Beach-going with a Toddler

Updated on May 23, 2012
K.L. asks from Fort Stewart, GA
12 answers

We are going to the beach soon and have an 18 month old. We will only be staying for the day, not an overnight trip. I am trying to figure out what to bring with us as the beach is over an hour away. What do you bring to the beach when you have your kids, specifically toddlers? And how do you get everything from the car to your spot on the sand? AS I am typing this, it seems silly to ask, but I figure I can learn from those who have already been through the trial and error phase! Thanks!

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answers from San Francisco on

You've gotten great suggestions- I just want to highlight one thing BB suggested- Bring baby powder!!! It is amazing for getting the sand off little ones hands, feet, legs and bum! Trying tho just wash or brush it off can be really hard on baby skin and the powder just works!!! Just sprinkle on generously and brush with a towel gently. have fun!!

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answers from New York on

You need a big beach bag. Bring lots of cool and different sand toys, even things you would not think of as sand toys like different size cups or a spray bottle (if your child can squeeze it). You need towels, sandles on everyone's feet, hats for everyone, sunscreen for everyone (at least number 30), lots of snacks and drinks, and baby powder which after you put it on will make the sand come off easily. Also bring a garbage bag and anything else you would normally bring for your baby like diapers, wipes and a change of clothes.

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answers from Seattle on

I pack just a few, like 3 or 4 sand toys like a bucket, and shovel etc and put in a large tote bag and put those in there, along with sunblock, towels, extra set of clothes for baby (diapers, wipes etc) and snacks and a garbage bag for sandy items later. And a blanket to sit on if you want.

Then I pack a small cooler with some drinks and go. Then we only have the tote bag, cooler, and baby to carry. Everyone's already wearing hats, and sunglasses so no need to carry anything else.

That's what we do anyways. Have fun at the beach, I am so jealous!

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answers from New York on

I tote everything including my toddler in my jogging stroller. It's amazing how much it holds in the compartment under the seat. I forego the chairs and just bring a huge sheet for us to sit on. I always have sunscreen and diapers and a sun hat in the car--year round. So basically I just have to add odds and ends like a towel, toys and snacks.

Have fun. And if you forget anything important, I'm sure you can just pick it up on the way.

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answers from Atlanta on

Don't feel silly, ever parent on here probably went through the same thing on their first day trip with a kid. I can't give you an exact list but generally here's some info...
So wagons work a lot better than strollers on the beach. If you have only one kid, there should be room for him to ride in it along with a bag of stuff (if it has a cover/ roof, then you have a good covered spot for a nap. However many clothes you think you need, triple that number. Even if you leave several sets in the car, trust me there will be multiple needed changes. Lots of water, juice, crackers, snacks. Lots of old bags for dirty diapers. Sunscreen, kid hat (if he'll where it), beach toys, wipes (butt & antibacterial), sandals, shoes, water shoes, and whatever other thought floats past your mind and you say to yourself "we'll never need that" will be the one thing you will need the most. That's how it happens. Have fun & good luck.

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answers from Los Angeles on

We just went to the beach Sunday. I did not want to lug tons of stuff this time. Everybody wore a backpack and got in the car w/ beach clothes & water shoes on. 2 year old had little backpack with his wipes etc & a few toys. My backpack had lunch, towels, plastic grocery bags for wet stuff & change of clothes. 9 year old's backpack had her change of clothes and towel. 9 year old carried buckets. In the past I've carried chairs on my shoulder and an umbrella in my hand.

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answers from Washington DC on

beach umbrella
sunblock - spray works well
pail and shovel - $1 store
chair / sand mat
bucket hat
money for ice cream

our chair has a carry strap, the umbrella has a carry strap, everything else we put into IKEA type bags that won't hold the sand.

* I usually take my kids to the beach in the afternoon. 4p time frame. This way the sun is not so hot, the sand is not too hot, the crowds start to thin, and the

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answers from New York on

Wagons, or purpose built granny carts, complete with inflatable wheels, and hooks onto which you can hang your folding chairs are an option. Went with my toddler on Sunday. I took nothing more than a diaper bag, a queens sized flat sheet, and an umbrella. We stayed roughly 2.5 hours in the early a.m. (no beach traffic). Left the house at 8:30, beach at 9 am, stayed until 11:30, ate lunch in the car, and were tuckered out plenty for an afternoon nap.

If you aren't staying the whole day, you can easily leave a lot of stuff at the car. a change of clothes, baby powder, a few spare towels, aloe etc.

Also, on a side note, just be prepared that even if baby loves the bath, they might be afraid of the ocean. Sand and surf can be noisy and intimidating.

Good luck to you and yours,
F. B.

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answers from Cleveland on

I can't go to the beach light. We burn WAY too easily! We bought a beach cart online a couple of years ago, and use that to tote our pop up canopy, a small cooler for drinks and snacks (grapes, orange slices, etc) a bag for our towels, some crackers, sunscreen, some cheapy beach toys, etc, and a beach chair for mama. We usually buy beach toys at the dollar store, that way if we are too exhausted to carry everything at the end of the day, we can just leave them (We put them next to the garbage cans, that way other people can take them if they want).They really do come in handy if the kids need to take a break in the shade.

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answers from Dallas on

We have a sportbrella that is awesome! Totally worth the $50! Lots of shade, spf and it's easy to set up.
We take towels, wipies, sunscreen, sunglasses, a cooler for drinks, a bag with beach toys, water shoes, snacks, etc. Chairs, lifejacket (for our 4 year old), floaties.

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answers from Bellingham on

We went to the beach on Sunday. It was an impromptu visit so took nothing beachy. The children ended up swimming and playing in their undies. It was magnificent.

On a normal planned beach day I have a beach basket with towels, sunscreen, and bottled water. We all wear our hats, so no carrying them. If it's a really big beach day we'll take a beach umbrella or shade.

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answers from Detroit on

Sunscreen, towels, chairs if you want, an umbrella or something else to create some shade. Some beach toys, like a bucket and shovel. Snacks and a cooler with sandwiches and drinks. Get everyone who is capable to carry something. Or make multiple trips.

ETA: My cousins would bring a little inflatable kiddie pool when their kids were that age, and they would fill it with water - it would get warm in the sun and the kids were happy splashing around in it with their toys. It was also handy for rinsing off sand.

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