5 Month Old Teething

Updated on January 10, 2008
A.L. asks from Fort Worth, TX
32 answers

I have an almost 6 month old who is teething and waking up about 4 or 5 times at night, crying...we'll put her paci back in and she goes to sleep for a little while and then will wake back up and the same process repeats itself...she was sleeping thru the night until she started teething...I'm assuming this is what it is...any thoughts, advice or otherwise?
I have a 3 year old and she didn't do this...my younger just must be having a harder time of it? Any advice or stories would be great...I have to believe its going to end soon:)
Thanks so much for the help!

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answers from Dallas on

i have a 15 month old daughter and when she was teething we got some night time baby orajel that we put on her gums before she went to bed and we also would give her infant tylenol for pain and that would help her sleep through the night or most the night. i hope this helped you some. good luck.




answers from Houston on

I highly recommend teething tablets. With my son I referred to them as personality transplants. With in a few minutes he would be behaving like a normal baby. I love them



answers from Austin on

Some little ones have a harder time getting those little chompers through the gums than others. All of my kids had a tough time and usually cut their teeth 2 at a time. When my 35 year old was having a miserable time teething, I was told to take a spoon and use it to cut the gum where the teeth were. (You could see them but they were just too stubborn to come through) Just the thought made me sick to my stomach and sent shivers down my spine so I just gave him a soup spoon to chew on. This worked on all 4 of my kids and they now use it for their kids.
When they get old enough for table food, the bone from a chicken leg works well too. I would take off that small bone on the side and the cartilage from the end and they would just chomp away.

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answers from Dallas on

Have you tried rubbing a little tylenol on her gums before you put her down at night? This really seemed to help our son. We tried orajel but that actually made him even more cranky and upset.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Dallas on

I would try a wedge underneath the top of the mattress where you lay her. When they teeth, they produce so much spit and it could back into her sinuses, ears, etc.
I may be way off base... but it seems that added pressure from that would drain better if she slept at a slant.
Of course if she traveled like my son, it may not help...
I'm sorry!
good luck



answers from Austin on

During the day, try frozen bagels or frozen waffles or friends would even lightly "freeze" a passifier for night use during teething, but watch the bagel and when it gets soggy throw it out so that choking isn't a hazard. Anna, now 12, had some of this, but not much. It always got worse right before they broke through. Then more regular sleep patterns returned. Our grandparents rubbed the gums with alcohol -- yes, beer, wine, rum -- but that is definitely frown on. The doctor did have some ointment (orajel?) for teething (it is sold over the counter, so check with the pharmasist at your local drug store) but it didn't help that much that I could tell. I was still nursing her until 2, so nursing often would loll her back to sleep. Others have tried alternating ibuprophen/tylenal as a last resort. It can work. Best wishes



answers from Houston on


I always take them to the dr. after a few nights of that kind of thing just to make sure they are healthy otherwise. (Check for ear infections, ect.) If the dr. agrees it's probably teething I give them a dose of baby tylenol right before bed and usually that helps.
Best of luck!



answers from Dallas on


My daughter went through this too! It seemed like forever before she was done! I know how awful it can be. Please know that it will pass and soon she'll be her happy, sleepy self again! :-)

In the mean-time, get this MIRACLE natural remedy we found:

It's called Children's Teething Relief and you might be able to find it at health food stores (like Whole Foods) but my mother-in-law buys it by the case online... maybe even off of eBay. It is all-natural... like chamomile and other herbs. And our daughter, Emma loves it! When she sees the bottle, she says, "More?" and opens her mouth for us to give her drops.

It honestly is like liquid-gold in our house! Emma's teething was HORRIBLE the first time around, but after we found this, we hardly even notice until her new teeth are there!

Here's the website:

For the temporary relief of the symptoms of teething pain, restlessness, toothache, sore or tender gums associated with teething.

For children and infants over 4 months of age, place 0.5ml under the tongue every 20 minutes until symptoms improve, then every 4 hours or as needed. For children under 4 months of age, consult a health care professional

Active: Chamomilla 3X, 6X, 12X, 30X (Chamomile), Calcarea Phosphorica 6X (Calcium Phosphate), Kali Phosphoricurn 6X (Potassium Phosphate), Magnesia Phosphorica 6X (Magnesium Phosphate), Staphysagria 9X (Stavesacre) Inactive: Purified Water, Glycerin, Citric Acid

Good Luck! Hang in there!



answers from Abilene on

freeze a few teething rings, you can use baby orajel as well. you could take her to a pedeodontist (not sure spelling is right) to see if her baby teeth are still deep in the gum. I all way usued the teething ring to feeze the gums that usually will work for a while and maybe she will get up less times at night.



answers from San Francisco on

We went through the same thing... my daughter is five months too and cut her first tooth over New Years! If it is truly teething should not last more than a couple to three nights at a time max.
I have taken my daughter twice to check for ear infections, etc. and it was teething. Infant tylenol has helped a little.



answers from Houston on

5 of my 7 had horrible problems, pain and drooling when teething. The baby seems to get teethin and you don't have a clue. The others did not sleep for months and they normally spept 12 hours straight. The only thing that worked with mine were giving them a dose of Motrine before bed and a dose about 5 hours before that plus giving them the Hylands Teething Tablets (baby area at Walmart). I gave them the teething tablets all afternoon and right before bed. They are allnatural and we never had a problem. The drooling was the worst. Two of mine ran a high fever with teething, the others just a low grade fever. For the ones that ran fever I did motrine edvery 6 hours with tylenol inbetween at the 3 hour mark. I did this around the clock for those 2 kids. hth



answers from Killeen on

My daughter worked wonderfully with the Hylands all Natural teething tablets - they were a godsend when she started teething. They are my recommendation!

I tired to baby orjel and tylenol and whatever other moms suggested, then a work-study that worked for me at the time brought me a bottle and said "try these"!

I didnt know how to thank her so I bought her a prepaid credit card with $50 - not knowing what she liked and figured as single mother she could use it for anything she needed or wanted! just for saving my sanity and giving me the peace of mind and ability to get some quality sleep at night again!

good luck!



answers from Amarillo on

when my son was teething he was a nightmare. Fevers, chewing/numming through his lips and cheeks. I used motrin and rubbed clove oil on his gums. It made a big difference.



answers from El Paso on

My son did the same thing a month or so ago. I would just nurse him a little when he woke up and he would go right back to sleep. I think the pain gets to much for them. Just think of how we felt when our wisdom teeth came in and they have about 4 at once! I hope you find a solution but it will pass with time.



answers from Dallas on

Have you tried treating it as a hunger problem, like a growth spurt? If you've recently introduced solids, maybe you need to make sure she's still getting enough milk/formula?



answers from Dallas on

Hey A., I know the feeling!
My 2 1/2 year old went through this. I don't remember any of my older 4 kids as bad. Now, if it is teething.. Have you tried the baby orajel? Another good thing besides the toys you can put in the freezer are the little nets you can put cold/frozen fruit in and let them 'chew' on for relief. But that's during the day. Now, night is when it's most stressful I know. Tylenol or Motrin for pain is one thing, but another thing I used and I believed really worked were the homeopathic 'Teething tablets'. You just place one or two in thier mouths, and it dissolves instantly. They seem to numb the gums, and soothe. (I tried a couple in my mouth first). Remember with teething that they can run a low-grade temp., have diarreah, and it usually is relieved once the tooth actually 'cuts' through. So there is a light at the end of the tunnel. If it's colic, that's another ball game. Mylecon drops, chamomile tea, gentle tummy rubs, all help some. Also, if you're feeding her powder formula, I swear when my son(now 6) had colic nothing was working the pedi. recommended, and I switched him to concentrate, and voila!-cured. We finally came to the conclusion that the powder was too hard for him to break down and digest. I knew he wasn't lactose intolerant because I had breastfed him the first few months. Anyways, these are just a few suggestions for you, and maybe your husband will help alternate getting up and rocking her, or comforting her. Motrin seems to help with the pain/low temp. if thier running it, and sleep as well. My youngest didn't sleep one night all the way through until she was 2 years old so I'm feeling for you, but at her age, it most likely is just teething and it will pass. Good Luck! :-)



answers from Dallas on

Alot of people may disagree, but my twins are teething right now, and being a single mom who values her sleep, I just give them some Tylenol, put some Orajel on their gums, a few ounces to comfort them and put them back down.



answers from Lubbock on

Try infant tylenol.Or baby orajel.Also if you are from lubbock we have a babies"r"us on slide and I bought my son somthing really neat there that has really helped.It is a battery power infant tooth brush with removable heads one of them is a gum massager and it vibrates.You have to watch it though because the vibrations tend to loosen it out of the locked postion so I always hold mine in place but it works great.You can also try freezing wash rags and letting you baby chew on them.My baby was not a fan of teething rings except the round one by gerber.It is just a plain round teething ring bit he likes it.Good luck my baby has an aful time with teething on a bad night tylenol has always worked for me.You can get a chart from your doc so you can get the exact dosage for your babiews weight.



answers from Dallas on

Teething can last months even w/o seeing a tooth emerge. Call your ped for dossage size and give her a dose of tylenol before bed and put baby oragel on her gums. We are going through the same thing with my 6.5 month old. She has been doing this for 2 months now.

Good luck!!!


answers from Dallas on

My now 4 month old is doing that and I usually give him some oragel and it seems to make him happy. If all else fails, then I give him tylenol and nurse him back to sleep. Hope this Advice helps!



answers from Houston on

not sure if anyone else mentioned this, but there is a night time formula oragel that is a bit stronger than the regular stuff. look in the pharmacy isle or some places they keep it behind the pharmacy counter. good luck!



answers from Dallas on

We used the Hylands teething pills during the day (they're homeopathic), but at night we had to use baby Motrin and/or baby Tylenol. If it was really bad, we used both as our ped instructed. The first teeth, eye teeth and the molars were the worst for my ds. I felt horrible at first for medicating him, but he was in pain and it did help him (and us) get some rest. Frozen wash clothes and frozen bagels were helpful too -- but during the day of course.

Good luck.



answers from Houston on

you got some good recommendations. Something you should know though is that it is very common for babies this age to wake frequently. My baby is just now getting back to a normal sleep pattern. It's important (if there are not health problems) to just let them fuss a little and see if they go back to sleep. I've been doing that and she's been sleeping until 4:30 (as opposed to waking every hour or two...)



answers from Dallas on

We did Teething tablets and baby oragel (sp?) during the day along with tylenol. Before bed we would give her Tylenol to help with the pain. If she wakes up in the middle of the night again and if it was more than 4 - 6 hours I would give her more Tylenol.



answers from Dallas on

Gentle Naturals Teething Drops



answers from Houston on

I have 3 boys and teething was a diffucult time. I gave my sons tylenol before bed to help with pain and sleep. My boys did not like the oral gel, but you could always try if your daughter likes it. During the evening after supper I also let my boys chew on cool rings. I had several and left them in the refrig until the needed it. I hope this helps.



answers from Austin on

Hylands all Natural teething tablets work for us...(and little teethers/orajel/anbesol on the specific area)



answers from San Antonio on

Also make sure that you are "brushing" her gums with a finger brush and baby toothpaste (they come together in a package in the baby isle). Apparently the bacteria that can collect on the gums can cause pain while teething. Good luck!



answers from Houston on

It will end soon...my husband and I went through the same exact thing with our (now 10 month old) son. After trying everything from comforting him to teething gel, we found a solution that worked!

Before Gavin (our son) went to bed we would give him teething tablets (can be found at CVS - they are all natural and have chamomille to help to calm them down) and some tylenol. This worked wonders and he started to sleep through the night (though it did take a few days)! Any time he woke up, we would give him the teething tablets to help ease the pain and calm him down as well as some Tylenol, as long as it was within the time specified OK to give it to him on the bottle.

During the day, frozen fruit in those mesh bags were wondeful and it gave him some vitamins and nutrients...I found that melon seemed to work te best because it didnt fall apart in little pieces.




answers from Dallas on

When my sons were teething our pedi told us to take Chloroseptic and saturate a q-tip and rub it on their gums. It keeps it numb longer than Baby Orajel (which in my opinion dosn't work anyway...)
You might try teething tablets as well. They are a Homeopathic remedy.
We used both and they got through it and we got some sleep too.
Good luck!\



answers from Sherman on

Get her the homepathic Hyland's teething tablets.

Get her to a chiropractor - sometimes teething can put such pressure on them they have huge headaches from their jaw pain - chiropractic will help tremendously I promise.

A. <><



answers from Longview on

Have the ears checked. Ear infection comes in many forms. After that ask your ped. about just giving her some tylenol to help her sleep.

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