.
Doctor of Chinese Medicine, China

Eastern Medical Center
3510 Old Santa Rita Rd. Ste D
Pleasanton, CA 94588

"Empower yourself. Be Healthy & Pain Free Again.
Find out about Acupuncture and Acupressure: Cosmetic Acupuncture, Mind and Body Mastery, Optimal Sports and Health, Pain Free Living."

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answers from Portland on

You may have a virus but your cough may not be apart of it. I know it sounds slightly strange because we associate coughs with being sick but it may be something else that just appeared because of the cold. I was sick with a fever with you, I had a bit of cough before hand. I got antibiotics and the cold went away but the cough remained. I've had it since Thanksgiving. This cough sound horrible and drives me crazy. I went to the dr. and they prescribed a cough suppressent the first time, then cough syrup with codeine but none of it worked. Finally I went to another dr. and they told me all my cough was was a post nasal drip. Basically just snot getting stuck in my throat. It happens sometimes after colds or during the winter. I was certain it was something more serious. They gave me some allergy nose spray and it went away. Also someone I worked with went to the dr. because of a long term cough and hers ended up being acid reflux.

I hope you get better and your cough isn't anything too serious

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answers from Austin on

My husband and I are both in our 70's and 29 years ago we began to learn about Shaklee vitamins and how they can help us live a better life. We decided to make sharing information about Shaklee a business and it was a good decision. Not only have we avoided yearly allergies, eliminated chronic bronchitis, and the stomach problems that plagued my husband, we have helped others live a better life, also. Shaklee is all about using the products to improve one's health and sharing that information with others. By doing this process over and over and helping others do the same, we pay for our own products and we stay off of prescription medications. You, too, can live a better life. For details, call me at ###-###-####. I can teach you in person or over this wonderful internet. Currently, we are finding people who need to replace lost income and helping them toward financial independence. In 1956, Dr. Forest C. Shaklee, founded this company based on "Lving in Harmony With Nature" TM The company is still committed to developing products to improve the health of people and the planet.
Call me, build your immune system and avoid the misery of being sick. ###-###-####

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answers from Seattle on

please go to to the dr... i know it is a pain but go... i had that and finally went in.. i didn't have broncitous (sp) but i am so run down.. that they said it was a baterial infection.. gave me the generic for Z pack .. and with in 3 day i was feeling so much better.. by 6th day all better :) something is going around my husband had it too along with my oldest.. all which went to the dr.. and were better after the z pack.

just a side note the z pack was 5 days but lasted 10days in your body.

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answers from Portland on

I really think this is some type of strain that is going around.. I had it back in November and even went to Cancun with it.. I've never had a cough that lasted so long, it was crazy.. I coughed so much that I vomitted at least once a day while I was on vacation. I went through 2 sets of antibiotics. I even saw a doc in Cancun.. but it just took time and eventually it went away but it was a huge pain in the butt.. Hang in there.. I wish I had some cough syrup with codeine, I think that would of worked! Good Luck!

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answers from Richland on

My-self and both of my children have and use a humidfier in our rooms every night that keeps the dryness of the air at bay. Also, i know it may sound like a sinus thing, but using saline nasal drops throughout the day and night really helps to keep the throat moist. I do recommend seeing a doc at this point as well it sounds like you may have more than just a cold. Good luck and hope your family stays healthy!

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answers from San Francisco on

Hi L. ~
Drink a LOT OF WATER! And Mucinex helps with the phlegm! Make sure you take LONG HOT SHOWERS so that you can get rid of it (Sounds gross ~ but just "spit" it out.) (Advice to my young son who had bad allergies.) Also, use a hunidifier in your room. If you don't have one, just keep a large pot of water on the stove to keep the room moist. (While you are in the kitchen, this adds moisture and will help.)
P.S. This is just a mom speaking; not a medical professional.

Lucy B.

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answers from Portland on

sounds like what I had for about 3 weeks... but mine was bacterial so I could have gotten antibiotics but I didn't.
You could go and see if it is bacterial.

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answers from Portland on

Been there, done that. I had a cough that started early October and lasted until just before Christmas. Thought I was going to go crazy. Finally went to the dr. and I'm not sure if it was the prescription cough pills (yes, PILLS) or it was just done, but my cough started to slow within 2 weeks.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

They probably put you on a z-pack which has a long half life in your system. Take it like it says and you will probably be feeling better in 2-3 days, but make sure you finish it! I just had one for pneumonia too and it worked really well! Get well soon!

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answers from New York on

The 5 day package has a long half life and stays in your system for 10 days. You need to give it 10 days to feel better, but hopefully you feel better sooner.

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answers from Richland on

Use Vicks vapor rub on the soles of your feet!! Put it on thick and put socks on your feet. It really does work!!! My family (and friends) has used this 'trick' for a few years now and it has worked for everyone that tries it. It can be the generic still works. :)

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answers from Spokane on

Talk to your doctor about Benzonitate. These are little tiny pills that look like vitamin E but they turn off the nerves that send the signal to your brain to cough. I have this problem every time I get a cold so they have been a lifesaver to get through work/school.

Long before I knew about Benzonitate a doctor told me to take Claritin. This worked well too but the pills were best.

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answers from Richland on

Good that you are trying to get in to see a DR. You may have or be headed for pneumonia!

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answers from Seattle on

L., I totally agree with christine about putting the vicks on the soles of you feet. i do it all the time for myself and my children. It takes about 15 minutes for it to start working and it all but eliminates the caugh at night and helps you get a deeper and more restful sleep. My family swears by it.

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answers from Seattle on

Go to the doctor!! My friend had a cough like that that turned to broncchitis and then turned into pneumonia. Best to get it looked at by a professional!

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answers from Portland on

Robitussin with codeine. My whole family has taken it in the past and it works wonderfully. It is a prescription.
Also, I would maybe check with he doctor to make sure it has not turned into bronchitis.
Good luck!

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answers from Portland on

You might want to get a TB test. Are you in a situation where you would be exposed to that?

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answers from Portland on

I get this every sound like you're on track to get bronchitis! First, to calm your cough at night, drink tons of water before bed and each time you get up to pee. Keep your whistle wet! Next, sleep with Vicks on your chest OR on the soles of your feet (cover with old socks) Be generous with the Vicks!!!!

I see you're drinking tea with it lemon tea? If you're fighting going to the dr. then try the lemon tea w/ honey and vicks on your feet. Otherwise, just give in and go. The longer you wait and the worse it gets, the more interventions you'll need at the dr.

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answers from San Francisco on

If they gave you Zithromax or the generic for it (ezithromyacin or something like that), five days is the normal course. It's an unusual antibiotic in that sense.

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answers from Detroit on

Hey, I was wondering, did your doctor do the chest x-ray to confirm pneumonia, and, did he then give you the anitbiotics because of it? The reason I ask is that my 9 1/2 month son is currently on meds for bronchitis or pneumonia. The ped was going to have him get a chest x-ray, but, did a blood test at the office that confirmed it was something bacterial and not viral, so, because of his cough and fever, gave us the meds. He's on them for 5 days. His was just starting. He had a slight nagging cough for a couple days and then had a fever of 101.3 out of nowhere on Wednesday afternoon. He is doing much better today and the cough is was less frequent, just once on a while. He still has sinus drainage and isn't 100%, but, much better. I believe it's going around his daycare/the school. Anyhow, I just wondered about the x-ray and how important it is/what it's function is in the whole thing. I'm glad I didn't have to take him for a chest x-ray, but, as a first time mom, I over analyze everything, so, I was just curious.

Thanks and I hope you are feeling better!

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answers from Seattle on

The latest cough going around can last for about 4 months, my mother has it right now and has since October. You could always make a trip to Canada for medicine, they sell things OTC that we require a prescription for like cough syrup with codiene.

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answers from Portland on

I had the exact same thing over Christmas with the low grade fever and dry hacking cough that made my stomach and rib muscles hurt. The good news is after about 2 weeks it did finally go away. I tried a bunch of different over the counter cough/cold medicines, but nothing did that much. I just tried to drink a lot of liquids, especially hot tea with honey and lemon, use the warm mist vaporizer at night, and took a tablespoon of honey before going to bed. Believe it or not, that seemed to help more than the cough syrups.
Good luck and hang in there.

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answers from Seattle on

sounds crazy but works for my kids. use vicks vapor rub on the bottom of your feet then put socks back on before bed. I have tried it and it worked one night but not the next. I think it worked better for my kids.

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answers from Portland on

Please get in to some health provider. I agree with the earlier post about colds lasting forever and turning into bronchitis then pneumonia. I don't know about Washington but there has been a strain in my area of Oregon. I had a "cold" with a low grade fever and ended up in urgent care on New Years day. I was diagnosed with acute bronchitis. Please take care of your health.

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answers from Portland on

You need some Shaklee Immune Formula I or other Shaklee immune system product. It is all natural food supplement that builds up your immune system so it can fight outside forces such as germs, pollutants, etc. With all those kids you're around + life, it's hard to keep up physically with the demands placed on your body. You might try and lower the temperature in your house, try to get outside and get some cold fresh air, good for the kids too. Oranges are always good, and warm liquids throughout the day.

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answers from Albany on

Hey L.! Sorry you are not feeling well~ I read your post about the 5 days of antibiotic, sounds like you are on Z-pack! (pretty good stuff~) if the cough is still keeping you up nights call and ask the dr about some Robitussin OTC(over the counter) and a med called "Tessilon Perles"(pronounced~ tess-a-lon pearls) we use this all the time in the hospital for pts with pneumonia~ hope this helps~ D.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Make sure that you go back in about 6 weeks for another xray to make sure that the pneumonia is gone. After my first bout of pneumonia, after taking antibiotics, I felt fine, but when I went in, the xray was still fuzzy and I still had pneumonia. Stay on top of it.

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answers from Seattle on

Time to go to the doc. It sounds like bronchitis--and you need to get it taken care of. It can get really bad. And is contagious.

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answers from Seattle on


I had the same exact thing as you....the slight fever...and the extremely irritating cough that came at night time as I was laying in bed! I tried everything and nothing worked!
It started to freak me out because I could NOT sleep until around 3am!!!! I went to the Dr and they gave me robitussin with codeine which did not work....The dr. then gave me something called Z pack......I don't remember the entire name...but I do remember the Z pack was a 5 day supply of worked!!!!!!
FINALLY! I hope you get better!

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answers from Seattle on

Try an antihistamine/cough supressant. Your sinuses could be draining down the back of your throat causing you to cough. Because it's been going on for a while, go see your dr. You may have to stay home if the dr gives you the prescription strength cough suppressant and some antibiotics. You don't want your 'charge' to get sick and you really aren't capable of taking care of everyone when you're the one in need of care. Take the time to get well. Increase your fluid intake. Get well soon!

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answers from St. Louis on

do not just lie on the couch or stay in bed..that is bad for pneumonia..move around..vacuuming or just walking...

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answers from Seattle on

if you haven't tried it, i have heard that puting vicks all over the bottom of your feet then putting socks on will get rid of your coughing for hours.

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answers from Seattle on

Hi L., You probably should go to the doctor, but if you want to try something natural, I have an unbelievable product that will knock that out much faster than anything you will get at a store. It is called Bazi. 8 superfruits (blueberry, raspberry, pomegranate, acai, goji, magosteen, seabuck thorn, and jujube) 12 essential vitamins and 68 all natural minerals. You can check out my website . If you have questions or live in my area, call me. We can meet and you can try a sample. ###-###-####
It works amazing! My family rarely gets sick, but if we do, it doesn't last long.

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answers from Eugene on

I've had this cough off and on for about a month now. It's good that you got to the doctor. Mine is viral, but I found that Hyland's cough tablets and Gypsy cold care tea have helped. I got them at the health food store. I hope you feel better soon, and make sure you rest as much as you can.

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answers from Phoenix on

Hi! Im glad you got it taken care of and it is easier to be more calm now that you know what the problem is. I just wanted to explain the antibiotic to you so you understand.... when you get those antibiotics they are 5 day worth of pills but they keep working for 10 days its just less pills to take so it is just like a reguler antibiotics. when I need antibotics I always ask if I can have a ZPAK its a 5 day perscription but again works for 10 days its stronger but more efficient!! Hope you get better and that it helped that I explained to you what your perscription was going to do! have a good day and feel better soon!!

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